Chapter 212 Breakthrough

After the perfect fusion of the power of the Five Elements to stop the bleeding, if they can break through multiple extreme caves, then this baptism, this transformation, will be completed, and then they can only wait.

Huang Hao couldn't wait anymore, he was lucky to stay where he was, and after a long time of resting his eyes, he punched fiercely.

But so what? Huang Hao's rapid growth rate and perfect development now simply depend on the power of the universe, strength, talent and luck. They seem to be indispensable, but they can be cultivated the day after tomorrow.

That's right, those few fish that slipped through the net not only took away the power of Supreme's ancient double pupils, but also harbored a seed of hatred. One day, the two parties will meet on a narrow road, and a battle of fate from the future will come. It was like a boulder pressing down on the heart of the Great Demon God.

Potential is limitless, imagination is limitless...

Rumbling, after a loud noise, a hole seemed to be punched out of the mountain in front, thick smoke billowing, sand and stone rushing down, startling the beasts in the mountain, roaring again and again.

Immediately after Huang Hao grabbed it with his bare hands, he lifted a ten-foot-wide huge boulder with his bare hands. As it was thrown upwards, the next second the gravel rubbed against the air quickly. Under this sunny day, There was a small meteor shower.

The gap in strength Realm is an insurmountable gap, whether it is in self-awareness or spiritual Realm expansion, there will be a great degree of progress.

"My good apprentice, don't question yourself. It's not a big deal, why don't you try your own skills now!" Cao Ye's tone and attitude today are completely opposite to that night.

Above the valley, the dark clouds had completely dissipated, and a group of birds flew from nowhere, chirping and chirping.

At this moment, Cao Ye poured a basin of cold water, and the cold water still revealed the biting toilet)  ……………

He is obsessed with fantasy, and under such circumstances, it is difficult for Yiyi to polish his own eyes.

He has to be a frog in a well, but what he sees is the same sky. Huang Hao bluntly said that there is some truth, but how can the arm twist the thigh!.

In the blink of an eye, it can already be called a landslide.

His eyes are shining with different brilliance, looking closely, it seems that he is constantly rotating in the direction of Five Elements.

"Don't be too happy!"

"What's more, you are not mature yet, if you go together, I can't guarantee..."

How could he dare to imagine it if it was done before.

"Those disgusting beasts, it's a pity, if I knew it earlier, I would have made more preparations. If the weeds are not removed, the spring breeze will be born again!"

Compared with the previous Realm, it seems to have broken through more than three times in strength. If it weren't for the pool of water in the body, it would still be in a state of deficit.

However, Huang Hao walked over with heavy steps, head hanging down, and asked, "Master, when are you leaving?"

Sword God and Liu God looked at each other and smiled, as if the result had already been announced yesterday.

Eleven Caves!

When the perfect breakthrough is made, it is the day when the master and apprentice leave.

"Is that all it is? Isn't it a little too easy?" Huang Hao asked himself secretly, when his own skin seemed to be wrapped in a thick layer of filth, but now it has dried on the skin, and large pieces have fallen off And down.

For him now, there are no two lines of tears on that vertical and horizontal face to express.

Cao Ye just wanted Huang Hao to be invincible at the same rank, able to leapfrog challenges at the late stage, even if he failed, he had to leave a perfect escape route for himself. Living is a kind of practice, and it is also the most difficult.

Talent is proud and has extremely strong resources as an attack, not to mention there are two superb masters sitting on the sidelines, the right time, place and people are all three.

"Hahahaha... the incense of my family..." The Great Demon God was so excited that he couldn't speak. Such a proud son came from his own family!

The Great Demon God roared for this, and said, "Perfect!"

Cao Ye froze in place, and after thinking for a long time, he couldn't come up with an answer.

"Master, others are taking the smooth road, but I am taking the method of reversing the boat. If possible, I really want to see the outside world."

He just wants Huang Hao to face some things by himself, whether it is black or white, right or wrong, all need to be judged by himself, these are the most important part of the path of practice!

"It is rumored that there is a secret place behind this barren mountain. According to 5.3, it is a gate leading to three thousand Divine Lands. Master, I have already noticed that the gate is slowly opening, and I will meet you again at that time." You can’t even count as a teacher!”

As soon as the voice fell to the ground, "Qi Liu Qi" saw Huang Hao roaring, the blood of Five Elements had been perfectly fused in his body, and in the inner world, he seemed to see multiple extreme caves..

The dark clouds turned into auspicious clouds, and there was a bridge of colorful neon lights above the valley. Although the scene of different phases from the sky did not last long, both those who watched from afar and those who watched closely were dumbfounded. .

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