Chapter 304 Mess

Some people are waiting anxiously in the outside world, and some people are digging into the heavens in the inner mansion, practicing and cultivating their character.

Time flies, three years, but between talking and laughing, for them in the practice world, it's just a blink of an eye.

The underground world is unusually quiet, except for faint gasps, everything is wandering along with the ups and downs of dust.

In the outside world, there are turbulent winds and clouds, and it is impossible to set up a camp, and is drawn into a new vortex.

In this entire uninhabited Realm, there are more than one or two ten thousand warships shuttling through it, and countless ex-husbands and successors meet each other and compete with each other.

The land of treasures is rare, and even more so, it is a place that must be contested. The flames of war raged outside, and the Human Emperor led the army, killing everyone along the way.

I don't know how many strong people came here after smelling the smell, and then returned with pain, but most of the human race teams in groups died at the hands of their fellow clansmen, and countless corpses were discarded.

The black fireworks, like the endless ocean, were submerged in blood!

However, the name of the Sword God is already well-known in all directions, and some people come here because of the name, but they just want to get a share of it.

But the whole Realm has the aura of a king and lord, and the sea people dare not rush in.

After another three months, the men and horses wandering around the outskirts of the valley encountered even more terrifying opponents.

There are rumors that where is the entrance to the upper realm, the sword god led everyone to transcend and ascend..

The power surpassed the Extraordinary, fortunate enough to find a clue, drilled into the crack, but encountered a disgraced face, and almost left his life inside.

Clearly, someone got there first.

"Impossible, I can still feel their aura, but the power of this Kunpeng Realm almost cuts off everything. But the crossing of the king lord is enough to prove that they have not gone far."

With the fingers like a scimitar, just a slight force, this person lost the breath of life.

Similar to their body shape, they can be seen from a close view, they are all blue in color, with scales and fins on their bodies. In comparison, the strongest people in the human race can barely match them.

In the past years, the Human Sovereign, who once fought bloody battles in all directions, is also missing at this moment.

The group that called themselves the Sea Clan was like a split bamboo all the way, and they looked down upon the entire Human Clan team, and no one could fight it for ten rounds.

A very special spiritual valley and force field are left behind. It can be seen that it comes from the legendary Kunpeng Dao Seal. The stable and unbreakable Kunpeng energy surrounds the top of the entire valley center and covers thousands of miles. It can be seen that Mysterious of power.

"It's not here!".

They came on the waves, with ferocious faces, holding a three-pronged weapon, and their eyes were not on the human race stationed here, but on the depths of the valley.

Even, some Venerable-level competitors have already sneaked in, one is to find out, and the other is to talk about whether the rumors are false or true.


However, here in the Quartet Realm, you can only see rolling mountain peaks, but you can’t see the whole world. It seems abnormal, but another true wish also emerges like a smooth sailing!

"I'm afraid he has become the laughing stock of his people at this time!"

Even so, they also firmly believe that the cause of everything lies in the polar region of the valley over there.

Occasionally, some suspicious voices will be heard lingering in the ears!

It can be seen that this no man's land is just that there are no shadows and footprints of the human race. When the people of the sea race come up, they will arouse the tide of the sea and move freely in all directions.

||Can't you see it?" The Human Cultivator, who was covered in bruises, still had a hint of stubbornness between his words.【

The prelude to a battle between the north and the south was suddenly pulled off, and within a short period of time, the curtain came to an end.

"Did they get the key to the upper realm?"


He also held a Feng Shui compass the size of an adult man's palm. The Feng Shui compass was engraved with pictures and texts of many rare and exotic beasts, and the biggest one among them was the king and lord they were worried about. !

Some people went forward to negotiate, but when the strong faced the weak, there was almost no room for them, not even a trace of sympathy or pity.

Word of mouth, the taste will change, plus, people's speculation, so that these people who are deeply lost, do not know whether it is up or down.

"Let me ask you, where are the two people who stole Flood Dragon's inheritance...?" A member of the Yihai tribe came to ask.

In the battle three years ago, outsiders did not know who the opponents of Sword God and the others were, but the fireworks that were set off burned for more than several months.

Obviously the road ahead is infinite, but there is nowhere to set foot.

I saw a member of the Sea Clan, with a crystal-colored crown on his head, appearing at the front of the team.

Three years have passed, and the so-called sword god has gone nowhere.

In just three days, the human race was defeated and completely routed.

"We waited for fifteen hundred years, but our inheritance was stolen by two juniors of the human race, haha!"

In fact, people from other clans who are hiding in No Man's Land (Wang Wang Zhao) have been hiding in top-secret places, but have never come out, just wait and see.

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