Fantasy Lord: Start with Daily Intelligence

Chapter 218 I didn't ask for your opinion

The three people left, and soon the entire Eagle Chamber of Commerce began to take action. First, they took Thor's words to the pioneer lord.

And when they brought the news, the results of the war swept through the entire Northland Province like a whirlwind.

Listening to the news, everyone had a look of disbelief on their faces.


The Eagles actually won.

Such a result was something that no other pioneering lord had ever imagined.

Whether it is the remaining seven pioneer lords of the Northern Alliance, the recently arrived pioneer lords in the Northland Province, or the pioneer lords who already exist in the Northland Province.

At this moment, I was completely shocked by this news and felt dizzy.

That was a total of twenty new pioneer lords.

And unlike them, he was the heir of a powerful marquis in the kingdom.

That combination of forces was enough even to face Marquis Lehman.

No one expected to fail.

Even for Thor's confident figure, I feel that Thor may not have a chance this time.

But no one thought that it would only take a few days.

Moravi's Northern Alliance, which entered the eastern region, disappeared easily.

Was simply destroyed by Thor.

How dare they believe such news.

Even at the first moment, I was in the stage of doubt.

However, soon, the knights sent to explore returned one after another. While the Eagle Territory was intact, an earth knight from the Northern Alliance was struggling to do heavy work.

No matter how unbelievable it is, everyone seems to have to accept it.

Of course they are pretty good.

The seven pioneer lords participating in the Northern Alliance were more than shocked at this moment.

In an abandoned territory.


"Trash, all rubbish!"

"Damn it, how could it be?"

A voice spoke, a noble lord looked ugly and looked panicked.

Yes, he was really panicked at this moment.

When the Northern Alliance attacks the Eagle Territory, success will have limited benefits for him, but if it fails, the disadvantages will be entirely borne by him.

In the entire Northern Alliance, intelligence came from the front that only seven of them were left.

Facing the Eagle Chamber of Commerce who still didn't know the depth.

Panic and fear inevitably spread.

And as his panic and fear spread, there was a gentle knock on the door.

"Come in!"

A hoarse voice spoke.

Soon the door was pushed open and a figure walked in.

"what happened?"

Looking at the knight who walked in, the figure's eyes were red and he spoke in a low voice.

This scene immediately caused the body of a knight who came in to tremble.

But at this moment, he couldn't care so much and spoke quickly.

"Sir, Lord Tono of the Eagle Chamber of Commerce sent a letter!"

After speaking, the knight quickly took out a letter.

"Eagle Chamber of Commerce!"


The figure spoke, and his expression couldn't help but change.

And when the letter was opened and the contents came into view, his face turned pale instantly.

Not just.

The remaining six pioneer lords soon received letters from the pioneer lords of the Eagle Chamber of Commerce.

When they see the content.

Either angry or nervous.

Or anxious.

Each one has different emotions, no matter how many emotions they have.

Faced with Thor's request, none of the seven pioneer lords dared to refuse.

On that day, some of the pioneering lords set off towards the east. In the following days, the remaining pioneering lords also headed towards the east.

More than ten days later.

Among the Eagle Territory, seven pioneer lords arrived one after another.

But when they arrived and saw the knights who were the descendants of a powerful noble before, busy like slaves, their faces couldn't help but turn paler.

The figure is more cautious.

Even when they saw Thor in person, their heads couldn't help but lower their heads subconsciously.

Looking at these people, Thor couldn't help but feel satisfied.

Thor originally planned to deal with these people from the Northern Alliance, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

These seven pioneer lords did not attack the Eagle Territory with others. Although they acted as a blocker, they were obviously excluded. In addition, as heirs of powerful nobles, these people still have a great influence on the development of the Northland Province. Useful.

And if he can even deal with these people, I'm afraid there won't be many people who dare to come to the Northland Province to become pioneer lords.

The entire Northland Province is completely developed by him, and he doesn't know how long it will take.

It's better to stay and set a benchmark for everyone.

It would not frighten other pioneering lords who came.

Of course, these people don't know what Thor is thinking at this moment.

I couldn't help but feel uneasy and nervous inside.

"Lord Thor!"

"Lord Thor!"

One voice after another spoke, all cautiously looking at the figure in front of them.

"Call a few people over, there's nothing else to do!"

"Your Northern Alliance matter has been settled. You did not directly participate in the attack. I can pretend that this never happened."

Thor knocked on the table, looked at the seven people who were cautious and anxious, and spoke slowly.

"Thank you, Lord Thor!"

"Lord Thor!"

Hearing Thor's words, the anxious figures suddenly looked up, with a touch of joy on their faces.

"Don't worry, I can indeed pretend that this incident never happened, but you did take action, so compensation is still required."

Thor looked at the joy on the faces of several people, waved his hand, and spoke coldly.

"Sir Thor, please tell me."

"Yes, Sir Thor, how much compensation do you need?"

Hearing Thor's additional words, the seven people present did not get nervous again, but spoke quickly.

Since they came here, the seven pioneering lords are naturally ready for a big bleed.

As long as they can bear it, the seven people are ready.

"The 19 surviving pioneer lords of the Northern Alliance who invaded my Eagle Territory will receive 10,000 gold coins each, 10,000 gold coins for the Earth Knights, 1,000 gold coins for the Grand Knights, 100 gold coins for the Formal Knights, and 50 gold coins for the Apprentice Knights. You did not invade, so you can receive 5,000 gold coins each. In addition, each of you needs to pay one Earth Knight and three Grand Knights to work for my Eagle Chamber of Commerce for half a year for free. If you do not want to provide knight power, the Earth Knights will receive another 5,000 gold coins, and the Grand Knights will receive another 500 gold coins each."

