The sharp claws are enough to grab a hole out of the rock, facing the dead wood and vines, it is naturally unstoppable.

Suddenly, a silver-backed giant ape appeared, its shape was not inferior, in terms of strength, it was more irritable and domineering, and it was already impatient, and it hit the center of the huge stone gate with violent fists.

"It turned out to be a treasure!"

The gorilla clasped its iron fists with both fists, and punched down one after another, causing the entire giant gate to tremble. Under the violent fists, the person blocking the gate was already walking like a puddle of blood.

One thing falls one thing, the overlord in the ocean will eventually be hard-pressed to defeat the king on land.


Pieces of powerful creatures were punched heavily and flew out violently.

Under the heavy blows, at least 30% of the people have been beaten to pieces, spitting blood, and internal injuries are difficult to heal.

The scene is very frightening. Compared with the previous battles, the inclination of power here is more concentrated and more violent.

Standing far away, the four patriarchs were sweating from the soles of their feet. They didn't know what happened in front of them, and even their breathing became short of breath, and it became more and more difficult to breathe.

"Another ignorant person who dares to touch the Kunpeng rune, is he trying to kill everyone here?"

After an unknown amount of time, the surrounding people had already evacuated, looking at the silverback gorilla, cursing angrily behind him.

It seemed majestic, but in fact, the entire lair was shaking with the force of the vibration, as if it was in a snow mountain, a roar that shook the world, not only frightened the enemy, but also attracted an avalanche.

The imprint is in the dark, and the power of the Kunpeng inscription that has never appeared is fueling the flames. The aftermath of the power is constantly amplified, wandering back and forth, and hitting all the spirits in the Realm.

In this chaotic Realm, Cao Ye couldn't help being impacted by his breath, his body was unstable (ajaj), and the operation of the Bloodline also became reversed, and for some reason, he vomited a mouthful of blood. Although there is no fear of life, let alone pain, this feeling seems to be an omen, and the situation is more difficult than imagined.

No matter the person who did it or the person who was lurking in the dark, almost all suffered injuries to varying degrees.

However, in the lurking figure, Cao Ye saw the young-haired boy again, but this time he put down the long whip in his hand, and held a bone disc with one hand. For some reason, the lingering force struck , most of which are absorbed by the disc.

"Qingyun, put it away!" A voice reminded, obviously it was too late, and it had already been paid attention to.

In the smoke and dust, the representative of the other force shouted: "It's this time, why hide it, we are in the same boat, and the people of the Sea Clan have already entered the field, if we are still here to fight, in the end it will be the same Made wedding dresses for them!"

The servant beside the boy nodded silently.

But at this moment, the disk in the young Qingyun's hand suddenly became a bit dim, and two of the runes burst and disappeared.

"This is the bone of Peng, but it's not something from my clan. It's a treasure I picked up."

Before the words could finish, another strong wave rushed over, and Qingyun held the disc in his hand, and it burst instantly.

But at this moment, the feeling of dizziness and dizziness has subsided a lot.

Therefore, several forces hiding in the dark gradually showed up, and they dared not make any big moves, otherwise, they would be absorbed by the Kunpeng rune, and finally released on own in multiples.

The reverberation is endless, endless.

And that silverback gorilla had already died tragically in the gap, how violent it was before, and how tragic it was when it died.

The faction alliance that young Qingyun belongs to is called Tianshan Sect. Among the Sect, most of them are handsome men and women, and there are few older people. Therefore, everyone is full of energy and looks fearless.

In the Tianshan Mountains, he practiced Pengshu, and there is even an ascender! It's just that in another secret realm, he was lucky to ascend. Although he has a human body, he claims to be a Sacred Body.

"We still have a piece in our hand, I wonder if it will be useful?" A strange smell struck, and Venerable, a sea tribe who had never met before, appeared with a team.

What he holds in his hand is a scale, which seems to have a very strong Kunpeng aura, but comparing the two, it is unlikely, the golden edge "glows with black spirit patterns.

Cao Ye was mixed in the team and never showed his face, but he was very surprised.

"Although it's just a fragment, it has the same attribute aura. With this object as a guide, we will definitely be able to catch up!" Venerable of the sea tribe was very sure. When he came to the crack in the door, he held the object above his head, and then greeted him. There was a gust of wind.

The holy breath, accompanied by the agility of the fragment, everything became clear.

These are far from enough. Other alliances with selfish intentions finally donated generously, pieced together the Kunpeng relics collected or passed down along the way, little by little.

Essence, energy, and spirit represent the product of the three big characters, issued daily. .

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