Fantasy Lord: Start with Daily Intelligence

Chapter 227 Dressrosa's current reputation


In the room, Christine couldn't help but coughed rapidly, and she didn't know how to speak.

The old man's words directly stopped what she wanted to say.

"Little Christie, you are also contaminated."

"He actually came to be a lobbyist."

"You forgot, I told you that I would not join those dirty nobles."

Seeing Christie's reaction, the old man couldn't help but shrink his original smile, frowned, and spoke in a deep voice.

"Teacher, you misunderstood, that!"


Kristini was startled and quickly explained. He didn't want his teacher to misunderstand anything.

Once the teacher thinks that Thor is like those nobles, it will be almost impossible to invite him.

"Misunderstanding, I did not misunderstand."

"Don't you know what those damn nobles did?"

"Those low-level life potions are obviously already popular. As long as they are promoted vigorously, the price may even be reduced to twenty gold coins, let alone fifty gold coins. But now, even the cheapest one, the price of low-level life potions is Hundreds of gold coins, damn, even the baron family can earn a hundred gold coins throughout the year, let alone some knight families. "

"There are also intermediate life potions. My God, they cost less than a hundred gold coins, but they dare to sell them for a thousand gold coins. In your Northland Province, that Marquis Lehman, he even dares to sell them for a thousand gold coins." Three thousand gold coins, Goddess on top, they might as well grab it.”

Listening to Christini's words, the old man couldn't help but have a hint of anger in his expression.

Over the past few decades, he has almost seen how deep the darkness of the nobility is.

The so-called virtues of chivalry have long turned into shit.

They are dirty, arrogant, greedy, and unscrupulous. They are a group of demons from hell.

He was powerless to change this, but he also didn't want to serve these damn nobles.

"Teacher, the Lord is different!"

"He is different from other nobles, you have to believe it!"

After waiting for the old man to finish his anger, Kristini took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

"no the same!"

"Come on, come on, tell me how it's different. It's not just as dirty, greedy, and conceited."

The old man became more and more angry at his student's words and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Teacher, in the territory of the lord, not to mention free people, knights, even slaves are smiling. They all have unlimited hope."

"The lord even asked a third-level magician to teach us how to learn magic in person, and the lord is even preparing to build a school in the territory so that all children have the opportunity to study in school, so he wants to invite you to the territory to teach those children. "

Christini looked at the old man, pondered for a moment before speaking slowly.

As he spoke, the old man's originally angry expression gradually turned into concentration.

Then the concentration turned into confusion and confusion.

"Christine, are you kidding me? How is this possible?"

It wasn't until Kristini finished speaking that the old man asked with a frown.

"Teacher, of course this is true."

"If you don't believe it, you can go and take a look. When you reach the lord's territory, I believe you will see something even more shocking to you."

Christine nodded seriously.


Seeing Christie's expression, the old man couldn't help but hesitate.

His heart told him that this was almost impossible, but he believed that Christine would not deceive him.

This is the student he values ​​the most and also his favorite student.

"What's that lord's name, and which family he belongs to!"

After a moment of silence, the old man suddenly spoke.

"Thor, Thor Dressrosa, is from the Dressrosa family."

Kristini looked happy and spoke quickly.

"Family Dressrosa?"

When the old man heard Christini's words, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, looking a little surprised.

He had naturally heard of the Dressrosa family, or he was familiar with it, not because of the reputation of the royal capital Dressrosa during this period, but because he had been familiar with it a long time ago.

More than twenty years ago, he also arrived in the territory of Dressrosa.

It was undeniable that the territory of the Dressrosa family was more stable and peaceful than ninety-nine percent of the noble territories he had seen.

They are also one of the few nobles who care about the people at the bottom.

The resistance in my heart disappeared a little now.

After pondering for a moment, the old man spoke again.

"Christine, are you sure that Tordressrosa is willing to accept ordinary children, even the children of free folk and low-level knights?"

Her words were inquiring, and her eyes were fixed on Kristini.

"Yes, teacher!"

"This is what the lord personally agreed to."

"But there are corresponding conditions."

Kristini looked happy and spoke quickly.

Even while agreeing, he seemed to have thought of something, hesitated slightly, and then added.


The old man raised his eyes, but he didn't pay too much attention.

The strangest thing is that there are no conditions.

"In your territory, everything is based on merit. Merit points can be obtained through daily labor, even slaves can obtain them. With a certain amount of merit, you can escape from slavery and become a freeman, and with a certain amount of merit, a freeman can let his offspring enter the Knights. The academy opened by your master will most likely also require corresponding merit points."

Christine spoke and slowly explained to her teacher.

Although she wanted to bring her teacher over, as the old man said, he would not deceive in order to bring the old man over.

Of course, the main reason is that he believes that the teacher will not care about these.

After all, these are undoubtedly much better than other nobles.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

"Merit? That's a good way."


The old man nodded slightly.

"Then teacher?"

Christine looked happy and couldn't help but speak again.

"I can follow you to take a look, but if not, I will leave!"

After thinking for a moment, the old man nodded slightly and agreed.

