The split golden light emanates from the inside to the outside, and within a quarter of an hour at most, the sea demon Venerable will shatter and die.

But this guy is still stubborn, saying: "As long as there is a drop of Blood Essence, I can Samsara in the world, you can't kill me, I will haunt you forever, and I will never stop until I tear you into pieces! "

Huang Hao has already experienced the special life form of the Sea Clan. If it is not a peerless artifact, it will kill him with one blow, otherwise, it will be difficult to annihilate his life.

Either Cao Ye discarded it and didn't feel that Jiaolong's inheritance is a treasure, or...

Cao Ye no longer uses other techniques, but simply uses the human-god fire in his body to cook "September 17" wonderful shark meat from the inside out, scorched the outside and tender the inside.

I saw the young man soaring into the clouds, and instantly transformed into a dragon, howling angrily towards the people of the Sea Clan at the bottom.

At the same time, a dragon absorbed water and splashed it on the cube, and then, the sea clan Venerable used the frosty air to seal another layer of frost.

Row by row and column by row, tens of thousands of people.

The power of the earth can actually be reflected in the people of the Sea Clan. The stone cones that suddenly gushed out one after another, advancing layer by layer, making people retreat unconsciously until the last moment, when they saw Go to the oil sea tribe, the soil imprint method of the totem imprint.

Just now they not only used the sealing technique, but also sacrificed thousands of Sea Clan fighters, but now it seems that it is almost completely useless.

In a daze, it seemed as if a big flag was fluttering in the wind, and the azure flag was engraved with the logo of the Sea Clan. When the order was issued, the Wantian Sea Clan rushed forward without fear of life or death.

Sea Clan Venerable exhaled slowly, and the hanging heart stone finally fell slowly.

"Oh, why do I always like to overestimate my opponents? They are obviously not as strong as 2.1, but they play so conservatively!"

In the opposite direction, a young boy stood impressively. That's right, this person was Cao Ye.

"You can't be too cheap, of course, I don't want to make too much effort, wait for my news, decades later, the breath of flames will burn all your Blood Essence dry!"

Obviously, you can't have a good time without a fight!

"it is finally over!"

The Azure Dragon exhaled, and the bluish-white frosty air instantly froze them to death!.

The power of the flames quickly shattered it into pieces, and the low energy of menstrual blood became invisible. Thousands of drops of Blood Essence were harvested by him, and in the universe bag, there was a special Container, turn off the fire glazed stone.

Cao Ye's soliloquy frightened all the Hai people.

"Venerable, we underestimated his strength, we can't beat him at all!"

"There is no absolute in everything, what are you looking at next?"

But at this moment, what Cao Ye is facing is an endless wheel battle.

Since the battle between Cao Ye and Nine Heavens Elder and others, it has been a long time since Cao Ye had such joy, the fighting spirit and anger suddenly arose, and the long sword in his hand turned into a spear!

It wasn't until the flames struggling outwards completely subsided that all the sea people could slowly guard.

Hollow it out, then squeeze the Blood Essence infinitely, and a drop of thick and pure Sea Clan Blood Essence falls into it.

"Is it just a clone of you?" Sea Clan Venerable couldn't believe his own eyes, let alone what he saw.

And among the Sea Clan, there are different branches, the Flaming Frog Clan, which melts into ice when it encounters water, and soars like a thunderbolt. , giving the visual sense of trance.

Killing all directions with blood, even forcing back a group of strong Sea Clan.

The red imprint formed by the power of countless inscriptions, on Cao Ye's body is like a whole piece of tightly stitched armor, the whole body is shining brightly, and the silver spear in his hand quickly turned into a red blood spear.

The people of the Hai Clan only saw the young man covered in the blood of his fellow clansmen, holding a glass bottle with closed fire, as if he was saying something to the contents in the bottle, but their footsteps were involuntarily backing away.

"Hey, what are you driving?"

"No, you can't do this..." The sea demon Venerable never imagined that Cao Ye would have such a skill, just as he once said to Huang Hao, the way to defeat the enemy does not need to be up and down. It is completely possible to use another method, which is more tortured than Death.

Bang bang bang bang, a huge earthy cube was suddenly generated...

Sea Clan Venerable nodded silently, and said bluntly: "It's not that we can't win, but that we don't have time, someone will take care of him later, but we never lose, let alone fail!

Outside the Central Sea...

Although Cao Ye has the ability to kill with one blow, it requires extremely high precision, and the opponent's tactical cooperation is extremely tacit.

But there is another big problem facing him. With Cao Ye's cultivation level and the Realm mentioned, it is absolutely impossible to make the limit visible to the naked eye. I believe that the frosty heart has already been integrated into his body, but he has not smelled it. He felt the breath of the flood dragon, and during the fight, he thought that the two sides had tried their best, but still didn't smell any trace.

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