Chapter 242 Inspur

Before he didn't hesitate, there were already beasts on the top of your head. It was not the spirit of heaven and earth, but a special inscription, which gave it a short life, just for this moment.

Endless power appears in light from darkness.

The red air ball that is enough to burn the skin of the skin is still rushing upwards. The upward power alone is enough to top the person to the high altitude.

"Aren't you joking? Didn't you give me a maggical item! What should they do?" What should they do? "

Ashamed Hao slowly moved his steps, but only about a distance, it would definitely make him feel uncomfortable to invade the "Lord" behind him.

"This is the game of a brave, isn't it sometimes empty in your hand? You can look back!"

When he heard the master's words, Huo Hao drumped his courage and launched the final challenge towards the limit of his body.

"Is this all your masterpieces?" He couldn't see the strength of Cao Ye and the Cultivity Base at all. Walking in a horrible magic group, he could easily rely on his Spirit Power to resist, showing his strength.

As soon as his voice landed, people disappeared into the red gas group.

Chen Haotian's life and soul power have reached an irreversible stage. If he is not perseverance, he may be flying ash.

"Rest assured, I will protect it, you can also leave the last trace of humanity!".

Xiaoyue looked at the other counseling, but Coldly hummed twice, and then saw the light green long clothes, which fixed him in the uncle like countless willow leaves, and then ejected to start, falling in the abyss, hanging in the abyss, falling in the abyss Essence

"It's really God's will, and it was torn by these previously ignored black Devilish Qi.

"Don't think too much in 2.5, I just think he is too pitiful. For you, this is also the hits, and it will be seen sooner or later.

"This kid jumped like this. His meat is the same as us? Didn't he know the pain?"

Ge Huizu looked at the candlestick in front of him and sighed: "107, only two hours passed, which was even worse than the record."

On the other hand, Chen Haotian and yesterday Elder's fate have come to an end.

CAO YE did not intend to participate. At this time, he had swallowed the soul lines that remembered the rebirth, swallowed into the belly, and he had already been full of warmth.

Chen Haotian was torn into fragments in an instant, but it was a grievance, and the wishes of the will. It can be said that it is not a complete person.

Soon, countless black fragments set off a tornado, covering the two in it.

"No matter who you are winning, and who you are defeated, it has nothing to do with me. But now, only I can save the last seed of Tianshi Mansion."

There is no way to stop the black Devilish qi of the turning of the clouds, with the will of killing, wherever you live, the soul is killed!

As a result, they were not expected, and they lost both.

"Fortune insurance, wealth and wealth insurance ...

"Oh my god!"

"Then do you go?"

"I want to escape now, and I don't want to be dragged by your hind legs, but if you want to live alive, you want to fight with me.

Fatty's two horses first, with a fat belly, lost countless care Magical item, with fire, and ice, and citron, a thin layer of frost on the body.

Nine Heavens Elder missed his gaze and looked at the CAO YE in his head.

It can be said that the road has been broken and the two ancestors who stayed in the base camp silently shed tears in their hearts.

When Cao Ye was just ready to appear and went to clean the battlefield, in the dark clouds covered, suddenly it turned into an abnormal phenomenon like a human face.

"Impossible, there is no owner for a long time!" Tian Elder's hysterical anger, almost exhausted all the vitality. , Terrible.

The position of a million miles was met in my mind.

The broken will of will, I do n’t know how many souls of the undead swallow, so that the power of the soul suppression is 0 ...... ... ...... ...

"Don't be emotional, it's all fate! They are back for a while, prepare." Mingyue's ancestor also lost his baby's mental sense, and the long lights were not extinguished there, but it was fierce.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of ghost crying sounds slowly disappeared into the underground dark acupoints as the formation of Longlong, and the so -called inscription of time and space also lost its effect at this moment.

"Crazy, no wonder ... ... forget .... ..."

There are only a dozen young fires, hiding in the crystal tower, hiding the road of hiding.

"I can't control so much, I don't believe it. Everyone's Realm is almost the same. His baby is not as much as us, he can live like us!"

"I don't know what these children have done in the previous life, the same young, but died here!"

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people had chosen to give up. As the gold and space Rune of the body light up, it broke away from the right and wrong place under his feet.

But only courage and unlucky, the result is the same.

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