It is becoming increasingly difficult for him to do anything in the academy. He has considered leaving, and now he can go and take a look.

"Great, teacher!"

"You will never be disappointed if you go!"

Christine spoke quickly. She did not expect everything to go so smoothly. When the old man just started talking, she could not help but feel a little nervous.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly.

Three days later.

The Dressrosa team set off again. The great pharmacist Semper brought more than a dozen of his disciples and followed Christine to the Eagle Territory in the Northern Province.

The news just came out.

Xijieer couldn't hold back.


"Damn it, that old guy actually followed Christine!"

"Didn't the old guy say that he would not serve the nobles?"

Xijieer looked ugly.

He promised the young master of Campbell to introduce the great pharmacist Semper to the Campbell family.

For this reason, the young master of Campbell was even willing to give his son a position as a knight's squire and pay a thousand gold coins.

If the great pharmacist Semper left, everything would be ruined.

"No, we can't let them go!"

"Dressrosa family!"

Higer's eyes flickered, he gritted his teeth, and took action quickly.

His figure hurriedly headed for a mansion in the capital.

In a huge mansion.


"What did you say, Semper followed the Dressrosa family?"

A young noble suddenly stood up with an ugly face.

"Yes, I saw the emblem of the Dressrosa family, Master Bell, the Dressrosa family dared to rob your people, otherwise we should stop them first."

Higer spoke quickly, pretending to be indignant.


The next moment.


A dull sound rang out, and Higer only felt a sharp pain in his face. There was even a figure of a broken bone in his mind, and the next moment his figure flew out.


The figure fell to the distance, twitched slightly, and then stopped moving.

"Don't know what it means, Ford, get this guy out."

The man snorted coldly.


An old butler responded quickly, and then waved his hand, and a knight came forward to drag Xijie out.

"Master Bell, the master said that we should not have any conflicts with the Dressrosa family recently."

Waiting for the knight to retreat, the butler couldn't help but whispered.

"I know."

"They are really lucky!"

"But forget it, it's just a great pharmacist, it's gone if it's gone."

The man nodded and took a deep breath.

Although he was a little unwilling, he knew very well that with the outbreak of Count Engel, the power of their family might not be comparable to that of the Dressrosa family.

A person who can easily defeat that Sky Knight can also easily defeat the Sky Knight of their family.

Just Count Engel has narrowed the gap between the Dressrosa family and their powerful Marquis family.

More importantly, that Count Engel still has a broader world. It is impossible for him to break through the Holy Knight in the future, but it will not be a big problem for Count Engel to reach the peak of the Sky Knight at his current age.

As long as Earl Engel can break through to the peak of Sky Knight, he will be a top marquis family, which is not something the Campbell family can afford to provoke at the moment.

It is even more unworthy for a great pharmacist.

After all, the role of the great pharmacist is only to configure the intermediate life potion, which can be configured by a first-level magician in their Campbell family, but the success rate is lower, which has little impact.

Of course, Christine and the great pharmacist Semper do not know about this scene at the moment.

The group left the capital very safely and headed towards the northern province.

On the way, the great pharmacist Semper was talking to his students and became more and more curious about Thor's territory.

And Christine was shocked by the information about the Dressrosa family brought by her teacher.

For the lower-level nobles, or some small nobles, they may not know the conflict between the Dressrosa family and the Spencer family, but the great pharmacist Semper is very clear because of interpersonal relationships.

And these are undoubtedly very surprising to Christine. She did not expect that the lord's father was so powerful.

As for the dozen students of the great pharmacist Semper, they became more and more yearning for the Thor territory during Christine's narration.

Magician, they actually have the opportunity to become magicians.

"Sister Christine, do we really have the opportunity to become magicians?"

A young student couldn't help asking, feeling a little excited.

"Yes, the lord gives everyone a chance. As long as you can get merit points, I can teach you to meditate and open up the spiritual sea, and you can even exchange treasures for opening up the spiritual sea from the lord."

Christine smiled and nodded.

"Great, I can become a magician too."

Christine's words made the young figure who spoke blush a little.

Others were not much better.

As pharmacists, they are more aware of the incredibleness of magicians. Every pharmacist undoubtedly looks forward to becoming a magician. Now they actually have a chance.

Although they still need to gain merits, having a chance and not having a chance are two completely different things.

"Sister Christine, how many merits do we need to get!"

"Yes, Sister Christine, how many merits do we need!"

"It doesn't need to be too many, fifty points will do!"

"Fifty points? How do I get the merit points?"

In the carriage, more than a dozen students were excitedly asking Christine, and Christine was answering seriously without any impatience.

Looking at the reactions of his disciples, the old man knew very well that even if that territory was not to his liking, it would be difficult for him to take these disciples away.

Of course, he might not need to take them away.

He could be unhappy, but he would not block the future of his disciples.

It's like he has always disliked the nobles, but he doesn't object to his disciples working for the nobles.

After all, in this world, joining the nobles is almost the only way out for all pharmacists.

It's almost impossible to rely on yourself.

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