World of ruins, Tomb of the Demon Emperor


At the entrance to the Demon Emperor’s tomb, in the void, monks’ figures were fighting in the void!

Countless people were fighting to get into the Demon Emperor’s tomb, killing each other in extraordinary ways!

In the open space not far away, there is a huge entrance square, where many monks are also gathered!

Ye Chen and Monk Dao Yan were also standing on the square, watching this scene silently!

“It seems that it is not easy to enter the Demon Emperor’s tomb!”

The human race, the demon race, the demon cultivators from the Chaos Demon Sea, and the righteous monks!

This group gathered here, and they were all killing each other!

It is not an easy task to enter the demon emperor’s tomb to hunt for treasure!

“Well, yes, it is indeed not easy!”

Ye Chen took a calm look. Countless people were vying for the entire entrance, hoping to be the first to enter it!

At this moment, the people in the square, although they had not yet taken action, were already wary of each other!

“Brother Dao, let’s go. Let’s get the token quickly and go in to have a look!”

After obtaining the method of entering the tomb from the Maurya King, Monk Daoyan couldn’t wait to walk to the front of the square!

In front of the square, a stone table round platform stood, but on the two-meter-high round platform, there was an extremely coquettish blood flower. The flowers are blooming with brilliance!

And behind the stone table, there are countless captive mortals shivering in a huge pit!

The pit covering an area of hundreds of kilometers is now densely packed. There are hundreds of millions of people!

There are people from the demon clan guarding the pits!

“Hurry up, if you want to get the token, pay the spirit stone!”

The guarding demon people are constantly urging!

If you want to get the token to enter the tomb!

You need to sacrifice the flesh and blood of ten mortal humans to the blood flowers on the stone pillar!

The seeds spit out by the latter are the seeds that enter the tomb. entrance!

And these captive humans are the items they brought!


Monk Dao Yan, who came over, took a look at the creatures in the pit, and then couldn’t help but frowned!

There were all mortals in the pit!

Only by killing ten mortals can you get the token to enter!

This demon emperor is really ruthless!

“No, spiritual stone!”

While Monk Dao Yan was still hesitating, Ye Chen’s figure had already walked over!

With just a few clicks, the spirit stone flew into the hands of the guarding demon clan guards! As soon as he took a step forward, he came to the side of the pit!

“Big brother, help me, Tuantuan doesn’t want to die!”

Just when Ye Chen took action, at the edge of the pit, a girl who looked no more than thirteen or fourteen years old jumped up and grabbed Ye Chen’s clothes tightly!

“You beast, get off here!”

The guarding demon clan on the side saw that his guest was offended, and immediately shouted angrily, preparing to drag him down!

But before he could take action, he saw Ye Chen wave his hand indifferently! He lowered his body slightly and looked at it. The tearful little girl, Ye Chen asked softly!

“Do you want to get out of here?”

As the words came out, the little girl seemed to see hope in her eyes!

“I thought, big brother, please save me!”

Holding his sleeves, the little girl begged bitterly!

Hearing the little girl’s confirmation, Ye Chen nodded silently!

Seeing Ye Chen nodding, a smile suddenly appeared on the little girl’s face!

“Thank you, big brother, thank you, big brother!”

She kept thanking her, and then the little girl wiped her tears and looked back at her parents below as if she had thought of something!

“Big brother, please do a good job and rescue my parents together. I am willing to act like a cow or a horse to repay you!”

As he said the words in a tearful tone, Ye Chen couldn’t help but be kind and generous at this moment!

“Bring them all up!”

Said to the demon attendants on the side, who immediately brought up the little girl, his parents, and the few people he pointed out!

Ye Chen paid the spirit stone, and they will no longer Never mind the rest!

As for rescuing these people or blood-sacrificing them, it doesn’t make much difference at all!

“Brother Dao has a kind heart, this is…….”

Monk Dao Yan on the side looked over slightly surprised. He really didn’t understand Ye Chen’s behavior!

According to the other party’s previous actions, he shouldn’t have such good intentions!

The next moment, before he finished speaking, Ye Chen waved his hand and saw a bloody dagger slash through the void, instantly piercing the bodies of the ten people who were brought out!

Blood splattered, and ten ordinary people, including the little girl, died without pain in the joy of surviving the disaster!

“go!”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

With just a few clicks, ten mortal bodies flew up and were swallowed up by the blood flowers in the stone pillars!

After dealing with these, Ye Chen turned his head indifferently , looked at Monk Dao Yan beside him!

“what are you saying?”

Seeing the smile on Ye Chen’s face and the words he asked, Monk Daoyan was stunned for a moment!

“Amitabha, the donor can let them die in laughter, it is really a great kindness!”

“Well, I think so too!”

Ye Chen nodded, very satisfied with his actions just now!

After all!

After all, he was going to kill ten people!

The little girl said that he wanted to leave this hell hole!

I was kind and generous, so I helped her once, wasn’t it? A good deed?

After saying this, everyone present couldn’t help but fell silent!

But Ye Chen looked at the people in the pit calmly!

Compared to the little girl, the people in these pits were… It ‘s the most pitiful thing! As an ant

, you shouldn’t expect the world to care for you!

You should rely on yourself for everything!

Isn’t that what they should understand?

What a pity!

They didn’t understand!

Thinking in his heart, Ye Chen looked away! Because of their weakness, Ye Chen didn’t give them a chance to escape!

Work hard for yourself! Now, the opportunity is fleeting, and

Ye Chen won’t care about it anymore!

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