Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Three Hundred And Thirtieth Chapters Big Fight

Someone opened the gap leading to the Kunpeng Dojo, which led to a vision from the sky.

But for most creatures, it saves a lot of effort.

Although it triggered one riot after another and endless killings one after another, at least they all met the answers they wanted.

In Kunpeng's lair, that is, on the small island, there are thousands of dead trees and vines, looking alive from a distance, a piece of greenery, almost in an instant, the traces of vicissitudes and dilapidation spread all over the field of vision.

The dead trees may have existed since ancient times, and they are Immortal through the ages.

"The cracks will be closed soon, everyone rushes for me and must not be left behind!"

Now the channel is opened again, and all the vitality has been squeezed out, returning to the original appearance.

Looking at it from a distance, Cao Ye couldn't help laughing secretly in his heart, it really is the mantis catching the cicada, and the oriole is behind.

Cao Ye recorded from the back of the battlefield, the moves of the strong in the alliance, the Magical Items used by the Cultivation Technique used, and even the special inscriptions and imprints, all have been clearly imprinted in his mind (Zhao Nuozhao).

In the process of discussing with each other, a whole layer of corpses had already been laid. The temptation of Kunpeng's secret technique has a special magical power.

On the pair of blood-red eyes, only one word can be seen, that is to kill.

It's not just some human race forces that are unprepared, other top alliances are also taking advantage of each other.


"Could that bone be Kunpeng..." Huang Hao said suddenly.

The formation that opened the gate was only half opened and was interrupted.

The top alliances played against each other, and for a while, all the heroes rose together. If it wasn't in the hands of the person who was red-eyed, they killed him. It is even more important to break into the deepest part of the lair one step ahead of time to take away the treasure, and then leap to the upper realm to get rid of the disputes in front of you and everything that disturbs people's minds.

Because they only had dreams and enthusiasm for this trip, and they hardly did any preparation or homework. All they knew was guesswork. The words of their ancestors recorded in ancient and modern times were all vague and abstract in their minds.

↑ Yeah!"

Another person yelled in shock, only to see countless figures flying towards the crack.

The fighting is full of hype, and the same scene, in a different world and played by different people, sparked a special spark.

The rifts gradually distributed outwards, and the chaotic air gushing out from inside made the whole scene more and more unstable, one, two, three......... densely covered like a spider's web.

I saw one of the strong men holding a white bone in his hand. There were many cracks on the bone, which were arranged in an orderly manner and specially dealt with at regular intervals.

After a brief silence, the shouts of killing rang out.

One link after another, it is estimated that there is no way to distinguish who is the real hunter.

The black blood on the man's arms and palms dripped on the white bones, one rune after another filled with black aura, floating in front of his eyes, the black waves floated, and his mystery could not be seen.

"Everyone, don't worry too much. At least no one has discovered it yet. We can go all the way to pick up treasures. After all, we are alone and weak, and we don't have to attack unless we have to!" Human Sovereign is using sound transmission to appease those who are repeatedly frightened Heart.

This is the nest of Kunpeng, every plant and tree is born around Kunpeng, even if there is a magic circle that needs to be cracked, it must be opened with a handed down thing as a key.

"Yeah, if someone else takes the lead, it will be another battle. If we can get it first, we can avoid the battle." Patriarch Mingyue responded.

And the team led by Cao Ye suddenly entered the arena with the transformation and avatar technique. .

Even though it was just Huang Hao's guess, when everyone heard the rumor, they looked at each other in a daze.

The person who activated the secret technique completed the last part in the bloody rain, and a door of light opened, and the huge rock walls on both sides were also slowly moving to the two sides. As the dawn became wider and wider, More and more people in the raging flames of war have become more irritable and violent.


In the deepest part, they saw a group of strong men gathered in front of one of the gaps. Judging from the flags and signs, it was another unknown top alliance. However, judging from the aura and demeanor, it was not those arrogant and domineering Sea Clan queens. people.

The top alliance in front of the gate is the first wave of Initiation formers, and ten miles behind them, another alliance has already come to defend.

However, Cao Ye sent a voice transmission to the Four Patriarchs and the Human Emperor: "Although that is the case, time is running out. We have always been at the end before, but now it is different. Regarding the inheritance of Kunpeng, we must take the first step, and There is only one chance!"

That's why, until the end of the fight, they didn't chase and kill endlessly. Almost every force has a unique secret.

Some people are incapable of doing both, and some are incapable of doing both. In this sprint race, countless people fell down.

"It's true that wherever you go, you can kill wherever you go, and you don't stop anywhere!"

But the other party came prepared, and every step he took was calculated just right.

If you don't get it, the only option is to fight for it. If you get the treasure of Kunpeng first, you have more choices.

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