Chapter 251 Metamorphosis

"You junior, what did you eat to grow up? The old man can't see through you more and more. Could it be that we are of the same clan?"

In the minds of mysterious people, only the three words "impossible" keep wandering.

How can the miracle created by Cao Ye be a cultivator in the wilderness, capable of detachment~?

"I admit... I admit that your sacrificial spirit is far beyond my cognition, so don't think too much, no matter whether you are of the same race or others, you and I are on the opposite side after all, let go of you Ambition, give me what's in your head.

Indeed, the power of the black dragon is beyond the norm. Using ordinary means to fight against the enemy can only be entangled and stalemate with each other, but the black dragon is just a sacrificial spirit and not a real opponent.

"There are countless thorns on the road to the sky, and you are the thorn that cannot be pulled out. However, you are the test that the gods sent down to me. If I can survive your calamity, the old man can cultivate. Origin.

The implication is that between each other, only one person can live.

The golden body is very huge, and I never thought that the black dragon could turn into a golden dragon. It really transformed from a python into a dragon, and it was completely reborn.

This time, although the reborn black dragon is much more majestic in form than before, its speed has not slowed down. Its figure is like a thunderbolt. , It is very eye-catching, the sky and the earth echo each other, lightning and thunder.

Cao Ye was already half naked, with the same golden inscription charm all over his body.

The phantom sword in his hand, shaped like the long cone-like hidden sword, is infinitely slender.

The golden dragon roared towards it, and as soon as it reached the phantom, it immediately slammed it down, followed by its real body.

Cao Ye's speed was even faster, and he dodged the giant monster by turning sideways. At the same time, the long sword in his hand had already scratched the golden scales, and sparks sparked above the gray sky like fireworks. Generally gorgeous, but in this seemingly short-lived beauty, it reveals blood that seeps into people.

Immediately afterwards, Cao Ye turned around and flew towards the stone pagoda that had no owner, replacing it, as if he became the owner of the formation.

The mysterious man focused his eyes and controlled the golden dragon with his thoughts.

"You are really smart, and you still want to use my strength to leverage your strength, but I won't be fooled by you, and you have to be careful of your own feet." The mysterious man snorted and laughed.

swipe swipe swipe....

Countless ghostly tentacles popped out from the gap in the stone tower, and rushed towards Cao Ye's feet, as if stuck in a swamp, unable to pull out his feet.

At this moment, the mysterious man galloped towards the chest with a spear in hand.


After the sound of metal and iron clanging, the mysterious man was stunned again.

This strike, basically used the strength of the bottom of the box.

It was as if he had touched a piece of divine iron, and he couldn't break through Cao Ye's defense at all.

"How can this be?"

"What is impossible? You are too stupid!"

Suddenly, a cold wind and a sword glow struck from behind the mysterious man.

Everything just now was just a disguise, the opponent can use the avatar to confuse, and use the sacrifice spirit as a helper. Naturally, Cao Ye can also use this method. After the transformation, a cute beast appeared on the stone tower. Meow.

The power of the fighting star god was affected by the power of the stars outside.

But at this moment, the giant dragon suddenly turned into a long snake, blocking the sword finger at a speed beyond cognition.


There was another bang, and then the golden dragon on its body only slightly fell off its scales, and was caused substantial damage. Seeing this, the mysterious people fled immediately, and one person and one dragon appeared in a relatively evenly matched position.

"If you don't make some sacrifices, I'm afraid that if you fight for another 300 rounds, you may not be able to tell the winner!"

The mysterious man gritted his teeth, the two pairs of eyes on the mask seemed to be bleeding, and the black liquid fell on the golden dragon's scales.

In an instant, the golden scales began to fall, and everyone could see that the power of thunder was also attached to each scale.

"It turned out to be a treasure!"

The already exhausted Human Sovereign roared out.

Where are the ordinary golden dragon scales, there are millions of golden dragon scales, all of which are unobtainable treasures in the world. If you are lucky enough to get one, you can smelt all kinds of different instruments under thousands of hammers.

The golden dragon's body is covered with treasures, and the so-called sacrifice in the mysterious population is just such a meaning.

It's no wonder that Cao Ye collided with him repeatedly, and it was still difficult to tell the difference, but the mysterious man judged from this that the real strength of the person in front of him seemed to have reached a certain level of height.

Now there are golden scales all over the sky, followed by golden frost all over the sky, each piece is thorny, each piece is sharp, and those who touch it will be injured and those who fall will die.

"My guess is right, you sacrificed a lot for this sacrificial spirit, no wonder you are so weak, that's all, let's clean up this beast first, and then go dig your head.

Cao Ye moved back two steps, and then began to move sideways at a very high speed. With his nimble body skills, he dodged quickly, and on his body, he also had the equivalent treasure seven. .

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