Huang Hao wandered around the False God Realm, and after leaving news that shocked everyone, he returned to the deserted village.

Entering the False God Realm this time was not for the sake of experience. Next, he had to work hard and wait for the battle with the Yu Clan.

"Master, I have already sent the news through the False God Realm, and I will wait for their reaction."

"Are you confident in the next battle? Although the False God Realm can suppress Realm, it is not so easy to defeat everyone."

"No matter what, I want to take this step, and ask my master to teach me to continue to become stronger."

"You said before that you have touched the limit of the cave?"

"That's right, during the half a year of experience in the Xiling Realm, I have touched the blurred boundary between life and death countless times.

"Master, ten caves, is the limit?"

"For everyone else, yes, for you, no."

Cao Ye thought of Huang Hao's future, the unique eleven caves.

"For me, isn't it the limit?" Huang Hao murmured, so did the Master expect so much from me?

"Then Master, how can I open up the tenth cave?"

"I will set up a sword formation, you can enter today, only if you open up the tenth cave, can you break out of the formation."

"This array contains the law of time, so understand it well."

"Thank you, Master!" Huang Hao's eyes lit up, and the Master really had a solution.

"What are you doing?" A voice called out.

"Master?" Huang Hao looked at the big willow tree.

"Are you awake? What's the result of this Closed Door Training?" Cao Ye asked Liu Shen with a smile when he heard the voice.

"I remembered some past events, about the Eight Realms of the Lower Realm, about some catastrophes, but I couldn't find the memory I wanted.

"Don't worry, what should happen will always happen, and what should be remembered will always be remembered."

Cao Ye could hear the disappointment in Liu Shen's tone, and comforted him carefully.

"Master, don't be sad, you will always remember." "Although Huang Hao didn't know about Liu Shen, he still followed his master and spoke words of comfort to Liu Shen.

"It's nothing, it's just something in my heart." Liu Shen smiled and put aside the chaotic thoughts in his heart.

"What were you talking about just now?"

"These days of your Closed Door Training, this little guy has already issued a battle invitation against the Rain Clan, and is preparing to start a battle with the Rain Clan in the False God Realm."

"Just now I was discussing with him about opening up caves."

"He has already opened up nine caves, which is rare in the world. If he works harder, he might not be able to open up ten caves like the ancient Tianjiao."

"Master, the master said, ten caves are not the limit for me." Huang Hao said to Liu Shen embarrassedly, with a hint of pride in his tone.

"The Master also said that he will set up a sword formation for me, and after I come out, I will be able to open up ten caves."

"That's right, I recently studied a sword formation, and I want Huang Hao to try it, why don't you take a look too?"


After Cao Ye finished speaking, he stopped talking nonsense and started to set up an array under the willow tree.

The Sword intent was everywhere, covering the willow tree, and Liushen only felt a breath that shocked her slightly coming from Cao Ye's body.

"Is this? Faerie Qi?"

Liu Shen was extremely shocked. Although she didn't recall any deeper memories this time, she still remembered a lot of things.

In the long river of the Immortal Ancient Era, in the long years, so many battles, none of which made her feel utterly overwhelmed.

But today, Cao Ye exuded such a terrifying aura that made her tremble in the depths of her soul.

Becoming a fairy is the goal that everyone in this world pursues.

How many people have tried their best to close themselves, just to find the slim chance of becoming a fairy.

How many people entered the boundary sea, went through ups and downs, and got lost in the boundless road to immortality.

How many people fought endlessly, and were eventually infected, and the day's pride fell into darkness.

How many people start all over again, endless Samsara, just to prove the supreme way.

But all of this seemed to be so easy for Cao Ye.

As a fairy root left over from the Immortal Ancient Era, she is naturally extremely sensitive to the spirit of the fairy.

She knew that Cao Ye was powerful, but she didn't expect that he actually possessed the aura of a fairy.

Cao Ye didn't know what Liushen was thinking, his sword formation was based on the Sword Qi lingering on the Zhuxian sword, and the small Zhuxian formation comprehended by the Samsara law when he comprehended it.

Use the Sword Qi of Zhuxian Sword to simulate the breath of the other three swords to form a small Zhuxian formation.

Who told him that since the system gave him Zhuxian Sword, he hasn't even seen the shadow of the other three swords.

But even though he doesn't have the other three swords, he can still create this little Zhuxian sword formation when he is bored.

He tried his best to control the power of the sword array, but it still made the surrounding ground tremble.

"Is this sword formation of yours too cruel to break through the little one?" Liu Shen didn't expect that the sword formation Cao Ye used to train Huang Hao would be so powerful, and he was a little worried that the fruits and vegetables would bear THE.

"It doesn't matter, I will control the sword array, it will only push his limits, and will not damage his foundation." Cao Dian signaled Liu Shen to feel at ease.

Cao Ye was talking with Liu Shen, while Huang Hao felt that he was in a great crisis.

Even though he has experienced countless life and death in Xiling Realm, he has never felt such a powerful Sword Qi.

After only staying in this sword formation for a few breaths, his skin and body were already chapped and his body was covered in blood.

The icy Sword Qi made him feel like he was in the endless sea, in the deep sea ice, and he couldn't break free.

Slowly, his breathing gradually weakened, this time F died every time in Xiling Realm.

In Xiling Realm, he knew that even if he died, he would come back to life again, but this time, he felt that he was really going to die.

It was only for a moment, but he felt that Ten Thousand Years had passed.

His consciousness blurred, but he entered another world.

Familiar memory, he once saw another self.

When he was still young, he had seen another own (Zhao's) student.

That self, without the Master, the teacher's wife is not the same as she is now, and she is bored with the master.

That self has opened up eleven caves.

No wonder the master said that ten caves are not his limit.

What surprised him was that he actually experienced the demise of Butian Pavilion, did Butian Pavilion actually perish?

The Butian Pavilion worshiping the spirit in front of the master has disappeared into the world.

What kind of memory is this? Why is everything so familiar? Is it a world without a Master, or is it the Master's projection of the future?

Suddenly, he found Huang Hao who was struggling, and his weak eyes met his.

He was besieged by the Rain Clan and was seriously injured like a candle in the wind.

But at the moment when the eyes of the two met, the tenth cave suddenly opened up for the dying self.

Soon, the screen disappeared, and Huang Hao came back to his senses, and he was already in the sky. .

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