“That’s pretty much it!”

Feng Mingnu felt relieved when she saw Ye Chen agreed so easily. At the same time, she explained to him about the Li family in Liluo City,”The Li family is the second largest family in Liluo City and has been operating here for hundreds of years. , almost 30% of the industry in the city belongs to their Li family”

“In addition to these, the strongest man of the Li family is said to be a strong man at the peak of the Mahayana period, but no one has ever seen it, and it is not known whether it is true or not.”

“As for you, you are working for the legitimate son in the third bedroom of the main house of the Li family.……”

Intermittently, Ye Chen also learned some basic information about the Li family.

Now, the head of the Li family, Li Wuji, is old and about to abdicate. The three families below the head of the family have begun to compete for the position of the head of the family. In the past few years, they have been recruiting troops to strengthen their own strength, or… use these outsiders with relatively clean backgrounds to provide Your own competitors are a stumbling block.

In the third room of the Li family, the head of the family is named Li Changshou, and his son Li Shengming will be Ye Chen’s future”master.”

I learned from Feng Ming’s daughter that Li Shengming was just over twenty, but he had the cultivation level of a god. In this chaotic demon Hai enough to be called a genius!

However, this son 18 had a bad temper and often beat and scolded his subordinates, which caused a shortage of time for his subordinates. This also gave Feng Mingnu the opportunity to sell Ye Chen.

After hearing this, Ye Chen quietly branded a mark on Feng Mingnu’s body to ensure that he could still control her movements during his absence. Then he returned to the room, cleaned up briefly and planned to go to the Li Mansion..

Since you want to act, you have to do the whole thing.

What’s more… such a barren place to the west of the Chaos Demon Sea can actually support a young man’s cultivation to the stage of divine transformation. If there is no secret, it is impossible.

That afternoon, Ye Chen arrived at the third-bedroom residence of the Li family and gently opened the door.


After a while, a middle-aged fat man opened the door, looked at Ye Chen up and down for a while, then frowned and said,”Is something wrong?”

“Ye Chen, please come to your mansion as requested!”

With that said, Ye Chen handed the rubbing document to the other party. The fat man examined it carefully for a while, and then showed a warm smile,”It turns out that we are the people we will work with in the future. Come in.””

The fat man walked in front, taking Ye Chen around for a while, and soon he arrived in front of a row of small courtyards.

At this time, he looked back at Ye Chen and said with a smile,”From now on, you will live here, every day. His job is to help our master transport resources”

“Of course, since you are new here, the official work will not start until tomorrow”

“If you have any questions, I will tell you tomorrow. You can choose a room to stay in first.”

“Yes, thank you fellow Taoist!”

After he left, Ye Chen turned to look at the yard, released his spiritual thoughts, and found that most of the dozen or so rooms were empty. Even in the rooms with people, the aura was not too strong.

Seeing this, he restrained his aura, Just find a room and stay in it

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

But just as he finished tidying up the room, he heard a knock on the door.

As soon as he opened it, he heard the other party speak very enthusiastically,”Tao next week is currently working under the eldest young master. I heard that Manager Li said that a person came today. New friends come here to visit.”

Ye Chen looked at the other person for a moment and found that he actually had the cultivation level of a half-step integration. He couldn’t help but be surprised, and immediately returned the greeting,”Ye Chen, I’m new here. Please take care of me, fellow Taoist.”

“Haha, easy to say!”

Zhou Tao walked into Ye Chen’s room very familiarly. Seeing that there was nothing here, he took out some good-looking furniture from the storage bag and said to him with a smile,”You just came here, you must There are still a lot of things that I haven’t had time to buy. Brother, I’ll prepare a set for you first.”

“When you make money, you can pay me back. Ye

Chen was stunned by the other party’s smooth movements.

He was stunned for a long time before looking at the other party,”Brother Zhou, do you know… what do we need to do every day?””

“It’s very simple, just transport some cultivation resources to the young master.”

Ye Chen found that although Zhou Tao tried his best to hide his emotions when he said this, he could still see the fear in the other person’s eyes, so he continued to ask,”Is there still danger? I see Brother Zhou… you look very scared!”

For a moment, Zhou Tao was stunned, wondering how Ye Chen discovered the emotions he was hiding in his heart.

But now that it had been exposed, he didn’t hide it anymore, so he gave a helpless smile and said,”Actually, Our young master practices magic skills. As for those cultivation resources… they are people captured by the Li family from various places.”

“Every half month, such resources will be delivered to our young master. As for ordinary times, they are general cultivation resources.”

“I see!”

Ye Chen also understood in his heart. No wonder Li Shengming has made such rapid progress. After all, this is a place with scarce resources, and he is only twenty years old!

“Brother, it’s fine for you to know these things and for me to know them, but there are millions of times that I can reveal them to a third person.”

Zhou Tao put his hand on Ye Chen’s shoulder and warned,”Once this matter is leaked, you and I will both be dead!”


In this way, the night passed quietly.

Early the next morning, Ye Chen, Zhou Tao and others stood neatly in the yard. The fat man who opened the door for Ye Chen yesterday was late.

I saw He put his hands behind his back, looked around, and began to lecture,”I know that among you, there are old people in our house, and there are also those who have just come in.”

“There is a way, no rules, no rules”

“Today, I will make my words clear. When working for our master, you all need to understand in your hearts what you should say and what you should not say.”

“If one day I find out that something bad about our young master is spread outside, then… no matter who spreads the news, everyone present will die!”

As soon as these words came out, there were gasps from the crowd, and even some people were shivering, and then they realized that they seemed to have entered a very dangerous place.

At this moment, the fat man coughed a few times. He said in a loud voice,”Okay, I won’t say any more. Now, those whose names have been read will come with me to deliver training resources to our young master. The others will continue to rest and wait for tomorrow’s mission.”

“Zhou Tao!”


“Wang Jun…where?……”

“Ye Chen!”

Finally, after reading Ye Chen’s name, the fat man put away the list, looked at these people, and said with a smile,”Let’s go, the training resources the young master needs are already waiting ten miles outside the city. Before tonight, , must complete the task”


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