On the other hand, what Cao Ye is going to do now is to gradually introduce the radiance of guidance into Huang Hao's body, the real dragon's energy, the real dragon's soul, after merging with the human spirit, Huang Hao has never been able to cultivate Returned to Origin , in front of the great opportunity, how can we miss it!

"Master's ability is limited, the next step is to see your own understanding."

He said softly, adjusting the available vitality all over his body, and coated Huang Hao's body with a layer of golden divine light, and because of this, the divine power was diverted one by one, walking among the Bloodlines, walking among the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, Turn into a sea of ​​Spirit Power.

Huang Hao is always prepared, the tacit understanding shared by the master and the apprentice is the result of getting along day and night, ~ a little bit of cultivation.

However, the strength of the physical body is closely related to the tempering of external things. How to build Huang Hao's own practice system is a difficult problem for him to solve by himself.

Since the human race stepped into the world of practice, they have been imitating the body of the spirit beast, and finally opened up their own unique rune valley, engraved the inscription on the body, and gradually strengthened themselves.

The current Huang Hao not only stepped into the Transforming Spirit Realm, but also descended from the Inscription Pattern Realm, and has been stuck between the watershed between the two Realms, fully refining the power of the dragon in his body.

Body to spirit, this road Cao Ye has just walked, although it is a short-term success, but has reached the peak of the current stage.

Cao Ye, as a master, handled the Kaiping road for own, and it took less than a month to complete the first stage.

Cleanse the soul, purify the body, get rid of distracting thoughts, and get rid of Impurities. If I have all the flaws that can be reflected in the human race, I will fill it up little by little with the air of black ice and fierce sun floating on the seabed. Purify, and finally temper a body of steel and iron.

Now Huang Hao has reached the apex of the Spirit Transformation Realm, and the ten caves have opened together. What he needs to do now is to build a Self Union system belonging to his own rune group. The dragon inheritance in his body has become indispensable, and it is even more important to push it to the top. important step.

Jiaolong is not a real dragon, but the aura of the dragon clan has filled Huang Hao's body, as if every pore exudes the aura of a real dragon.

At the same time, Cao Ye forced a stream of Primal Chaos into his body. In an instant, Huang Hao's reshaped body began to become transparent, and streams of steam surrounded his body.

It was the last difficulty, but Cao Ye was not in a hurry, but whispered in his ear: "When the light comes, don't choose the wrong path, don't forget who you are!"

Huang Hao was confused, but in his mind, the master's voice became more and more blurred, besides the scorching hotness, it was soon replaced by the icy frost, which alternated repeatedly, which made people feel uneasy.

After much deliberation, Cao Ye still made a decision similar to that of a budding seedling.

As his thoughts sank, a radiant divine light came in and out from Huanghao's heavenly spirit, and this cycle went on and on, every bone in his body seemed to have carved the inheritance totem belonging to the Jiaolong clan.

And Huang Hao has already entered the state of binocular emptiness, and his brain is even more blank, as if there is a knife, spinning around in his body, the heart-piercing pain, when the pain is extreme, it makes him numb .

Soon, the memory fragments in my mind became more and more clear, and the haze in front of my eyes became more and more real, like a wisp of dust, standing in front of my eyes and flowing like a shooting star, I can see very clearly and feel the surrounding atmosphere .

0......seeking flowers,

Almost in an instant, things that were once incomprehensible, things that could not be seen clearly, can be seen very clearly, everything and even all spirits have a unique trajectory "There are laws to follow.

Like enlightenment, suddenly enlightened.

"I didn't expect the two of us to be good together, but you have to remember that the clearer you see everything, the easier it is to get obsessed, but you are still young, and some things are still unclear." Cao Ye said softly , but in Huang Hao's eyes, he saw the shadow he had seen before.


Huang Hao's eyes were shining brightly, as if containing a vast sea of ​​stars.

At that time, Liu Shen saw it too clearly, but instead suffered a thunderstorm, landed from outside the Nine Heavens, and became attached to Cao Ye, and fought steadily, in the stone village.

On the crystal-clear white bones, I don’t know what kind of Celestial Secrets are recorded. The whole text is full of incomprehensible symbols, but looking back now, Cao Ye can feel the profound meaning contained in each symbol, and the fluctuation of its power , floating on the surface, floating in front of your eyes.

Even for a moment, the picture of rune engraved in his mind already had a clear direction in his eyes.

For a while, the master and apprentice felt a lot, and without the intrusion of external disputes, they seemed to have returned to their original state.

Insight again, everything recorded above is about the original place, its meaning is deep and boundless.

Cao Ye slowly flipped through the memories of the past in his mind, seeing clearly and having a new experience. .

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