Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter 282: The Emperor's Prestige

Chapter 282 The King’s Prestige

What Cao Ye said, Huang Hao, who was behind the mountain, looked sideways, seeing that the other party was confused, and really couldn't see why.

Who is the other person in question?

"Forget it, maybe you don't know about it yourself, or there are other reasons, but the truth will be revealed soon, and your little life, I'm afraid it won't go away.

Cao Ye was never in trouble, although his attitude changed slightly, but the fire burning on him was extinguished in an instant.

The god monkey suddenly spoke human words, which shows its horror, and the human emperor who had just established his prestige was also frightened.

The evenly matched situation is thus balanced. 5.4

"five three three"

"Preserving strength is the top priority." Xiaoyue looked around and led the own team to the center of the team, working together with them to contribute their meager energy

A giant red-haired monkey jumped down from the top of the mountain without knowing when, and the speed was so fast that the Sky Lord rushed into the crowd before he could charge and hunt.

"It's troublesome now, who's pet is not sure?"

Seeing this, the brigade quickly formed a sword formation.

But when you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem so strange, because this no man's land is very strange, the beast spirit can turn into a human spirit, the bird lord has evolved like this, let alone this monkey.

"Good guy!"

Above the head, the sound from the water waves is getting louder and louder. It's not a landslide, but someone is causing trouble.

"It's just a human race like ants. How dare you set foot on my territory and get out of Baizhang Mountain wisely. Otherwise, I will kill you all."

The Human Sovereign politely bowed to the monkey, but the god monkey didn't care about that much, he hit the head with a stick, and when the stick was swung down, a hole was torn open in the ground, and pieces of white clouds in the sky moved towards things. Progressive on both sides.

Immediately afterwards, the giant monkey kicked, and the iron pestle standing on the ground was carried on his shoulders.

However, an even more horrific scene followed.

On the other side, the coordinated formation is like countless energy tentacles, bound to the monkey's arms and feet, and this sword stabbed straight.

As the backbone of this place, the Human Sovereign naturally cannot be cowardly and short-tempered, not to mention that after everyone works together, the fire of the human race rises above his head. From the perspective of strength, it can be regarded as evenly matched.

In this small Realm, even if the monkey is not the king, he will still stand on the top of the pyramid.

Everyone worked together to lock the Blade Storm Realm under the valley, and the water that was sucked up from the cold pool became stronger and more ruthless like a fish in water.

However, it didn't hit the vital point directly, and under the fierce struggle of the god monkey, the sword edge deviated an inch.

"Meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins! And we didn't intend to offend. When the people of our clan return, we will bow our heads and apologize, and don't bother us anymore!"

And this divine monkey in front of him, compared to the fierce beasts or descendants of divine beasts he had seen before, was a little more intelligent and rational. Seeing the ant-like human race in front of him, he adjusted the battle formation so quickly, facing Facing the rising human spirit, it seemed very majestic, but from everyone's eyes, what the monkey sensed was perseverance, not the attitude of the weak facing the strong.

The god monkey with the bloodline of gods flowing in its body began to beat its chest and scream like franticly.

I don't know where the god monkey took out an iron pestle and stood in front of him like a solitary wind. When the iron pestle shook, the earth shook accordingly. The rolling mountains were like the forest blown by the strong wind. It began to shake in the eyes of everyone.

The strength of this monkey lies in its speed and agility, and its power is far beyond the Human Sovereign's prediction. Its arms, which are rougher than the Thousand Year's Technique, directly grabbed it, sweeping in all directions, invincible.

"Everyone help me, the law of heaven and earth!"

Fortunately, everyone worked together to unload the dominance of this strike.

"It's just a beast, everyone don't panic. If he is really capable, he will break into the formation and fight to the death with us!"

The power that binds the hands and feet was also broken at this moment. At the same time, the figure of the god monkey, which was already as tall as a mountain and the moon, rose again, more than doubling in size. The eyes of the god monkey were as silver and white as snow, revealing breath, with that thick chill. .

Human Sovereign's eyeballs rolled, and a rain of swords was set off first, and the wind blade hidden in the strong wind swept over immediately.


Judging from the smell, there is no smell of this god monkey at all, and it is not here to ask the teacher for a crime, but to find fault on purpose.

After the Human Sovereign roared loudly, he was regarded as a human body like an ant, his body was like a mountain, and the sword in his hand was comparable to that iron pestle!

The long sword in his hand pointed forward "to stab into the Genfeng on the monkey's chest.

The Human Sovereign sighed secretly, and at the same time, the sword in his hand began to transform into invisible, using the art of controlling the wind, hiding the edge of the sword in the wind, ready to defend against the enemy at any time

"What the hell is this guy? Have we entered his territory by mistake?" Wang Chunchun was urging the treasure in his hand, and kept contacting the people in the base camp, thinking about Master Own in his heart, but he disappeared.

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