“Except for this team, all the other six teams that entered the Wusheng Mountains remained there.”

When the waiter said this, he trembled with fear and reminded Ye Chen,”If you want to enter the Wusheng Mountains to look for Sanshenghua, you should think about it again. After all, it is too dangerous there.”

“It doesn’t matter, I’m just asking around!”

Ye Chen waved his hand and paid the other party for the spiritual stones to inquire about the information. He then took out a bag of spiritual stones and ordered,”If anyone continues to go to the Wusheng Mountains to look for Sanshenghua in the future, report the information as soon as possible.”

Money can make a fool of himself. Seeing Ye Chen’s generous spending, the waiter immediately promised,”Please rest assured, sir, I will definitely help you pay attention to this news.”

After leaving Wandiefang, Ye Chen stared at some people in the Li family for a few days, and found that their behavior was normal, so he had to give up. On this day, he was just about to return to the Li family and continue to explore the secrets of Li Shengming. Suddenly I saw a person entering a nearby restaurant.

After the person entered, he heard several voices, and other guests in the restaurant were invited out.

That voice was Ye Chen who heard the news about Sanshenghua~ The owner!

So he followed quietly without alerting anyone.

After entering the private room on the top floor of the restaurant, he looked at the woman opposite and said with a smile,”Qing’er, your mission is completed this time. Very good, it lived up to my expectations. Tell me, what reward do you want?”

The woman named Qing’er is indeed very beautiful. There is a faint charm in her movements, which is always teasing the mind of the man in front of her.

Qing’er was silent for a while, then looked into the eyes of the middle-aged man and said ,”Master knows what Qing’er wants!”

“Haha, this……”

For a moment, the middle-aged man looked embarrassed. After he smiled bitterly a few times, Chao Qing’er said,”I can’t make any promises to you before the matter is completed.”

“What’s more, this trip is a narrow escape for you and me.”

“This time I ask you to look for Sanshenghua to ensure that your plan is foolproof.”

After hearing this, Qing’er fell silent.

After a long time, she spoke,”Well, I know everything.”

“Presumably, the relationship between you and me has been noticed by caring people, so…after today, I will disappear in Liluo City forever and wait for you at the place agreed with you.”

As he spoke, Qing’er stared into the other person’s eyes,”Ten years! I will only wait for you for ten years. If you haven’t passed by then, then I will leave.”

“Well, that’s as it should be!”

In Ye Chen’s ears, the conversation between the two was of little value, but for the sake of Sanshenghua, he could only continue to listen.

Soon after, the two people in the private room finally brought the conversation to the main topic.

“How is the situation near Sanshenghua? Qing’er thought carefully for a while and then said,”Three Lives Flower blooms, and Three Lives Flowers disappear. The place where this flower grows is filled with endless Yin Qi, but it can only be enveloped within ten feet of the Three Lives Flowers.””

“Moreover, next to the Sanshenghua, there is a monster comparable to the middle Mahayana guarding it. Once it gets close, it will definitely be attacked by it.”

She told almost everything she knew,”If you want Sanshenghua, you’d better hurry up. After all… I found out that in about a month, there will be two powerful ones in the Sanshenghua area. When the monsters pass through the tribulation, they will cause great disturbances and even lead to more powerful monsters.”

Hearing this, the middle-aged man fell completely silent. He didn’t know how long it had passed before he said softly,”Okay, I understand.”

“If Sanshenghua had not been harvested for more than a day and lost its medicinal effect, why would I need to be so nervous?”

“Okay, that’s it for today. I hope… you and I will have a chance to meet again in the future.”



“Brother Ye, you mean, how many days will you be gone?”

In the room, after Zhou Tao heard that Ye Chen was about to leave the Li family, he had deep regret in his eyes, but he did not stop him,”It doesn’t matter if you leave, this is a place of right and wrong anyway, and you will lose your life if you are not careful. Ye

Chen knew that the other party stayed in the Li family for revenge, so he did not invite the other party to leave together. Instead, he patted Zhou Tao on the shoulder and said,”Remember, the thing that Li Shengming sat on is indeed an indispensable thing.” There are so many good things, if you have the chance, you have to get them”

“Well, I know this, just don’t worry.”

After the two chatted briefly for a while, Ye Chen also left directly and prepared to go to the Wusheng Mountains.

He knew that Qing’er and others might enter the Wusheng Mountains in the next two days to pick Sansheng flowers, so he needed to hurry up. Time.

It would be better if he didn’t encounter such a treasure. But if he did, he would definitely fight for it.

However, as soon as he left the city, he saw Feng Mingnu heading towards the Wusheng Mountains. The aura around her was rather strange.

Seeing this, Ye Chen changed his appearance and pretended to be passing by.

He knew that with Feng Ming’s temperament, he would be stopped.

“Fellow Taoist, please stay!”

Sure enough, after he had just passed by Feng Mingnu and revealed the aura of the middle stage of Dongxu, the other party hurriedly said,”Fellow Taoist, are you planning to go to the Wusheng Mountains?”

“oh? Girl this is……”

Ye Chen turned around in a very cooperative manner, only to hear Feng Mingnu say,”To be honest, I am also going to explore the Wusheng Mountains. Since fellow Taoists are also going there, why don’t we go together, okay?”

Different words. , just as familiar.

As Ye Chen sneered in his heart, he shook his head directly at her,”I’m sorry, I’m used to being alone and don’t like walking with others. You’d better take care of yourself, girl.”

After saying that, he was about to turn around and leave. Feng Mingnu continued to stop her,”If you, Taoist friend, are willing to go together, I… I will give 30% of my income from this trip to you for free.”

This time, Ye Chen noticed that Feng Mingnu was very abnormal. He turned around and asked in confusion,”What do you mean, girl?””


Feng Mingnu stammered and hesitated for a while, then finally gritted her teeth and said,”I lost something in the Wusheng Mountains. I accidentally lost it during my last expedition, and that thing is very important to me.”

“If fellow Taoist can help me, I will definitely do what I just said. If fellow Taoist doesn’t believe me, I can make an oath of heaven!”

Ye Chen’s original intention was to tease the other party. After all, this girl had a lot of secrets. He didn’t expect that Feng Mingnu would be so serious this time.

He thought for a moment, then walked to Fengming Nu and said with a smile,”Okay, I’m here. I promise the girl, but… the Wusheng Mountain Range is extremely steep, and I won’t go too far down there.”

“At that time, I will part ways with the girl.”

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