Chapter 230 Leftovers

Especially for the frost formed by the condensed blood and soul essence, showing extreme greed and desire.

"Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance! That's right, it's time to close the net."

Following the Emperor's order, the cage of the warship was instantly opened, and the soul beasts that had been domesticated already assumed a charging posture.

But when the two touch each other slightly, Cao Ye feels like a sap has been hit on the back of own's head, reality and fantasy are immediately distinguished, but he is quickly pulled back to the current environment ZEE.

"I didn't expect these cubs to be so spiritual from the moment they were born. But we can't hold back Father, why don't we find an opportunity to plunder some if we can."

But behind him, Cao Ye also saw a few strange little things, white hair, long ears, huddled together, just like a kitten, extremely cute

Huo Ling'er's idea is actually very simple, that is, in times of disputes, clean up the battlefield in advance, so that the lucky goddess will smile with incomparable favor, and maybe she can find some fragments of giant soul beasts.

The little Star Soul Beast mobilizes the power of Star, and breaks out of its shell continuously. There are long ears on its small head, and its chubby appearance is extremely cute.

The two sides still met, but the Human Sovereign used to be an existence above ten thousand people, so humbled.

Human Sovereign was also confused, before he could see his back, he heard the voice of scolding.

Looking at the entire imperial city, those who can reach one-tenth of the level are no more than a few hundred thousand people, and those who can reach the average level are only a handful of people. .

"Did I read it wrong?"

But Human Sovereign and 720 Huo Ling'er split into two groups, Huo Ling'er went to find a retreat, and Human Sovereign tentatively climbed up the ladder leading to nowhere.

"Sword God! I didn't expect you to be here, this is indeed the place where all the Exotic Treasures gather!"

It's not because of human nature, but that Cao Ye has absorbed too much power of natural law in his body. In front of the little guy, Cao Ye's whole figure is like a fiery red sun, warm and hot.

The vast star clouds are revealed in the eyes of the little cutie, and there is a bit of strangeness in the cuteness!

Those who have nowhere to go, follow the heels of the big forces and search for resources that can be divided.

"Don't you know about it, Sword God?" Human Sovereign asked in confusion.

"I've already heard about them before. The warships from the Heavenly Master's Mansion came here just for the rune bones of the golden beast, the blood of phantom spirits, and the sources of wealth scattered in the lightning."

"The fight on the top of the head is inextricable. Every cloud of robbery and blood that is cut off represents the flesh and blood of the otherworld's golden beast. With such rampant and domineering power, this little guy who has just hatched can bear it. Live?" Cao Ye looked at the Emperor with strange eyes, also waiting for the answer.

"It's just a little star soul beast, it just hatched, and the time is just right. This time..."

In fact, he was already like a bright mirror in his heart, but he didn't expect that the whole warship was all the children of Tianshifu.

"What is this?" Cao Ye asked, pointing to the little guy who was holding onto the Human Sovereign's back.

But after hearing the words Tianshi Mansion, Human Sovereign's eyes became a little confused, and he asked in confirmation: "Could it be that they are all from Tianshi Mansion?"

When I came here, I already noticed the marks and aura left by the various forces. All the forces are very clear. In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, they are all going their own way.

"Enough!" He was about to flatter, when Cao Ye interrupted: "This is not where you should be, why don't you go all the way to the northeast?"

Human Sovereign explained again and again: "How could you be wrong, but the Tianshi Mansion was demoted from the upper realm to the lower realm. Although they don't know the truth, they were defeated last time, and they have never heard about it in Thousand Years. Their rumors, I thought they had disappeared, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful again!"

"What are you doing?" Before the Human Sovereign finished the introduction, the little guy seemed to see his master, and rushed over, completely ignoring the thunder and lightning that were constantly shuttled in the thunder cloud

But a very familiar breath suddenly strayed into my Realm, how can I not be angry, how can I not be surprised?

This is a few breaths, the soul-devouring beast with black hair and green eyes has already hunted the entire battlefield, searching for all useful spirits like hounds.

Before he had time to react, the little Star Soul Beast had already jumped into Cao Ye's arms.

"This is such a blessed place, so it's a bit more dangerous, but with Lord Sword God here, our hearts are on the ground. It's enough to be able to pick up some leftovers behind you."

The small eyes containing the sea of ​​stars are staring at Cao Ye(ajdh) crookedly. Pink pads are exposed on the small paws covered with white hair, where is the newly hatched Star Soul Beast, it is a meow!

"Why did you come in too?" At this moment Cao Ye is sitting in the cloud cluster. This is the 103rd cloud cluster thunder star element he has absorbed, and in another hundred and eighty years, he will definitely be able to Get it!

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