Wherever Huang Hao passed by, the crowds all looked ashen, which was extremely ugly.

There were more or less conflicts, but it was not to attract hatred. Huang Hao suddenly appeared on the stage, which means that the sword god has not passed away, and the land of ten deaths and no life that eats people without spitting out bones, even failed to bring the two of them together. Annihilated here.

"Oh, it's hard to put it into words!" Huang Hao sighed, and regardless of who was beside him, he said bluntly: "I was tricked by these guys, but I also searched for a good Good Fortune, but I also suffered from it for several years. Salted fish, thinking about it now makes my stomach sick."

The Ancient God Mountain Range, Sea Clan, etc., are almost all in place.

The first half of the sentence boasted that he has a pretty face, but the second half of the sentence immediately changed the taste.

It just made him feel that the people who came to this birthday banquet were all monsters, horses and snakes, or those who had deep hatred and were hard to resolve.

Wang Chunchun is not stupid, and he has a strong ability to observe words and emotions. In addition, he has lived in the Imperial City of Shi Kingdom for many years, and he has also inquired about these news clearly. I saw him today.

The person who came was the princess of the kingdom of fire, who came to congratulate on behalf of the fire kingdom.

"Little Fatty!" At this moment, Huang Hao shouted and waved enthusiastically.

A little Fatty made her angry and angry, and then the voice was so familiar to her, when she saw Huang Hao walking over, she could only shake her hands at him.

Not long after, another powerful force appeared at the arch and fell within Cao Ye's field of vision.

Afterwards, the young talents standing in front of Huo Ling'er quickly moved closer to the two sides and flashed a path. They knew how powerful this young man was, so they had nothing to do with them, and how dare they provoke him.

"Brother, I heard that you swept a large area of ​​them in the False God Realm back then, and you are really capable of causing trouble!"

The shocking news, without conveying it up and down, has already stirred up in their hearts, like a stormy sea, walking in front of them is a little Devil.

"Spring, can you keep a low profile?"

I saw many people coming around a human race (ajfd) girl, like the stars holding the moon, the crowd was surging, holding her high, it seemed that she had a lot of background.

When Huang Hao saw this, he seemed a little angry, and immediately changed his words, saying hello: "I haven't seen you for a few years, and I've grown up a lot... The female college has changed, and the more you change, the better you look... ..The chubby little face has become tender...haha."

The sudden return of the two masters and apprentices is surprising and gratifying, but there is still some concern. After all, the current general environment and pattern are undergoing reorganization and changing.

The enemies were extremely jealous, and the rumors were confirmed.

Of course, with a master in charge, if he turns his face on him, he won't mind if he gets a big vote. After all, it's a matter of time before he gets a big fight, so why not take advantage of this opportunity and take them all in one pot? Lose.

As soon as the words came out, someone stared at him not far away.

Those who followed were shouting birthday wishes.


However, although I have not personally witnessed the bloody battle between the master and the apprentice, most of the fallen Venerables and spirit bodies died in the Kunpeng lair because of the two.

But Naihe and those people can only pretend on the surface, their hearts are turbulent, and they dare not attack in front of others. They only see that this is the imperial capital of the human race. What about the opponent.

"there is always a solution to a problem"

"Then is your master alright?" Huo Linger asked with concern. Of course, she heard some unpleasant news. She did not participate in the extremely tragic battle at the time, but the news of Venerable's fall has spread all over the world. The degree of tragedy, the forces involved, no, they were able to help at that time.

"Our distinguished guest has arrived!" Ren Huang said lightly from the side.

And this woman is wearing a fiery red dress, which outlines the plump body more vividly. She is a natural beauty, as if she has stepped out of a painting and calligraphy. Her white legs with dual cultivation are even more captivating. Seductive, eye-catching.

The current Huo Ling'er gritted his teeth and seemed very angry when he saw the child he hadn't seen for many years.

It's okay to live in peace with these people, but it's okay to pretend, but there are too many enemies who have already confronted life and death, and it feels a little strange.

This woman is Huo Ling'er, the jewel in the palm of the Fire Emperor.

Before the words were finished, Huo Ling'er immediately interrupted: "Where have you been these past few years? And your master? My lord father has been talking about it all day, because of this matter, I have been sleepy all day long."

Huo Ling'er, who was enjoying it, was in a good mood and very happy. Surrounded by a group of people, he was treated like a daughter of the God of Heaven.

In recent years, the alliance between the two countries has been good, with the assistance and support of both sides, and the development speed has advanced by leaps and bounds.

It can be regarded as a reunion of old friends, but, a few years ago, the news that the two masters and apprentices who were so powerful in all directions had died in battle, although they can't confirm it with their own eyes, they can only be believed.

Wang Chunchun always flaunts his might, Huang Hao doesn't have this habit, he doesn't take the initiative to give way, and he doesn't take the initiative to step forward to shout, poke at the shortcomings of others, and show off his own prestige back then.

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