Another party of princes!

After splashing into the water, an extremely terrifying scene happened.

However, the people who have fallen into madness, how can they manage so much, it is completely regarded as being tricked by someone, but there will be time to react, as long as there are enough people, they will be lucky if they use the crowd tactics to dive for treasure people.

It's not just as simple as the cold air entering the body, there is also a strange force lingering around.

Unstoppable footsteps came one after another, and everyone was so frightened that their hairs stood on end. They pushed forward and embraced, and after hundreds of people died in battle, their footsteps stopped a little.

"Come on me!"

There are too many treasures inside, so a bloody storm is inevitable, but compared to the unique treasures they have seen before, they have more choices.

In the cold pool, there were indeed a few flashes of divine light, like fish swimming. A crowd of people waited and took a closer look, and it turned out to be Sword Embryo, the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda...

Dragon Bone God Iron Stone!

Countless semi-finished products, although they have not been refined yet, have driven the crowd into madness again.

In an instant, the confident man turned pale with fright, and took a step back again and again, but a drop of water from the cold pool still fell on his body, and the crystal clear ice flowers were spreading over his body at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon, it became A human popsicle.

Once the cold air lingering on the water surface contaminates his body, it will instantly freeze the body, and then a huge impact will instantly fall to the ground like ice cubes, breaking into pieces.

"It's not very similar, it's exactly the same!" Cao Ye affirmed Huang Hao's thoughts.

"It's true that there are so many people and so much strength. Master, this disciple also wants to go down and play in the water?" Huang Hao seemed to have seen a big piece of fat, and his eyes had already locked on a treasure.

In particular, the embryo of the sword is a rare thing from the cold pool. It comes from outside the sky, and the cloud falls here. It is the top of the top, and only a small piece of iron-containing essence is added to it


The creatures that go deep into the cold pool have different strengths and different practices, and even the creatures cultivated by the power of yin to cold have miracles on them

Then it can become the existence of supreme treasure.

All Venerables who heard the sound no longer hid their own aura, and all fell into the deep pool.

Directly ahead, streamers and rain were flying, and the mixed Spiritual Qi was even richer and astonishing. There was a cold pool not far away. Just standing aside, the cold air could be piercing. After a while, the skins of the crowd were frozen and cracked.

A few ancient characters are engraved on the stone tablet in the distance, the land of training soldiers!

Their footsteps moved slowly, and then they stopped breathing, and they all jumped down with a huff.

"It's a very familiar feeling. It seems to be somewhat similar to the profound ice in the depths of the sea, but with stronger power." Before Huang Hao thought about it, this feeling of extreme speed was exactly what he used when he broke through the Realm The extreme method, naturally 927 will not forget it, and it is also deeply felt.

However, the Magical Items in the cold pool have all been psychic, and when they flow like swordfish, they not only carry a certain amount of lethality, they scurry and dodge, and they are also very fast, giving no chance at all.

At the same time, that strange force came again, and the fleshy body like an ice sculpture cracked rapidly, only a crash was heard, and he died tragically on the spot.

A well-thought-out powerful man with a well-thought-out appearance, I saw him wave his big sleeves, and the aura he fanned out was full of divine light, which just dispelled the oncoming cold air. He was using the power of the precious tree to bless , Use this method to salvage one for everyone to see.

What I see in front of me is the biggest treasure in Kunpeng Immortal Cave, not to mention that it has gone through a long period of baptism, and it has a strong spirituality.

As long as you get a semi-finished product and refine it after going back, it will be a top-level holy treasure.

As expected, the rune submerged in the cold pool was extinguished in an instant before it could be ignited, almost without any effect. After a brief silence, a stream of water from the cold pool suddenly rushed out, like A pillar of frost struck towards him.

Everyone couldn't hold back, trembling with excitement, as if their brains were flooded, they jumped in regardless of the danger.

Judging from the layout inside, this is exactly the place where Kunpeng made treasures during his lifetime, and there is no need to guess what will be inside.

"I knew it wouldn't be that simple, but we were prepared!"

At this moment, regardless of other people, even Cao Ye's eyes turned red, let alone the multi-faceted powerhouse. Plop, plop, one sound after another.

"It's all inherited from the ancient times 09, and it's spiritual. The real treasure of Kunpeng is here!"

When the leader of the alliance gave the order, they all went crazy. What's more, after getting the order, they played cleverly and took a detour, but on the cold pool water shadow, everything seemed extremely hazy, The distance you see is not the real thing.

"If the old man doesn't expect it, the treasure should be hidden in the deep pool!" An old man stood on the deep pool, seeming to be counting in his hands, playing tricks.

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