It is also the bloodline and spirit body inherited from ancient times. Once upon a time, this was hailed as the supreme Innate Talent, and the Ancient God Mountain line has established a broad and deeply cultivated foundation.

Over the past thousand years, there have been countless talents with extraordinary talents. Because of this, although they are few in number, they can still be unshakable like a huge mountain among many forces.

This move by Cao Ye was almost ignoring them. Not only was he beheaded, but he was also placed on the chopping block like a beast and allowed to be slaughtered.

Not only was the Golden Devil spider pissed off, but the dignity of the entire Ancient God mountain range had already been ripped off.

Especially the "647" blond middle-aged man in front of him, who has practiced for Thousand Years and has never seen it before. Don't be so insulting and provocative. A burst of anger Blood Qi rushed straight to his heavenly spirit. Behind him, black The figure in his body was agitated like a raging fire, he had already been ignited, and the distance erupted, between a line.

"For him, dying in the hands of the strong is the best result." The blond middle-aged man endured the anger in his heart, and said: "I heard that the Protoss is on the rise, and there are countless young heroes, but But hearing is deception, seeing is believing, why don't you and I compete and let the loser be slaughtered by the winner?"

He was already extremely angry, but Cao Ye shook his head helplessly, and said: "Bullying a little bastard, what's the glory of winning? Why don't you let your ancestors fight with me, otherwise, like you The juniors are not convinced and challenge me one after another, won't they be exhausted to death?"

Cao Ye put down his wine glass, walked up to him and patted his shoulder, and said in that extremely peaceful tone.

The whole atmosphere became extremely strange, and because of that unforgivable statement, everyone's eyes were all focused on him.

The blond-haired middle-aged man, the demonic blood in his blood was already boiling, and his golden pupils were covered with anger marks, and it was obvious that he was about to explode with anger.

A little brat of the human race dared to speak so brazenly. Facing such a provocation, he must have been unable to bear it.

"Unforgivable!" His voice exploded like thunder, golden lightning spread throughout the void, and the demon energy in his body also exploded. At the same time, a pair of big golden hands rushed towards Cao Ye's back, seemingly I want to take the flame of anger at this moment and kill it with one move.

"Human Emperor's birthday, don't mess around!"

Cao Ye didn't even turn his head for the last time, and his footsteps were still moving forward gently. At this moment, the void seemed to be frozen, and those big hands could not move, and the power of rune emanating from his body was also frozen.

The appearance of this scene shocked everyone. This was the first time he had seen the sword god make a move. The silent tricks and moves could make the blond middle-aged man unable to move, like a series of vines, restraining him Same there.

However, a scouting little guy suddenly came out from Cao Ye's Cosmos Bag, fluffy, with big eyes, as if looking at prey.

Before Cao Ye could react in time, those young teeth directly bit down on the golden leg, refusing to let go.

The cat-like Star Soul Beast was only a few feet in size, and its teeth were so sharp that it just bit down on it with one bite, and a hole was gnawed out of its precious clothes.

The small teeth marks were clearly visible, and the leg was already bleeding, which made the little guy even more excited.

You must know that the bloodline inherited from the ancient times has an extremely hard body, even without armor to defend itself, ordinary ice blades can't hurt 0

The appearance of this scene undoubtedly made everyone's jaw drop again.

The little guy looked silly, and after a while, he rushed into the Qiankun bag again, perhaps showing half of his head to watch the situation outside.

"Not everything can be eaten, this guy is covered in poisonous blood, and there is not much meat." Cao Ye touched the star soul beast's fur, and then sealed the Qiankun bag back.

The main thing is that you don't know the depth of your opponent. If the star soul beast is poisoned, it will be a disadvantage.

The middle-aged man endured the pain in the wound, maybe he didn't even think that he was bitten by a small star soul beast halfway, but he couldn't let go, and he didn't care

I just used herbs to smear the wound, that's all.

"It just so happens that I've eaten and drank enough, so let's drink away." Cao Ye pointed in the direction of the Martial Arts Field, and then gave him another look.

But Cao Ye should not underestimate the enemy. It is different from Kunpeng's lair. The opponent was first provoked by 3.9 and then insulted.

There are many inheritances in the lineage of Shenshan, and each spirit body group under it has different roles. If he had not obtained one or two treasures passed down from ancient times, I am afraid he would not be so arrogant.

However, the Cultivation Base posture shown by Cao Ye is different from ordinary people, just like ordinary people, and the cultivation and deeds are different from the cultivators in the current world. The opponent can only be deduced from the age. As for the real Cultivation Base Realm, middle-aged men can't see it.

"Why, don't you dare?"

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