Chapter 228 Lies

Regarding this, Chen Haotian's eyes dropped.

"One thousand and five hundred years, I have stayed here for too long, I can't see right and wrong, forget it."

Looking at the teenage children on the side, I suddenly recalled what it looked like when I was a teenager.

"Forget it, but the other senior brothers were settled by you in the end, don't worry about this debt, you have to pay it anyway!"

Chen Haotian's eyes were fixed, and his gloomy expression suddenly changed.

"If I let you go, it's better to give these children a chance. As for the future of Tianshi Mansion, you are not allowed to worry about it."

His words seemed to have been approved by Tianjiu Elder.

Therefore, the two sides looked at each other and nodded again and again.

"Second senior brother, you are able to figure it out. I really didn't expect it, but the debt I owe must be repaid after all. I have been thinking about it all the time for more than a thousand years, but today I finally met Answer." 09

At the same time, the brothers began to join hands side by side, facing the giant beast above their heads.

He was supposed to die and live later, so why not give up, a life that will be taken away sooner or later, how can he be afraid when facing Death.

On the other side, Cao Ye and Liu Shen could see very clearly that it was just a tactic to delay the attack.

"In order to achieve the goal, it is natural to use any means. When a person's mouth is touched up and down, it is full of lies.

Cao Ye, who was planning to intervene, suddenly fell silent. For him, this is a foreign matter, but the result remains unchanged. The final fruit and the true face of this land will also open the real curtain when this farce ends.

"Lies! In fact, there are no lies at all. It all depends on what the other party thinks. As long as the death is worthy and peaceful, it doesn't matter." Liu Shen saw it even more clearly.

Next, Tianjiu Elder with a Yin & Yang face started to operate. The natal Magical Item of this sect, as if they don’t need money, kept throwing it out. It only took a stick of incense to make the damaged warship look like a new one.

Like riding the wind and breaking the waves, facing the endless ocean above the sky, riding the wind and breaking the waves.

The golden-skinned behemoth is not extraordinary either, the countless energy tentacles attached to it have been perfectly smelted, and the thunder that keeps falling has the will of the behemoth.

But the catastrophe of the golden beast did not end. Immediately afterwards, countless Divine Armament sharp weapons were twisted into a twist shape, and with the help of the power of Thunder Cloud Tribulation, they began to continuously amplify the sparks of their collisions.

Only halfway through, a blood-red scar appeared on the golden leather armor.


Tianjiu Elder's eyes were bloodshot, apart from the Supreme bone in his body, this bead became the heart of Thousand Year's practice, and Chen Haotian, who stood side by side with it, injected his only remaining soul power into it without hesitation.

"It's exactly the same as last time, but I don't know how it will end?"

Chen Haotian sighed again and again, thinking about the battle more than a thousand years ago, they also injected everyone's souls into one person, almost Qi Deviation, and escaped into Devil Dao, but because of this, eight lives were wasted.

The control and desire for power are almost endless.

"The last time we joined hands together, but the old heavenly master had other tasks, I had to obey. Even if I told the truth halfway, we might not be able to return to Sect alive, but this time is different. As the old heavenly master, I When you are facing the oil into the lamp, how can you be so ambitious.

At the same time, a light blue light suddenly gushed out from under the earth.

Like a fountain, the lifeless breath was instantly diluted, replaced by endless vitality.

When Chen Haotian completely dispelled his own doubts, there was already a wisp of useless will and remnant soul.

He silently squatted in the corner, watching the only remaining Sect disciples, facing the thunder without retreating, not afraid of being smashed to pieces.

The golden beast was already facing a catastrophe of life and death. Under the double blow, the 1% chance of winning was suddenly magnified countless times.

Master Tianjiu holds two divine weapons, one black and one white, and has become the undefeated God of War. His shriveled, emaciated and withered body has also become much fuller at this moment.

But this battle lasted for a full fifteen days, and when all the dust settled, the golden beast continued to degenerate, gradually curling up into a cub-like appearance.

Tianjiu Elder pulled away his skin without hesitation. He took out the so-called bone of rune, and devoured the Blood Essence in his body cruelly and decisively. His physical body and whole person's demeanor are becoming younger and more youthful at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chen Haotian, who witnessed all this, his demeanor and spirit had become old, but at this moment, a voice appeared in his ear.

"When will your promise be fulfilled?"

Cao Ye's voice suddenly appeared in his ears, and Chen Haotian never dreamed that the man followed him and witnessed what happened just now.

"Ha, I don't have anything now, the Juling Orb that keeps me going can't beat anymore, the next Samsara...".

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