The exciting scenes made them forget their own situation.

The crowd continued to rush inside, and after reaching the depths of the Immortal Cave, they saw another piece of Wang Yang. This is obviously the interior of the underwater world, and it has been dug deep into the ground. Why is there still an endless ocean here?

"Saikoo Kunpeng, who created Minor World, is really wonderful!"

There is still Qiankun in Qiankun, and the scenes that floated before the eyes are exciting and awe-inspiring, and countless strong people are emotional.

As the footsteps got deeper and deeper, this sea of ​​golden light became more and more shocking, but at this time, a young man wearing the "197" scarlet fire armor and a man in the same costume The young girl suddenly broke in and plunged into the golden ocean.

At the same time, Jiaolong's old Venerable flowed backwards and forwards, and also rushed in, sinking into the golden ocean.

Seeing its situation, the other creatures felt something in their hearts, and they rushed to join in, for fear of falling behind.

"This must be the final entrance, the treasure is here!"

A large group of people shouted and shouted, extremely excited. As more and more people plunged into the golden ocean, it became much easier to look at the situation outside.

At this time Cao Ye was also standing on the shore, but now he is like a god, with the light of a god all over his body, but he can only break in with the footsteps of others.

After entering, it really is a different world inside. In the magnificent Immortal Cave, there is only the atmosphere of the sea tide in the air, and there is no other change.

He walked quickly, and soon, the power of the rune that hit him head-on shook the underwater world with endless murderous intentions.

"Whoever blocks the way dies!"

He yelled, all these years, all kinds of encounters have almost worn out his patience, at this moment his face does not have any emotion or look, his voice is like thunder rolling, and the light of human gods enveloped them, this time At that time, who can stop him?

Even the enemies pierced by the sound have been shattered into pieces, and their aura is monstrous.

"This kid is too crazy, but we are indeed not opponents!" One of them fought and retreated.

"But you can't keep him. You can't keep running away. It's better to unite and get rid of him first. I don't believe that so many people join forces and they can't beat him alone!"

Among them, another Venerable-level powerhouse intends to unite some scattered cannon fodder and use their bodies as stepping stones to make their own calculations.


The sound had already reached Cao Ye's ears, before their beliefs prompted them to act, a magical force seemed to imprison the void, hiding in the cave, the creatures in the dark found that their own hands and feet could no longer be controlled, and kept With a stiff posture, the same is true for the treasures and runes on his body.

"Since you want to die, you can't blame me!"

Cao Ye lowered his head, then raised his head sharply and let out a loud roar. Above his fists, the golden rune spun rapidly, and the airflow in the air released a ruthless razor, directly tearing them into pieces and turning them into one Wisps of blood mist, in the blink of an eye, those who stood in the way disappeared.

Not far away, the relatively strong man looked horrified. The dense crowd in front of him was empty, and the walls were washed with blood countless layers. People continue to run forward, try to find the opportunity one step ahead of time, and use it as a turning point to deal with a strong enemy.  …

The eyes of several Venerable-level powerhouses flickered, their expressions were gloomy and unsettled, and they looked extremely ugly, while some real powerhouses also had a little fear in their eyes, and deep in their eyes, The murderous intent was already everywhere, and the murderous intent permeated the entire Immortal Cave.

"Follow your own way, don't provoke me!" Cao Ye let out the words, warning them.


A Venerable-level powerhouse muttered something in the dark, but he had already been caught by Cao Ye.

Cao Ye felt his back tense, as if a gust of cold wind had blown, he turned around abruptly, and said to the dark shadow, "Don't play tricks on me in front of me, if I meet you again, I will will destroy your true spirit!"

The monstrous aura swept over him like a tidal wave, such tit-for-tat killing intent and fighting intent all depended on the opponent's attitude, even if there was a trace of aura that was not right, it would be like a thunderbolt, bombarding the past.

The 1.7 powerhouse who was hiding in the dark was also shocked. The person in front of him was a young man of the human race. After defeating the flood dragon Venerable, his arrogance became even more arrogant, as if he was walking on waves, and he could no longer hold back the overflowing arrogance.

As usual, even though they dare to confront Venerable like this, they usually give each other three points.

"Look, it's actually a bronze magic lamp!"

Another person yelled loudly, his eyes locked, and his eyes revealed disbelief.

Not far away, the flames of war have spread, so how can such a treasure not attract the hands of the strong!.

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