Chapter 301 tacit understanding

There is only one chance to forcibly erase the soul consciousness of the other party, and the incarnation of the other party's spirit body has reached a mature state.

A group of dolls quickly lost ground, and the opponents became more and more courageous as they fought, and they purified their combat capabilities beyond ordinary bodies.

Fight with your own strength!

"Then what can we do?" Patriarch Mingyue observed the changing trends in the battlefield with his eyes. The opponent's ice incarnation, flame incarnation... The use of the power of Five Elements has reached the level of a god. The point, no need to think, just raise your hand and go.

One wave of ups and downs, one wave after another, excessive mental torture, people forget themselves, and even forget their own position.

Cao Ye's complexion remained unchanged, but he praised the performance of these children.

"It's only been a few hours, and I've grown so much, how gratifying. Don't you have a sense of accomplishment as masters?"

One foot in the sky and one foot on the ground!

"No way? You said before that the situation is not optimistic." Ancestor Minghui was staring wide-eyed. The fire in his heart did not dare to be released. Excessive depression made the whites of his eyes blood red , even more gnashing of teeth.

"If you want to use the soul to lock, do you think you can do it?" Cao Dian immediately asked back.

Since he is still on the edge of being controllable, and things have already happened, along the way, everything is beyond human control, so why should Cao Ye sacrifice his own brain cells?

However, with the Cultivation Base Realm of the Four Great Patriarchs, it seems that there is still some fire to be achieved without damaging the original god Expanding Aperture, from soul to soul.

For them, rash actions are simply the raging fire of The Underworld. When they are ruthlessly burning the exposed spirit bodies, there seems to be only one choice when they are in dire straits.

"For you, isn't it an excellent experience?" Cao Ye continued.

However, they still have another way to go, that is to go back the same way, even if they find a pothole and see a fortress that is difficult to attack with one hand, after a few Hundred Years or Thousand Years, newcomers break in, and they will Can take the opportunity to escape.

Moreover, in these very special Minor Worlds, there are rare geniuses and treasures from the outside world. If they are used, the time of Thousand Years is just a blink of an eye.

What's more, after going out, what they faced were some ferocious beasts. Whether they were descendants of divine beasts or descendants of ferocious beasts, compared with the vicious competition of Sect in Three Thousand Continents, it was more enjoyable and exciting. , less helpless and intrigue.

Cao Ye naturally understands that the way out in my heart has always been indecisive, and there are many variables.

"Are you really sure that you can destroy the opponent's energy core with one blow?" After hesitating for a while, Patriarch Mingyue boldly asked again and again.

"I need a few helpers now to nail the beating heart of the other party to the chopping block. To put it bluntly, whether you can succeed with one blow depends on whether the four of you are in harmony and how you behave. I just It's just a sharp sword, it has nothing to do with me." Cao Dian replied simply.

During the fight, Huang Hao kept sending back fatal information about his opponent. It's just that the energy body is not only full of a trace of unawakened soul, but also has many special inscriptions. The power of the inscriptions is ever-changing and strange, and it comes from the inheritance of ancient times. It is not about knowing yourself and the enemy!


The improvement of a cultivator's Realm is an inevitable trend. Whenever a cultivator reaches a higher Realm, there will be an epiphany once, and the power of a new inscription will be imprinted on the soul. It seems to be consistent, but in reality it changes forever. Individuals have different practice rules for each person, and the higher one goes, the more obvious this difference will be.

Cao Ye is still unable to judge the real strength of the opponent. The only thing that can be sure is that the upper limit of the opponent is extremely high. Of course, there will be a moment when the limit is touched.


"How to think and how to choose, you have your own decisions in your hearts, I will give you a stick of incense time to think about it, otherwise, I can only drive you out of this place forcibly.

Cao Ye saw a few people whispering, and consciously exposed their voices to own's ears, with a slight sense of impatience in their expressions.

"No matter what, I can't take this road in vain. I believe there are still bigger surprises waiting for me." Patriarch Qingyu, one of the four great patriarchs, who is quite bloody, without saying a word, immediately mobilized his body, Even the original power rooted in the depths of the spirit, the turquoise halo quickly spread outward, and the Cultivation Technique he cultivated exposed his true appearance.

It looks like a blue-faced lion! This huge phantom appeared behind him, the desire for blood and the passion for fighting burst out in an instant.

At the same time, a formation ring appeared under his feet, and the blue-faced lion immediately tore off the shackles, and jumped out of the soul body in an extremely exaggerated form.

"I can only last for an hour, you have to hurry up!".

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