Looking at the few people, Thor slowly spoke again.

But what he said at this moment made the seven people present couldn't help but twitch their brows.


"Sir Thor, this, this is too much!"

Someone couldn't help swallowing his saliva and spoke with a hint of anxiety.

"Yes, Lord Thor, this is too much gold coins. We don't have so much gold coins."

"Lord Thor, we still need territory construction. If the Earth Knights and the Formal Knights are transferred away, we can't build the territory."

One person spoke, and soon someone else spoke again.

However, when they were halfway through their words, they only felt that the air around them suddenly became cold.

The rest of their words stopped abruptly.

"Everyone, I'm not negotiating with you."

"You are not qualified to negotiate with me!"

"You can agree to this condition or not. If you don't agree, you can leave now."

When the words of several people stopped abruptly, Thor's voice sounded. His words were calm, and there was not even any breath coming out, but at this moment everyone's heart seemed to be pinched.

"Sir Thor, you, you misunderstood!"

"I, we didn't mean that!"

"Yes, Sir Thor, we'll do as you ask!"

Several people spoke quickly, and at this moment, cold sweat broke out. They couldn't help but think of the news they had received before. At this moment, they only felt cold hands and feet.

"That's right!"

"Don't worry, I'm not ignoring you. You can borrow from the Eagle Chamber of Commerce. The Eagle Chamber of Commerce can provide materials and all the borrowing matters of means of production."

"In addition, the Eagle Chamber of Commerce can also provide knight concessions, just like the Habsburg Chamber of Commerce."

Seeing several people speaking one after another, Thor couldn't help but smile, and his words became softer.

"Thank you, Sir Thor!"

"Thank you!"

Listening to Thor's words, several people looked at each other, and there was a hint of helplessness in their eyes, but at this moment they could only express their gratitude.

They knew very well that they had no choice.

This is actually the best result, even better than the twenty pioneer lords.

After a war.

The twenty pioneering lords suffered heavy losses and needed to pay a large amount of gold coins.

The gold coins they paid were less than half. Even if they did not provide knight power, the gold coins they needed to pay were only 11,500.

Just these more than 10,000 gold coins, even if they thought about it, they felt painful.

In particular, for several of them, the gold coins given by the family for the development of the northern province this time were only about 10,000, which meant that their start-up capital was deprived all at once.

But what can be done about this.

Don't give.

Moravi Spencer can die, no one can guarantee that they will not be suddenly destroyed.

At least their status is not as good as Mora Spencer.

That one is the heir of a powerful marquis, and the strongest among them is just the heir of an ordinary marquis, and the family may not be much stronger than Marquis Lehman.

"Haha, no need to thank me. As a senior, I welcome you all."

"Anna, have someone see off the seven lords!"

Thor nodded with a smile, and then spoke to Anna next to him.

"No, no!"

"Sir Thor, thank you so much this time!"

The seven people were about to cry, but at this moment they could only speak quickly.

Then, with the maid's farewell, the seven people walked out of the Eagle Castle.

When leaving the Eagle Territory, looking at the huge territory behind them, the seven people looked at each other, with a hint of helplessness in their eyes.

"Let's go, this time we are defeated."

"Yes, I didn't expect the Dressrosa family to have such strength."


Several people sighed, and then left the Eagle Territory with a bitter smile.

Returned to their own territory.

Soon, the gold coins were handed over to the Eagle Chamber of Commerce, and at the same time, the Earth Knights and the Great Knights were also sent out by them to join the Eagle Chamber of Commerce.

Six thousand five hundred gold coins.

Almost all the seven pioneering lords chose to let their own knights join.

After all, it is not so easy to get 6,500 gold coins.

With only half a year, they still know how to choose.

When Thor got this sum of gold coins, it was already half a month later.

With this sum of gold coins, plus seven more earth knights and more than 20 great knights, the expansion of the Eagle Chamber of Commerce will undoubtedly be accelerated again.

Thor then had several days of negotiations with Lajos Assad.

Finally, the development of the entire Eagle Chamber of Commerce was completely finalized.

In the new plan, the Eagle Chamber of Commerce will be completely expanded to the entire Northland Province in the future.

At the same time, Marquis Lehman has lost the power to control the Northland Province. The Eagle Chamber of Commerce will further expand its business, such as lending business, such as cooperating with the Assad family to start more business.

For example, slave trading.

He didn't dare to move before, because he was not strong enough, and with Marquis Lehman.

At this moment, all these problems disappeared.

As the most profitable business in the Northern Province, slave trade, Thor naturally has to intervene.

As long as the plan is completed thoroughly, the entire Eagle Territory will surely become a real giant in the Northern Province. At that time, even if he is only a viscount or even a baron, his sphere of influence will not be less than that of an ordinary marquis, and may even be larger.

Just to complete it, the things that need to be done are also extremely huge, and it cannot be completed overnight.

Let alone half a year, it may not be completed in two or three years.

However, Thor is not in a hurry about this, he can take his time.

At this moment, there is no force in the entire Northern Province that can threaten him.

While Thor is busy.

Time quickly passed for a month.

His letter finally arrived in the Frost Moon Province.

Compared with the turbulent Northern Province, the entire Frost Moon Province is still calm. After a few months, no changes have occurred.

Even the turmoil in the Northern Province seems to have only a slight impact here.

After the turmoil passed, everything here returned to calm again.

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