Tianluo City, Juxian Restaurant

“Did you hear that? It is said that this time in the Tomb of the Demon Emperor, our Lord Buddha from the Buddhist Kingdom took action!”

“Yes, I heard that he also fought against the devil of the Chaos Demon Sea and defeated the devil of the Chaos Demon Sea!”

“Not only Master Fozi took action, but I heard that the genius of the Great Zhou Dynasty also defeated a demon from the Chaos Demon Sea!”

“Damn, there are so many demons in the Chaos Demon Sea!”


In the restaurant at this moment, many monks were whispering and discussing the matter of the Demon Emperor’s tomb this time!

Ye Chen, who was sitting aside and sipping his drink, listened calmly, with a slight smile on his lips!

Are all the demons from the Chaos Demon Sea here?

The devils in the world are all his mentors and helpful friends to Ye Chen!

Whether it’s the Demon Refining Ancestor, the Soul Flag boy, even Bai Zhi, or the Master I’ve only seen a few times!

These people have taught Ye Chen a lot!

How could he, Ye Chen, miss this prosperous age!

“Good wine!”

Putting down the wine glass in his hand, the next moment, Ye Chen’s figure strode out of the restaurant!

Half a day later, outside Tianluo City

“call out!”

The stream of light flew by, and Ye Chen’s figure was suspended in the air. Looking from a distance, he saw a huge spiritual 853 vortex standing between heaven and earth in the distance!

The spiritual vortex was like a Like a heavenly gate, it spans between heaven and earth!

“Tomb of the Demon Emperor!”

Looking at the entrance to the tomb like this, Ye Chen felt a majestic momentum coming before he even got close! With such a huge entrance to the tomb, could he wish to invite all the heroes from the world to come?

After staring for a moment, the next moment, Ye Chen As soon as Chen’s figure moved, he headed towards the spiritual vortex in front of him! Approaching the spiritual vortex, there were many figures of monks staying in the void around him!

There were many monks wearing sect costumes, gathering together!

The existence of the Demon Emperor’s Tomb attracted many geniuses to gather!

Ye Chen only glanced at it, then stepped directly into it and disappeared!


As the void twisted and shrouded in hot white light, when Ye Chen opened his eyes again, he had already arrived on a huge platform!

On the platform, tens of thousands of monks gathered here at the moment, wary of each other, as if waiting for something!

Standing on the platform, Ye Chen looked around and saw stone pillars that penetrated the sky and the earth, standing around the platform!

Apart from that, there is nothing else!

As for the edge of the platform, it is a chaotic void with no trace of a road at all!

“Amitabha, fellow Taoist, I see you have just arrived!”

While Ye Chen was looking around, a plainly dressed ascetic came over and spoke in a Buddhist voice. Without waiting for Ye Chen to say anything, he kindly explained to Ye Chen!

“Don’t worry, fellow Taoist, this place is the first test of the Demon Emperor’s Tomb!”

“Questions will be asked after a while, and while we are waiting for answers, we will be transported to different areas!”

The ascetic who looked to be in his twenties kindly told Ye Chen!

Hearing such words, Ye Chen couldn’t help but become interested!

“Fellow Taoist, don’t worry, if you have any difficulties, you can ask me!”

The ascetic with a kind smile came over and sat down next to Ye Chen!

Looking at this familiar existence, Ye Chen felt no waves in his heart!

After waiting silently, Within a moment, there was a hint of commotion on the platform square!

“Why, why can these people from the Monster Clan get in as soon as they arrive!”

“Yes, why should we wait here!”

“It’s not fair. Where is the weapon spirit? Come out to us!” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


At this moment, shouts were heard on the platform square! As

Ye Chen looked around, he saw the figures of several monsters who had just entered, being shrouded in light and disappearing in place!

“Fellow Taoist, this is the tomb of the demon clan after all, so this assessment is naturally biased towards the demon clan!”

Before Ye Chen opened his mouth, Monk Dao Yan on the side had already started to explain!

He looked at the other party calmly, but Ye Chen was speechless!

Following the turmoil in the field, not long after, there was a crisp and clear sound above the platform. The cold words came out!

“The assessment begins!”

The moment the words fell, countless fluorescent lights flew out and rushed towards everyone present!

When the fluorescent light hit, Ye Chen shook his hand slightly, and a voice of inquiry rang out in his mind!

“Two immortals take action. On one side is a demon clan member and on the other side are ten mortal humans. Who will you save?”

Listening to the questions in his mind, Ye Chen couldn’t help but smile!

With a thought, he directly sent his answer!

The next moment, the voice of questions in his mind sounded again at the same time!

“You are poisoned so much that you can survive by killing one monster, but you can survive by killing ten ordinary humans. Who will you kill?”[]

It was this kind of question again, and Ye Chen gave the answer almost instantly!

“What do you want from your cultivation in this life?”

The last question sounded. Ye Chen thought for a moment and gave his answer! The three questions ended. The next moment, a bright white light rose under Ye Chen’s feet, and his figure disappeared directly. In place!

Almost at the same time as Ye Chen disappeared, the weapon spirit in the demon emperor’s tomb looked at Ye Chen’s answer with a cold expression!

Kill them all!

The extremely simple answer was A circle was drawn on Ye Chen’s light spot! In the void in front of the weapon spirit, besides Ye Chen, there were more than ten people who were focused on the middle of the Demon Emperor’s tomb!

“call out!”

The white light dissipated, and Ye Chen, who was teleported, looked at the entrance of the Demon Kingdom in front of him and couldn’t help but let out a deep sigh of relief!

The Demon Emperor’s last question really made Ye Chen think for a moment!

His whole life What’s the purpose of training?

It’s just to live forever!

Take a big step, follow the path of the devil!

The journey is as long as iron, and now I am full of energy, and my heart is still looking towards the sky!

: はじめましてI am Thần Nông.

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