If you can't find the treasure of Kunpeng, you won't have the time and energy to continue wasting.

"The Sea Clan and the Mermaid Clan are at war again!"

The flames of war are raging, and the descendants of the Sea Clan have always been fighting steadily. They have built countless altars of the Sea Clan. In just two years, most of the area has been swept away. The invincible arrogance finally broke out at this moment. Every move you make determines the direction of the battle situation and pattern.

The mermaid clan is not considered weak in the entire land of The Three Realms sea. Judging from the timeline, it can be regarded as an ancient super-rich clan. Some members of the clan, the Conferred Gods, even ascended to the ascension. However, the glory is always a moment. Although it has fallen, it is extremely terrifying, because no one knows what kind of giant is hidden in the sea!

At this moment, the capable people on both sides showed their own moves, and the battle was extremely fierce.

At the center of the battlefield, Cao Ye saw again, a blue-eyed boy with blue hair, maybe all the people of the Sea Clan had the same model, golden holy armor, but this person was holding a big axe, scarlet in color.

With his own strength, he is disdainful of the mermaid clan.

The battle ax in his hand crossed the airspace and sank to the bottom of the sea with one blow, causing huge waves. Countless mermaid warriors screamed. The hard scales had been smashed to pieces by the force, and they were like cracks, falling off piece by piece. .

The bright red blood flowed into the depths of the sea, and the corpses floating on the sea, like a floating reef, accumulated more and more, deeper and deeper.

This person is a descendant of the sea clan, known as a war demon, and the battle ax in his hand has the potential to sweep thousands of troops. In the face of absolute power, he can rely on his own power to suppress the former ocean overlord. Below, there is no chance of surrender, only Death.

The mermaid clan was defeated, and disappeared into this sea area with the afterglow of the past, and the small island was harvested in the pocket again, and became another stronghold of the sea clan people.

It is one of the plans of the Sea Clan to subdue the strong men of all races and become pawns in their hands. They not only compete for the symbols related to the clues of Kunpeng, but also enslave them here, because the cannon fodder is running out. Fan, collect all the treasures here, and keep moving forward, the purpose is to embark on the path of the ancestors, soar to become a god, become the real overlord, and lead all parties.

The place where the flames of war are raging is not limited to this place.

On the other side, the flame fish clan that rose later seems to be interested in the power that the descendants of the sea clan can rival. I saw one person holding a red spear, seven in and seven out, and all the rebels were reduced to ashes. His approach was even more ruthless Absolutely, wherever it went, it was horrific.

I saw a young man, wearing a ruby-like leather armor, his whole body was bright red, breaking through all directions with his own power, holding a red spear, thirsting for blood, driving the strong men of the older generation away from this place, and occupying all of them. party.

The top genius of the flame fish clan, in the past two years, has achieved extraordinary results. He has had countless collisions with the elite forces of the sea clan. No harm.

A battle spear and a battle axe, in the confrontation between the two, there was no winner, but since then, the most elite forces of the two sides have rarely met, and they all know that if they continue to fight, they will only lose. , the two sides are enemies across the ages, the fate has long been doomed, so why rush at this moment?

On the other side, the elders from the Shenshan lineage are calling for heroes. In fact, they are just gathering all the powerful clans scattered in other Realms here to discuss big plans.

The Shenshan lineage, together, is enough to have the power to challenge it. In this way, another group of forces is also learning the same method and slowly moving forward.

From the very beginning, this was not a protracted battle, it was just that no way was found.

"Everyone feels that the appearance of the Kunpeng image indicates that the door to the treasure has been opened, and we can't wait any longer, and we are members of the same clan, we must unite and fight against the enemy together!"

Someone whispered.

Ever since the shadow of Kunpeng appeared in the sea there, everyone has understood that the lair is undergoing a change. The treasure of Kunpeng that everyone is looking for has been sleeping at the bottom of their feet, but they never thought of it.

At the same time, under the entire Realm of the small island, roaring sounds continued to be heard, as if two identical forces were constantly colliding. Many cracks appeared in Kunpeng's lair, and strong winds and waves rose frequently, revealing traces. 0.5 is already obvious.

Not long after, the entire reef island continued to emit black smoke, and under the black smoke, hot streams of magma spewed out one after another.

At this moment, the countless favored sons of heaven and the strong men of the older generation all used secret methods to hide their own whereabouts and aura, because the layout of Kunpeng's lair has loosened and is about to collapse.

For them, this is an opportunity, enough to change a lifetime.

The fate of the poor and weak cannot be changed. They were dispersed and watched from afar, waiting for the opportunity and waiting for Death. .

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