"Then the disciple is going to fly!" As soon as his demeanor changed, Huang Hao went crazy, frantically pushing the power of the divine ring in his body, two long swords, one left and one right, in my two palms, two rays of light alternated At last, a Sword Ray cut across and killed the group of people waiting in front of them.

"Little Doll!"

At this moment, Flood Dragon Venerable suddenly appeared, and the long knife in his hand was not a vegetarian, so he directly hit it.

The stronger opponents also roared at this moment, and opened their mouths to spit out a piece of rune, like a sky full of starlight, which could easily flood the entire Realm. Standing in it, Huang Hao seemed to be suppressed, but in fact he had been Waiting for this moment to happen, only the desperate situation can make oneself stronger. In this state between Life and death, the only way to survive is to do your best. This is the only choice.

The Linglong Pagoda 027 in his hand also fell off under the impact of these forces, slipped from his palm, and sank to the bottom of the pool.

When Huang Hao saw this, he was even more furious. He entered a berserk state all the way, and one after another divine rings were attached to his body. Every pore of his body was emitting rays of light.

He tried his best to fight with these people crazily, and all kinds of tricks and on-the-spot attack methods have basically been revealed. He slashed at the bridge of the opponent's nose with a sword, and the opponent was also at the Venerable level. The opponent immediately used the treasure on his body to protect his body, seemingly calmly blocking the strike, but at some point, a piece of blue-gray stone came around from behind and just hit the front door.

The bridge of the nose was instantly broken, and blood splashed out.

This thing is exactly the knocking (ajci) brick that Cao Ye and the girl used to loot all the way two years ago. It reappeared at this time, not only its power increased dramatically, but it was also elusive and unpredictable. Besides, these guys have long been caught by this The stone hit has a shadow in my heart.

In this deep pool, most of those who come regardless of their lives are the young generation's favored children. Compared with Venerable, although they are inferior, their strength is not weak. In this place where fish and dragons are mixed, Venerable has to eat the God Stone What a loss, not to mention these young juniors, they couldn't stand it at all, and they cried bitterly when they were knocked out, and their resentment reached the extreme.

The light of bluestone is turning around here, and almost everyone who hangs around in front of Cao Ye and Huang Hao has undoubtedly suffered a loss. They all have broken nose bridges, bleeding foreheads, cracked eye corners, bruised noses and swollen faces, like I'm as angry as a pig's head.

The Flood Dragon Venerable has the power to reach the sky, but the God-strike Stone is also a generation of artifacts, and can be controlled by the mind. It is difficult to catch its trajectory when it travels in this narrow Realm. One can even eat it accidentally. The Flood Dragon Golden Crown above the head He was shot down, and at this moment, his hair was disheveled, and he was more embarrassed.

A group of people waited and moved slowly, because no matter how fast their movements were, they could not be as fast as the crazy stone lurking in the dark. They turned from offense to defense, looking for another countermeasure in their hearts.

"Old people, times have changed. These treasures are all mine. Being able to pick up some leftovers has already proved your luck. It's already very good!" Huang Hao smiled proudly.

The two masters and apprentices, one in the open and the other in the dark, cooperated just right, making these guys play around.

At the same time, Huang Hao dived quickly, and the God-hitting Stone seemed to have another special connection with the Linglong Pagoda that sank into the bottom of the pool. In the dark environment under his feet, he could not see his fingers.

But it can easily catch its drop point.

"The situation may change, be careful!" You Yi reminded in secret.

But when Huang Hao came to the bottom of the cold pond, he found that the spirit body of the God-hitting Stone was screaming, as if going crazy, hitting the Linglong Tower with his small body, as if teeth had been born, crazy Biting it, wanting to swallow it in one gulp.

Obviously, the Linglong Pagoda is harder, not to mention, there is still chaotic soil with Kunpeng rune inside, and the inscriptions carved on the Linglong Pagoda have a unique law power blessing, so it is naturally difficult to destroy.

Huang Hao put the stone away, and the Linglong Tower was also held in his palm at this time, but when the two came into contact, the Linglong Tower itself had already developed spirituality, but it had not yet emerged with complete spiritual wisdom.

"Master, this treasure is very interesting!" Huang Hao sighed in surprise.

But Cao Ye said: "Since you like it, then this treasure belongs to you.

Because of a simple sentence, Huang Hao was ecstatic, as if he had completely understood his own mind, if he had the opportunity to refine it, inject his own will into it, and perfectly display the complete spirituality of the headquarters, in the future This small exquisite tower will be the first bust Magical Item belonging to own, which shows its extraordinary significance.

"Master treats me the best!" Huang Hao smiled darkly.

But the situation above was not very good. Although those villains didn't follow up, they kept paying attention to the actions of the master and the apprentice.

"Master, it seems that the God-hitting stone is connected with the spirituality of the pagoda?"

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