Cao Ye has been watching for too long, as a bystander, he can see clearly.

But Huang Hao has missed a few years of practice after all, if he continues to fight, the final result may not be too good.

It is very likely that both parties will try their best to die, and neither will get any benefits.

"You also said that I have gained the upper hand, why not let the disciple continue?" Huang Hao asked puzzled.

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Now you have made enemies with the Quartet. Even if you can rely on your last breath to win the fruit of victory, what about them?"

Pairs of covetous eyes, with ulterior motives, especially those of the Ancient God Mountain, wished they could rush up now and kill the two in front of them.

In the end, the curtain fell, and the two sides left the field respectively, but the silent heart did not feel lonely because of this. Everyone was looking forward to the opening of the sky battlefield and witnessing the god-level scene.

Regardless of the ups and downs of the outside world, this place is still withered and yellow, and the Gobi reefs seem to have been burned.

"I believe you have memorized the tricks he used before. Of course, you don't have to blame yourself. Failure is a common thing in military affairs. When the next time the arena is in the sky, you can't do it again. A tie is a loss." "Cao Dian reminded, invisibly giving a little pressure.

After several days in a row, Cao Ye clearly saw the growth of a seedling.

It is not (ajdi) the final decisive battle, but it is enough to shock all the onlookers. Every move and every style has the state of swallowing mountains and rivers, which is enough for the eyes.

"That kid is terrifying, and the power behind him is also extraordinary, but in the past month, if you learn how to use these four swords, you will definitely win by surprise.

Said, the faces of these people changed.

"Then disciple will bear with him for a while, and deal with him after a month." Huang Hao let go of his last breath of anger, and then changed his expression to be relieved.

"That kid ran out from the Holy Cult of the Outer Lands, and he may have some rare Medicine Pill on him. He may recover faster, but his injuries are also heavier.

Compared with the past, it is not as boring as before. The strong come and go, the weak avoid, and the figures in front and back leave behind countless footprints.

The creatures in the distance also quieted down, and the guardian creatures, after the two of them made no big moves, also left with the wind.

"So, that's the same for Huang Yi." Huo Ling'er continued to ask.

But after this strike, both sides took a few steps toward retreated, and mouthfuls of pus and blood were coughed up.

Some people want to be a fisherman, how could Cao Ye let his apprentice fall into this trap.

Both sides were already suffering from internal injuries, and most of the Spirit Power was consumed, and finally they staggered out of the field.

"I heard that you were injured, I don't know how you are now, here is a medicine pill, you take it first." Huo Ling'er dripped out a medicine pill, the fragrance filled the air, and there was still some faint light shining through it.

However, Huang Hao is now the idol of many younger generations, shining radiantly to cover the sky. Passing all the way, destroying the prestige of the Ancient God Mountain line, almost no one of the human race has done this. He has already been promoted to a legendary figure, and it can be seen that the scenery is boundless.

Not long after, the friends who heard the news, headed by Huo Ling'er, surrounded the little hero in their hearts, and surrounded him.

Immediately, the suppressed sound wave completely boiled up, and there was a lot of noise.

The big event that happened today is enough to shake the entire wasteland, and of course this is also the beginning of the storm.

Just at this time, Huang Yi suddenly picked up and kicked violently, Huang Hao treated him indifferently, and responded calmly, swung his right arm and punched suddenly, pure force collided.

Then, the Four Immortal Swords appeared in front of Cao Dian. .

"Stop pretending, kid. There's no need to be polite. Healing is the most important thing. A month's time is not long!" As soon as Cao Ye opened his mouth, the apprentice stopped pretending.

"I suffered some serious injuries and vomited a lot of blood, but as long as I don't hurt my origin, I can recover as before, so don't worry." Cao Dian explained.

Fire family, family land.

"Master Sword God, is Huang Hao okay?" Huo Ling'er asked with concern.

After a while, Huang Hao's body began to heat up, and the bones propped up by the breath crackled, and soon his little face turned rosy.

Of course, this is also the first time in Huang Hao's life that he has encountered such a difficult nut to crack.

After many days, the two masters and apprentices returned again. Although it was not clear who would win and who would win that battle, both sides already knew the other's ability and were ready to fight.

Huang Yi, who is outstanding in talent, has practiced in secret for so many years, and pretended to be condescending, and ended up in a situation of equal shares in the end, what a shameful thing.

Huang Hao felt that he had let down his master a little. With so many talents, treasures and chances added to him, he still paid a huge price. However, the other party was only seriously injured and did not win.

"You're seriously injured this time, is one month enough?" Cao Ye asked.

"Under your expectations, master, if I work harder, with three or five moves, the winner will be determined.

The golden light disappeared completely, and the strange aura was no longer seen. The destroyed marginal order between heaven and earth gradually returned to stability.

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