Others are discussing...

In recent months, civil wars in Kunpeng's lair have occurred frequently, but compared to before, on the basis of fierceness, they are more conservative because more people have come.

The top leagues are fighting each other, but some wait-and-see groups have created some opportunities invisibly, and they are in a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

In the beginning, only a few forces represented by the top alliances had some clues about Kunpeng's lair, but now almost all of them have been exposed. Most of the creatures are determined to die, but when facing the real Death, they are lingering in their hearts. And fear.

Especially the Realm of the Sea, which is bottomless and vast. The Sea Clan Venerable is not alone, and the entire large Clan is divided into many different factions. They frequently dive into the underwater world, looking for opportunities that cannot be met. 09 In this desperate game, no one knows who will have the last laugh.

There are almost no major conflicts, they are all small disputes, which can be stopped or killed. However, some young juniors are amazing in this battle.

The young and young girls of the Sea Clan, etc., stand out, not only in the battle, but also get a great reputation, their strength and the background of the original power make them even more powerful, meeting gods and killing gods, and powerful everywhere.

The biggest victim is the creatures of the Transforming Realm, which is also the most important combat force in this battle. However, the Venerable of the inscription Realm, or the favored son of heaven, also knows that someone is there, and the way is like an invincible state, and has already killed the red Eye.

However, after Cao Ye came out from the bottom of the sea, he found that the atmosphere and breath in the whole sea were very different. The fog was hazy. Standing in the airspace and looking down, the whole nest was golden yellow, and golden ripples appeared one after another, like is a special symbol.

What happened in just a few months, no one can tell.

The sudden change made Cao Ye feel unusually strange. There was a great possibility that someone was playing tricks in the dark, or unraveling something unintentionally!

"Stop reasoning with these guys, let's go!"

Immediately afterwards, Cao Ye led Huang Hao across the waves and came to a commanding height, quietly watching the changes in the entire environment.

The two masters and apprentices calmed down and felt it from a new perspective. Facing the inside of the huge lair, it was changing from black gold to black, and in the constant change, strands of rune imprints arranged in an orderly manner were moving in a regular manner. Soaring up slowly, imprinted in the illusory void.

Hard work pays off, after the Realm and state of mind are improved, Cao Ye got some special runes, which seems to be a fragmented imprint of the original rune, judging from the breath, it is closely related to Kunpeng!

The shocking discovery, and at the present moment, is not only strange, but even more strange is that these rune symbols with special aura are spreading out of North Korea in the form of divergence. Looking at the past from a distance, it seems like a Fuzzy Kunpeng shape.

"A vision from the sky, does it mean that a treasure will be born out of nowhere?" Huang Hao's eyes were shining brightly, and his excitement was uncontrollable. Once upon a time, he also used his master to say that when such a rare treasure is born, There will be corresponding omens, and they are called visions.

Of course, being able to detect the movement, I wonder if Cao Ye and Huang Hao are looking in other directions, whether there are other top powerhouses paying attention, but the result is extremely surprising, as if they didn't see it, A best third-person perspective, flashed by, ignored.

In order not to startle the snake, the master and apprentice could only act quietly.

The sudden good luck made people feel excited. Cao Ye boldly guessed that it must be Kunpeng Bao, otherwise it would not be the case, not to mention the countless practitioners who threw their heads and blood and sacrificed so much. Finally, they saw the so-called results. .

"Could it be that everyone else can't perceive it except the two of us?" Cao Ye suddenly stopped because he just ignored someone.

"Master, that feeling is amazing, like a pair of tentacles, suddenly appearing in the haze, and guiding in the mist 787..."

Huang Hao couldn't describe this feeling, seeing his demeanor, he was still intoxicated in that wonderful moment.

"If there is no accident, it should be related to the previous enlightenment practice. Maybe only the two of us can clearly perceive the subtle changes of all things and dust.

In comparison, Cao Ye's promotion is higher, and Huang Hao's promotion, especially the spiritualization of the body, is more thorough.

Of course, there is a destiny in the dark, and if it is not because of obsession to solve the confusion, it will not be easily caught.

It's like Kunpeng is choosing his successors, only those who really have members can understand the changes in the flow of breath in the lair, and there is nothing else to do.

In fact, Cao Ye didn't know the specific reason. But this well-founded guess is correct, at least for now.

The master and apprentice also experienced all kinds of practice before, what Kunpeng experienced in the practice when he was young. .

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