Turning around, Cao Ye saw a white-haired old man in a white robe looking at the two of them in the distance.

The master and the apprentice looked at each other with interest, Huang Hao couldn't see anything, but Cao Ye recognized him. Not long ago, the old man he and the girl ransacked, the old Venerable of the Flood Dragon Clan!

"Long time no see!" The old man smiled slightly, and uttered a few cold words between his mouth, and there was some ordinary meaning in his eyes.

In the past few years, Jiaolong's old Venerable has been on fire, and those strange eyes seem to be hard to forgive.

Not long after, Huang Hao walked towards the magnificent altar, looked at a group of descendants of the Hai Clan, and said: "In the past few days, only the Hai Clan can build such a huge altar, you have to learn more Learn, take a look!"

The war demon of the sea clan gritted his teeth and ate, unable to utter a word. The battle ax in his hand was already aimed at the center of his eyebrows, but unfortunately he was also defeated. If he tried to fight again now, it would be nothing more than hitting a stone with an egg , will definitely make outsiders laugh out loud.

Huang Hao naturally ignored those gazes, but watched around the altar up and down. The flashing rune light represented the power of rune that the creatures of the sea clan pursued all their lives.

"This place is not bad, who is the owner of this place in the back, but I can't say for sure!"

It can be seen that the people of the Sea Clan have made sufficient preparations. When Kunpeng's lair is cracked, the countless stalwart altars will be the biggest battle behind them, and they have the greatest advantage by virtue of this altar.

Not only can it be used to pay attention to the Quartet, but it can also gain insight into the changes in its universe, and even see the traces of the time-space ore. If it is fully displayed, the land of the Quartet Sea Clan can use the altar to shuttle through it.

"Your boy is not high enough to let your master come, I wonder if he can take the stage to fight." The old dragon Venerable said coldly.

Standing here with a pure white and flawless clothes, a thin and tall body.

It seems to show that the people of the Sea Clan and the Jiaolong Clan have colluded for a long time, and they have abandoned their previous suspicions.

The eyes that were filled with radiant light had an indescribable sense of majesty.

"Don't think that the older you are, the older you are and the stronger you are. There is not so much difference here. I can't afford to let outsiders make irresponsible remarks!"

The other party didn't take Huang Hao seriously, so he naturally said bluntly.

Outsiders have joys and sorrows, and they have no way of gaining insight into the current situation. So many facts and truths have been revealed invisibly at once, which is a bit scary now.

Just one Sea Clan is enough to turn the world upside down, and now there is another Flood Dragon Venerable, which is very meaningful.

There is a blood feud between the two clans, just like water and fire. However, after Thousand Years, not only were the Jiaolong clansmen not kicked out of this Realm, but they even vented their anger with their former enemies. If there were no greater interests Before, absolutely impossible.

On the other side, the Little Brother of the young master of the Sea Clan, flaunting his power behind him, uttered nonsense.

"The flood dragon Venerable is here today, you bugs will eventually come to the fore, prepare to lead them to death!"

Huang Hao turned his head, looked back and forth, and said flatly: "Your skin is itchy, right? Then let me relieve the itching for you!"

It has already reached this level, there is nothing to say, since there is no escape, then there is only a bloody battle to the end, and the only opportunity to break the deadlock is the moment when Kunpeng's lair is completely broken and finally revealed.

A strong player has a strong player, and a mountain is higher than a mountain.

"You are tired too. Let the master come and take a rest for the rest. Cao Ye summoned Huang Hao by his side, because the current battle situation does not mean that he can continue. The power of Flood Dragon Venerable, like Now in the past few years, there will be certain improvements, so don't take risks.

|| You, a master, instigated your own disciples to provoke everywhere, and even hurt my descendants, you are really arrogant. "Flood Dragon Venerable sighed, then turned to see his angry eyes and said: "Quickly roll up and lead to death!"

The hatred of the past can be forgotten today.

But on that old face, Cao Dian read, conceited, and there is a very special kind of domineering, the meaning of Tsundere in the cold eyes is still there, his white shirt, at this moment, there is an explosive expression The monstrous white light.

The big knife on his body instantly shot up to (good) tens of feet, pointing directly at Cao Ye.

This momentum is incomparable, the arrogance of the mad dragon is burning.

"Then come on!"

I saw Cao Ye slammed his fist and smashed on the opponent's sword. Vajra was so powerful that it sounded like thunder in his ears, roaring, and huge waves in the turbulent ocean lingered towards all directions.

Watching War Practitioner hold his breath, and his footsteps have already withdrawn a thousand miles away, making two-handed preparations in his heart.

The situation of the two sides seems to be evenly matched.

A silver-white sword was thrown into the air by the shock, but the old man's movement was very steady, his aura cloak, and his deadly moon steps drew beautiful arcs one after another between the sky and the sea.

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