On the other hand, Cao Ye has already entered the Great Hall of the Imperial Palace.

Without some pleasantries, he could see the confusion in the Emperor's heart instead. He had already reached the peak of Venerable on Realm, but his demeanor was a bit decadent.

In fact, when Renhuang waited for Cao Ye and Xiaoming to return without any reason, he took a boatload of treasures and sent them out along with the space crack.

Then after breaking out, there was another bloody storm. In order to get rid of the disputes of the huge top forces, a lot of elite forces in the city were consumed, and more than half of them had already been lost. In the end, less than tens of thousands returned.

The four great ancestors who chose to ally with them back then suffered even more heavy casualties. The disciples of the sect had all died in that storm. For the future inheritance and development of the human race, they had no choice but to stay in the imperial capital.

Most of the geniuses and earth treasures that were brought back were used, and the resplendent and resplendent images Cao Ye saw when he came here were just because of this.

"Things change, often suddenly, but most of the faces in the city are unfamiliar, but there are also explanations." After thinking about it this way, Cao Ye felt much more at ease in his heart. It's not that they don't remember, but the people who remember Most are dead.

They died for the glory and brilliance of the ethnic group in the future, sacrificing their lives and fighting hard, just for the scenes that Cao Ye saw today.

"Ten years have passed in a flash, I never thought that you would come back!"

Hearing this, Cao Ye frowned. After thinking about it carefully, the Minor World in Kunpeng Realm has different laws and trajectories from the flow of time and light in the outside world.

Obviously it's only been a few years, and it's only a year before parting, but Yixian said it was ten years.

Ten years of changes, the peak powerhouses are still in the same row, and Realm has stagnated, even if there is a tendency to surpass, it is because of a special force that overrides the body, suppressing the self's Cultivation Base and understanding. I feel that I am missing something, and the sense of crisis is still fluctuating around me.

Therefore, Human Sovereign began to Insight the ancient methods recorded in the ancient books passed down from Insight. Just by Insight, one can feel its strength, and this is to break the current bottleneck.

The Human Sovereign also stepped into the forbidden area of ​​the imperial city many times, feeling the ancient vicissitudes and mysterious atmosphere. Thinking back to the beginning, the human race once dominated one side in the wasteland, but it was just in the rising trend of all races. As time went by, the speed of development gradually slowed down.

But the once unrivaled powerhouse ignited the fire of the human race, created many ancient countries, enjoyed hundreds of millions of mountains and rivers, and enjoyed endless years, and recorded all this in the forbidden place in the ancient country, telling all about it , and more inheritance.

Especially after going through Kunpeng's lair, the human race tended to be united. In just ten years, they walked around each other and shared the ancient scrolls and ancient methods of Insight.

"It's no wonder that the imperial palace was built so majestic and majestic. As long as you cultivate to a certain Realm, the law will appear to the heaven and the earth, and there is no way to settle down." Cao Ye sighed, guessing in his imagination.

There is more than one ancient towering building. In the ancient kingdom, the hidden ancient atmosphere is extremely rich, and it needs to be excavated by future generations.

The exploration of Kunpeng's lair is just the beginning. There are many secret realms like this in the whole wasteland.

In the pictures and texts of the murals with the breath of time, the former imperial city, the clear water flows through, the river runs through the entire palace, the scenery is picturesque, and there are many spiritual creatures in the water.

Now only the descendant dragon is left, shuttling up and down between the clear water, but compared to the real body of the dragon Venerable, it is only more than ten meters and a hundred meters, which is very different.

"Oh, white-headed turtle!" Cao Ye raised his hand and pointed.

"It is said that the tortoise's shell turns white, which is an auspicious omen. The return of the sword god today seems to be an omen!" Human Sovereign sighed.

Facing the picturesque scenery, there are still spirits haunting the scenery, and precious herbs appear on both sides of the river bank 473. People inside and outside the palace formed a small team to pick and collect them.

As the perspective of the two shifted to the Golden Luan Palace, the sound of birds in the clear moon slowly passed overhead. Like the colorful smoke, it is incomparably gorgeous, adding some Spiritual Qi to this magnificent imperial palace.

"I remember the last time, it was just full of flattery and flattery everywhere. After drinking and talking, I can't see these magnificent scenery anymore."

Cao Dian felt as if a few Hundred Years had passed. The towering ancient trees in the imperial palace had been around for a thousand years.

Inside and outside the palace, there are countless visitors.

There is no lack of positions of leaders and princes, and of course there are nobles and Rogue Cultivators Powered by other forces, and there are even arrogant people from the Ancient God Mountain lineage.

At this moment, his ferocious and bloody face disappeared like a brand new skin, and the butcher knife stained with other people's blood can only shine brightly under certain circumstances.


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