A group of people rushed forward again, ready to suppress Cao Ye.

And behind them, many kings shot together, affecting each other's minds.

"Kunpeng rune has been engraved in my mind, as for the bumpy road ahead, it depends on your luck!" Cao Ye laughed loudly, "then the figure disappeared in the rolling magic building.

Regret, regret, pity...

At this time, Cao Ye's condition was extremely bad, he reluctantly leaned on the rock wall, panting heavily.

"Hahahaha...." One person laughed heartily again and again, and said: "Finally they are dealt with, if it continues, the ones who will jump out of the devil's lair will be you and me.

Unless the own will is strong, the strength is so strong, it has been torn to pieces by those big Venerables, and I don’t know how many times I have died.

Under the altar, after they sighed with emotion, they threw themselves into a new round of fighting. Six different pieces of Kunpeng rune fell into the hands of Liufang. The hot potato once again caused a fierce battle.

Before the words were finished, the power coming from all directions seemed to be fueling the flames, more like those kings who had seen through Cao Ye's thoughts and directly hit in this direction.

"Put it to death and then live again! This is really a way out, master!" Huang Hao was also smiling, and to his surprise, there was really a way out in the desperate situation, which he couldn't have imagined.

Without this hot potato, the extremely crazy arrogance also turned to other directions at this moment, and the crazy steps ran towards six different directions.

Cao Ye wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, imagining the scene outside.

"The meaning of rune is all in my heart! You guys go to fight, it's better to have another earth-shaking one."

Tens of thousands of people gather together, each with their own evil intentions, and cruel methods appear frequently... This kind of feeling will naturally make people desperate. After just experiencing it, Cao Ye has an understanding, whoever gets the Kunpeng rune, They will all be enemies at The next moment.

Jumping into the devil's lair, the death of the two has been pronounced.

Falling inside the devil's lair, the endless sense of falling, and the cold wind blowing around him, not only did not make Cao Ye fall into despair, but a smile line appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Cao Ye looked around, but in the end it was still difficult to persevere. In order to preserve the overall situation, he could only wander among the various forces.

It's not as scary as imagined. If you want to, you can fly up at any time, step on the bulge of the mushroom rock wall, and escape from this place.

"If you put it to death, you will have a chance to make a comeback. They think it is a devil's lair, but for us, what we are encountering right now is purgatory and the abyss!"

Cao Ye looked at the billowing black smoke on the altar, and showed a strange smile.

But they don't know that even Liuheyi is only one-third of the inheritance, and there is still a long way to go, and Cao Ye's choice is to explore a new journey, not because of own Dangerous situation, so escape pill. .

Venerable and the powerhouses are vying for it, and the king-level opponent is still eyeing him, but the curiosity in his heart has not completely receded, otherwise he would have slapped him long ago.

Suddenly, a huge force knocked the Kunpeng bone in his hand away. The breath of power was too strong, and suddenly, a mouthful of blood splashed on the bone in his hand. Throw it out, divide it into six parts in the air, and fly to different directions.

The scattered rune fragments were snatched up.

As the saying goes, taking advantage of the disease to kill it, cutting the weeds without eradicating the roots will cause endless troubles.

Killing the master and apprentice did not give them much sense of accomplishment. As for the anger in their hearts, it dissipated in an instant, and the huge rock in their hearts finally fell. After all, the pressure Cao Ye put on them was too terrifying.

Without hesitation, Huang Hao followed closely.

As for Cao Ye's deliberate action, the other Kunpeng bones, which are divided into six, can no longer be assembled completely. With so many powerful forces and so many kings suddenly appearing, it is already a great fortune to grab one.

"What do you mean?" Huang Hao already guessed the answer, but this answer is too scary.

In the final analysis, Cao Ye can also be regarded as a young Supreme. In order to solve this big trouble, I don’t know how many powerful people have fallen. The pile of corpses is higher than that mountain. It can be seen that the price they paid is extremely heavy.

The big Venerables let out a long breath, but it's a pity that the two human race teenagers were not born at the right time. If they were in the usual way, they would definitely be treated differently, and the result would be completely opposite.

0......seeking flowers......

"Master, we still have nowhere to go!" Huang Hao helped the master up.

"The real body of the multi-party king has appeared. If you are not targeted, you still have a chance, but now there is only one way left!"

At the same time, the ancestors of the Ancient God Mountain line even condensed a rune spear and stabbed straight over.

But seeing this scene, such a bleak ending, made many people sigh with emotion.

A flash in the pan, blooming, easy to pass away, dim too quickly, the candle belonging to Cao Ye, in their hearts, finally went out.

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