Some people can recognize the breath of life sprayed out of the bottle because of this treasure, its inner space has another world, and the rich Spiritual Qi warms the entire body of the bottle, making it a unique treasure.

At this moment, the four princes from the lineage of Ancient God Mountain are also fighting for this treasure bottle. The four of them are on the same hand and one foot. When they make a move, they can move mountains and seas. The momentum is like a rainbow, and the rune breath that bursts out is even more terrifying .

At the same time, Cao Ye and his own baby apprentice wandered in one after the other, not toward someone else's goal, but in the direction of a seemingly inconspicuous futon.

In addition, there are people with the same vision. Outside of the attention of others, there is an undercurrent surging, and while feinting to fight for the vase, they touch their tentacles to the fu~tuan.

Not long after, the pure-blooded beings with the God's Bloodline finally couldn't bear it anymore, and the strong ones in the group were also extremely powerful. They fixed their eyes on the futon and participated in this dispute.

At first, a small Buddha group below did not have much light, and it seemed that the atmosphere of achievement was very strong|But when the Supernatural Power cast by everyone accidentally fell to the ground, it changed instantly.

It began to shine brightly, and as the luster became more and more intense, Cao Dian suddenly discovered that the material used to weave the futon was actually the roots of the sacred tree, green and shiny, exuding vitality, and the violence contained in the killing. There is a very sharp contrast, like a jade heart.

After a long time, most of the Venerables have understood the situation, and have shifted the direction of the war to the Realm competing for the futon. With the bang, all kinds of strange treasure trees suddenly appeared. In the process of fighting, one of them The strong man even faced Cao Ye with a palm. Although he had spare strength, the strength of this strike was not small.

There is no need to guess, this must be a futon used by some ancient capable person for breath-adjusting meditation or training, but it appeared in an inconspicuous place, but it made all the strong people unable to sit still. Mysterious, can be interpreted for a lifetime.

"Master, these old guys are getting more and more presumptuous!"

Seeing such a chaotic scene, everyone bared their mouths and fangs, and their faces were ferocious. Huang Hao was also infected by this atmosphere, his face was ferocious, and the gods of the eleven caves shot out, and the hot beams surrounded him, almost killing a Venerable The spirit body flew out, and then he roared again, like a tiger out of the cage, no matter who bumped into it, under the impact of powerful force, the other strong people were shocked in their hearts. He took some measures, only to see a pair of hands grabbing the futon.

Huang Hao's courage and sudden change of expression surprised Cao Ye ah. Growing up from a little baby to today, the journey was full of bumps and thorns. Unable to shake, as if suppressed by some kind of force.

"It's so heavy, master!"

"Mine!" As soon as Huang Hao's words fell, a Venerable made a sudden move, and a pair of big handprints descended from the sky.

Under the suppression of the Cultivation Base Realm, the peak power shown on the Hualing Realm has reached the peak of the stage. Venerable's shot is really extraordinary, and this person even uses the inlaid treasure in his hand to double suppress , just to fight for the futon in his hand.

After a loud humming sound, Cao Ye blocked it directly. In the middle of the two, one hand grabbed the futon. The two master and apprentice worked together, and hit the ten big hands with a backhand.


0......seeking flowers......

The bright light that came out of the collision seemed to burn the air in the entire Realm, and the impact force was hot and invincible.

However, the little futon was safe and sound, not even a slight trace of damage appeared on it, but the impact force was absorbed by the futon.

The entire stone room shook violently, which shows how violent this force is.

On the other hand, the pair of big handprints that landed on it were actually taken off, and finally Xi returned to calm.

Shenmu vines contain spirituality, and after so many years, they have already implied divinity. Under the baptism of years, everyone around the futon can feel the unusual sense of peace, which makes people concentrate. Practice enlightenment.

Because of this, the intensity of the competition cannot be described in words.

However, the sacred tree that can be listed on the reef and across the ocean is a bridge to the sky. Under this object, the atmosphere of the sea tide changes extraordinary, and this futon is made of this object, which shows its extraordinary magic.

If you are lucky, you can use this futon as a thing under your body. In the future practice, it is easier to touch the origin of all things, which is self-evidently wonderful for practice.

Group after group of figures were ups and downs, and when they learned about the magic of this thing, the images that came to their minds made them forget themselves, and also made this small stone room full of brilliance.

The rotation of various Magical Item runes has already flooded this place. f

"You guys really don't follow the rules!" Cao Dian roared angrily. .

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