Chapter 263 Marginal Battlefield

After a little time for thinking, all I saw was a pair of hammers, like iron walls encircling from both sides.

As long as the imagination is rich enough, the changes are endless.

However, Wang Chunchun's cognition is limited after all. The strong man in his imagination and the king in his imagination already have certain flaws, and they may rely on their own master or the facts recorded in the ancient scrolls.

The strength has grown from tens of thousands of catties to hundreds of thousands of catties, and even heading towards a million catties.

Such a terrifying force makes it hard to breathe.

The ground under Huang Hao's feet was like a plate, cracked instantly, his feet had already sunk into the ground, and the smoke and dust that collided with force seemed to carry some scorching power.

The fleeting change made the originally relatively quiet environment, for a while, magma erupted and flames splashed everywhere.

"Soldiers come to block water and earth to cover, the power of Five Elements is mutual generation and mutual restraint, how should you deal with it?" Cao Ye did not intend to intervene, but preached from the sidelines.

It can be said that what we are encountering right now is an extremely perfect opponent and environment. If Huang Hao can continue to blossom and bear fruit on the basic Realm at this time, it will be a rare good thing in Hundred Years!

At the same time, heavy rain fell from the sky, thunder flickered, and the raindrops that fell were only the size of palms. The smoke and dust were replaced by white utensils. Arriving and hearing Huang Hao's shadow and footsteps, the Phantom Lost Track, which belongs to Huang Hao's home field, seems to have arrived.

Wang Chunchun's strength is extremely rigid and strong. In the practice of brute force, he is the best, while Huang Hao is quite weak. In comparison, the only way to compare the two is to use softness to overcome rigidity, so that in a fight, a sword can awaken the dreamer!

"You are a pretender. You deceived my eyes and even my Divine Sense. Who are you? Could it be that you have reached the Realm of the Crazy God, and have you rebelled against the gods who were once cut off by the Heavenly God Realm?"

At this moment, Wang Chunchun suddenly threw the giant blade in his hand aside, and then sat cross-legged in the center of the battlefield, no longer following the rules, listening with his ears and seeing with his heart.

But what he said, Huang Hao, who was ready to wait for an opportunity, found it both funny and felt that he had been brought into the opponent's logical thinking.

What crazy god? What traitorous god?

I don't know what books Wang Chunchun read when he was practicing. It's really because of how rich his imagination is, and how terrifying the trap of thoughts is.

"Then who are you?" A piercing voice fell into Wang Chunchun's ears.

"Haha, I am the awakened one, the future master of all things, the god of creation!"

"But I want to tell you that your name is Wang Chunchun, and you are just a naughty and honest Fatty. In reality, no, in your dream, the inferiority and cowardice in your heart are the only ones that have fulfilled the desire in front of me. God, you don’t exist, and God is just a title. What are you capable of? You’re just a Fatty!”

Another ear-piercing voice intersected, so that Wang Chuntian suddenly opened his eyes, and saw a rather strange figure slowly walking towards him.

This person's aura is powerful, not inferior to his own at all, and he has never seen this person before, and he has never appeared in his memory at all, so he is naturally an imaginary enemy that cannot be imagined.

"and who are you?"

The lost Wang Chunchun shook his head from side to side. In such a world where the ego can dominate, two uncontrollable factors suddenly appeared, which seemed to have made him understand something, but the insurmountable glass wall, But there are many sharp spikes, so that the real memory of the past has been isolated.

"False, I think you two are my Hearts Demon, today I will use this giant blade to understand the last level in my practice!"

He was already obsessed with obsession, Huang Hao's sword had already stabbed his back blind, and the blade of the great sword pierced his chest, but there was not a drop of blood shed, which made him even more excited.

"Sure enough, you guys are fake, let's see what I do next!"

The giant blade in his hand split into two, split into four, and suddenly grew three heads and six arms. Compared with the strength shown before, it suddenly tripled.

"Do you think that the monster in front of you is the real you? Do you really have this ability? Where did you get those Divine Armament blades that cut iron like mud? Do you still have any memory? "

"You have practiced all kinds of skills, surpassing countless chosen ones! Do you think that even if such a person, such a Talent, exists, it will be smooth sailing on the road of cultivation?

Cao Ye used words to force him in time, and then, Huang Hao struck again with a sword, but Wang Chuntian's obsession and extreme anger struck him directly.

Resting on the Cultivation Base, the Realm is limited, and the next fire can only be ignited by Cao Ye, smashing the heart of desire and empty imagination that should not exist in one fell swoop.

"The curtain of the truth is about to open, so be prepared!"

Immediately, Cao Ye stomped his feet suddenly, and the land with a radius of ten thousand miles collapsed instantly, and huge stone pillars gushed out in an array. .

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