Chapter 246 A Fork in the Road

The mysterious man's gaze was facing southeast, and the inclination of the power was also facing in that direction. Cao Ye naturally knew that it was the proving ground, an inner Realm space.

What's more, own baby's apprentice is still digging for treasure in the trial field, and the person in front of him has already dug a trap, waiting for them to drill together.

Not surprisingly, the transmission formation left before, even at the crossing intersection, was leaked on purpose.

At the same time, a ray of light galloped out from the depths of the ground, and with the rumbling sound, the earth began to vibrate. It was climbing upwards at a speed visible to the naked eye, and an ancient ruin suddenly appeared.

And the figure of the mysterious man shuttled quickly like a silver thread, and then, his real body stood on the top of the ancient ruins.

Looking down from top to bottom, he seemed to be standing on a huge bronze tripod.

The ancient and stale aura rushed towards him, and the countless phantoms all over the spiritual space were concentrating towards the main body. He was merging, as if opening an ancient seal.

Some things are recorded in ancient books, but some things have been erased long ago. The Nine Heavens Elder stared at each other, not knowing what to do.

Obviously, more terrifying things will happen next.

"Maybe all this is a fog created by him. We have been playing hide-and-seek in other people's traps, but we have never thought of it.

Cao Ye held a thunder-like long sword in his hand, and walked from top to bottom, watching the aura full of thorns, like countless scimitars, wandering around invisible, but it was still difficult to break the knot of rigidity outside Cao Ye's body boundary.

"Speaking of which, you are masters and apprentices, don't you know anything about it?"

He believes that the mysterious person in front of him, in order to hide his own ambition from the public eye, naturally has to show some true feelings, otherwise how can he be deceived?

Besides, Nine Heavens Elder is one of the most outstanding disciples. Although he was a tool in the hands of mysterious people in a long time ago, in order to sharpen the knife and use it to achieve his ambitions and clear away obstacles, there must be some truth. The ability to teach.

"Master, he... No, this treacherous villain once mentioned to us that he pursued the way of reaching the heavens all his life, and achieved the realm of the true god in one leap. He has deceived us so far. The feeling of Qi is the source of his strength!"

One after another, colorful air masses surround the old building, and the mysterious people are gathering their forces from all directions to prepare for the final harvest.

Cao Ye didn't dare to act rashly, after all, before his own cards were exposed, he would definitely test out the depth of the opponent.

"What's the difference between what you just said and nonsense?"

The Nine Heavens Elder let out a sigh of relief, and said with a miserable smile: "We were once bewitched by him to do some inhumane things. I don't know how many young creatures we have captured in the past thousand years. As experimental subjects, we have completed the so-called The Way to Ascension!"

He is holding the heart of colorful light spots in his hand, and he is fortunate to crush the root of evil, but Wu Tiao has been controlled by others.

"This fiery heart condensed by our nine brothers is the key to his soaring to the upper world. As long as he doesn't get it, he is a false god after all. No, he is a Devil!"

Nine Heavens Elder revealed that the key to Zhongmen's decline from its peak to its decline is the brutal experiment.

The way mysterious people pursue is not to start from the human race, to constantly abandon themselves and transform themselves, but he believes that human beings are an extremely imperfect life. The result is still the same.

0......seeking flowers......

In the end, mysterious people use other people's flesh and blood as their own body, as if deceiving their ears and stealing the bell, so as to deceive God and finally open the way.

Wanfa returns, one ninety-nine returns to Yuan......

Regardless of bloodline or other fate relationships, nine of their ten brothers are the best candidates, and they are also mysterious people, the seeds they have found all over the world.


Cao Ye clearly understood that the key to defeating an opponent is not brute force, but the key to defeating an opponent is right in front of him, the shining fiery heart.

"As long as one of the nine of us is still alive, he won't be able to succeed. This heart belongs to us after all."

The vitality of the Nine Heavens Elder is suddenly declining, and his strong and powerful heart seems to have gradually fallen into a low frequency. If it continues, his body will turn iron blue in less than half an hour. No one can save him, let alone save!

"So that's the case, then I'll try my best to help you." After the words fell, a strange fairy grass rushed out from Cao Ye's cuff like a long snake.

It seems that there are countless revival qi surrounding the Nine Heavens Elder's body, and it is wrapped like a rice dumpling. The materialized protective barrier suddenly formed. Except for a gap, you can see the changes in the outside world. , impregnable.

"It's meaningless for you to do this. The ending is the same. As I once said to them, fate is doomed again!".

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