Chapter 290 Thunderbolt

Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow!

The Nine Heavens Elder leads a team of lost lambs towards the unknown Realm.

After they have experienced all kinds of encounters, they can't help but believe that a new starting point and a new route are just above their heads and within reach!

"It's so fantastic that we escaped!"

After Wang Chunchun escaped from the space-time storm, he has been in a coma state. However, the voices in his ears are so clear, every move about the outside world, "stay in the sex.

"Brother Wang, you've finally woken up, and I'm still waiting for you to drink monkey wine together, haha!"

For them, the scene in front of them is the Immortal Realm.

Looking in all directions, apart from them, there are only those wobbly elves and beasts left.

The will of the ancient ancestors, the ruins of the ancient times, what will be inside, it is self-evident, they know it well.

On the contrary, the four ancestors became more and more vigilant. Under this beautiful appearance, 388 may still hide a sinister heart.

"Although there are people who obey orders and stay where they are, they are not allowed to go to sea without our orders!"

Patriarch Mingyue was giving orders, but there was already a sea of ​​people in front of him, all lined up neatly, striding forward obsessively.


Wang Chunchun was the first to question.

"Stop talking nonsense, the superiors are free to arrange!" Xiaoyue said softly.

And at the next moment, the flamingos, three-headed dogs, nine-headed demon spirits, etc. were all released, followed behind the four ancestors, and were divided into four small teams, stationed in the east, west, north, and south of the coastline .

The Nine Heavens Elder, who is a stranger, does not enjoy special treatment.

Seeing that Patriarch Mingyue was a female cultivator, she uncharacteristically followed her.

"On the top of the Ancient God mountain, there is a very special castle. According to legend, only those who are destined will meet it. This is a moving upside-down city..."

Someone deliberately provoked a conversation, and the ancestor Mingyue saw that there was no one else around, so he simply replied a few words.

"Since I saw you, I think you are very strange. What purpose do you have, why don't you just say it straight?"

The straightforward question made Nine Heavens Elder's expression flicker. I didn't think this was what the other party should say to him at the moment. Not only did he save the other party's precious apprentice, but he also brought such a beautiful scene. It is convincing. It is indeed consistent at the moment Externally, the attitude is clear and firm!

"You may be a little too careful. No one is born a villain. Of course, I am not good. It's just that we all have the same purpose, so we got together, that's all.

Ancestor Mingyue sneered and said: "Take what you say so well that I can't continue.

Huge palaces and halls, majestic and splendid, seem to be the divine realm they have been pursuing. It's a pity that everything that is easy to get is often false, especially the golden giants that seem to come out of the chariot. The beast looks resplendent and mighty, but behind the golden light and shadow there is a pair of frightening pupils (ajaf).

Less dark clouds, less Wanjun thunder.

Ancestor Mingyue asked again: "I am different from you. We are at most lost scavengers, but you have a clear purpose. Tell the truth, what is there?"

Her attitude is very clear, she will take what she can get, and if the situation is opposite, she will give in.

Although the person in front of me has kind eyes, a relaxed body, and a weak demeanor, this person easily tore apart time and space, leaped over thousands of miles in one step, and chased them to this place with those ignorant children, and finally went all the way. I met the so-called ancient ruins, and they are so well preserved. It can be seen that the other party has known this place for a long time, but there is only one step missing, and how can they be willing to be tiptoe stones.

"Haha, you must also know the road to the sky, and walked through the bridge to the sky, and the road you walked before was just a road of trials. This is the Ancient God's enlightenment, and the test for you is also right. My test. As the saying goes, it is difficult for one person to achieve success, and it takes many heroes to work together to achieve success immediately.

Later, Nine Heavens Elder explained some truth.

In the palace above the head is hidden the inheritance treasure map of Ancient God beasts and fierce beasts. For the current human race, all practice is to uphold the unity with heaven and earth, absorb the essence of heaven, earth, sun and moon, and balance Yin & Yang. Force, and finally understand the nature of all things, and then you can attain the Tao and ascend to the upper realm. This is the foundation of practice, and it is also the most difficult obstacle to overcome.

But compared to the gods or the spirits of all races in ancient times, it lacks a cultivation method that is closest to the essence. Due to the inherent flaws of the human race and the Cultivation Technique regulations passed down, there are many more rules and regulations. This is The awakening of the self is also the bondage of the self. The only way to break through the extreme state of the human race at this stage is to understand the original cultivation method passed down in the palace.

The source of the ancient totem imprint inscription is engraved on the skin of own, and even engraved in the bone marrow. Only after layers of enlightenment can you meet the universe that belongs to own!

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