Chapter 201: Vision

"The weather has changed!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the sky turned blood red, and everyone in Butian Pavilion stopped what they were doing and looked up.

"What's going on this year, the day has changed?" A disciple was puzzled~.

"I don't know why, but I always feel that this style is very familiar. I think - I have found someone."

"Me too."

There are not a few people who have this idea. They looked at each other and called out a name in unison.

"Sword God!"

After a moment of silence, they discussed each other again, and the disciples of Butian Pavilion were very excited.

"Good guy, maybe it was really made by the Sword God. Look at that direction, the closer you are to the ancient country, the redder the sky will be."

"Thanks to our Jiling's foresight, we reported our thighs early, so that we can follow suit!"

"The people in the Martial King's mansion are all dead?" The Emperor was shocked, his face was a bit ugly, "Sword God is really so amazing?"

"Father, the Martial King's mansion deserves what it deserves," Huo Ling'er pouted dissatisfiedly, a boy appeared in her eyes, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help evoking a slight smile.

The Human Sovereign stared at Huo Ling'er for a few seconds, then shook his head helplessly, "Okay, you can play quickly."

"Father, you won't really fight against the Sword God, will you?" Huo Ling'er narrowed her eyes worriedly, "The Sword God is very powerful.

Human Sovereign was dissatisfied, and slightly patted her on the shoulder, "How can you say that about your father, that's fine, let's play."

Huo Ling'er snorted coldly, and looked back worryingly.

The Emperor's face was full of gloom. He came to the imperial city and looked down at the people below. From this position, he could just see the Martial King's mansion, and he could see the scene completely.

Normally at this hour, the Martial King's mansion would be very lively, but now, it is coldly clear.

As far as the eye could see, they were all corpses.

The Human Sovereign sighed softly, "Arrange someone to collect the corpse."


An invisible huge palm covered the entire imperial city.

Cao Ye and Liu Shen seemed to have sensed something, looked up and saw the palm.

The next moment, the Human Emperor appeared in front of him, with a Killing intent on his face, he stared at the Sword God for a long time.

"Is the Human Emperor here to avenge the Martial King's mansion?"

Cao Ye's eyes showed a faint power, and he asked affirmatively.

"Sword Shendu has come to my ancient country, ignore me as the emperor, and don't put me in one's eyes, so I have to fight," the emperor's eyes turned cold, and he finished slowly.


"It's just revenge for revenge, and revenge for hatred," Cao said casually, and Cao immediately acted.

Human Sovereign was right, the two figures immediately fought.

Cao Ye held the Slaying Immortal Sword in his hand, waved his hand lightly, and a strong Sword intent surged in the imperial city.

Everyone was shocked.

"The Sword God has struck again. I don't know who will be beaten to death by the sword of the Sword God this time."

"Who is the opponent this time?"

Smart gambling houses have already set up gambling tables, calling for people to invest.

"I won't go, maybe it's His Majesty the Emperor this time, no matter who wins or loses, I can't afford to bet. y

They are all people from the ancient country of Life. It's okay for the emperor to win, but if he loses...that's the people who made the bets.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked, and they all ran away in a hurry.

The rare coldness at the entrance of the gambling house made the owner of the gambling shop secretly hate him.

"Oh my God, you really are the emperor!!!" One person shouted in shock.

"It's all right now, I don't know who will win, I bet on Sword God to win, and the odds are big.

…… Ask for flowers…………

He looked at the casino expectantly, calculating in his heart, his eyes full of gems.


The door of the gambling house was closed, and the man was dumbfounded.

When he came out again, he was holding a lot of fine biscuits in his hand, "I won't open the bet, so hurry up and take the money back."

The Human Sovereign dodged, and passed by the Slaughtering Immortal Sword, it was so dangerous, he breathed a sigh of relief, and it was too late to rejoice for a long time.

Sword God stabbed again with a sword.

Huo Ling'er came over in a hurry, her hair was disheveled, her eyes were full of worry, she held her breath and stared intently.


Human Sovereign didn't have time for Divine Partition to greet his daughter, so he received the next attack.

In this battle, he fought extremely dangerously. The sword god seemed to know his next attack and prepared in advance.

The feeling of being guessed by others is very uncomfortable.

Cao Ye made moves casually, with a calm expression, as if he was discussing with others, rather than fighting to the death.

The two come and go.

The emperor's body was covered with paint, and there were bloodstains. He frowned tightly, and his heart was tens of thousands of vigilance.

His moves changed from attack to defense. However, in the eyes of the sword god, his defense was not impeccable.

It hurt so much, Human Sovereign frowned, he hadn't felt pain for a long time, he pulled away.

The sword god came to his side in an instant, looking at him with a half-smile, like a cat teasing a mouse.

Human Sovereign was startled, his moves were a bit messy and disorganized.

He was short of breath, and he rarely lost a battle. The scenes of every battle involuntarily appeared in his mind, but none of them was as thrilling as this time with the sword god.

Seeing the shocking scene, Huo Ling'er shouted nervously, her face full of disbelief. .

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