Fantasy Lord: Start with Daily Intelligence

Chapter 211 Northern Alliance, the war begins

The alliance was quickly formed, and then Moravi and others began to formulate corresponding plans in the castle. The forty-two earth knights were strong enough, and in theory they were enough to sweep across the land.

However, Moravi Spencer also knew that this kind of alliance was actually very loose. If the interests were not planned in advance, big problems would easily arise.

Even with equity distribution, it was still not enough.

More detailed distribution and arrangements were needed.

In fact, this was indeed the case.

Even just for the name of the alliance, the twenty-seven pioneer lords argued for two days.

In the end, Moravi Spencer couldn't help but speak up and set the tone.

It was completely determined that the name of the alliance was "Northern Alliance"

But after the name was decided, planning the interests was another big problem. In the castle, the twenty-seven pioneer lords argued for ten days before it ended, and basically reached a relatively acceptable situation.

At this moment, it had been seventeen days since Moravi Spencer summoned the pioneer lords, and twelve days since the alliance was formed.

Such low efficiency is simply ridiculous.

However, each pioneer lord was very satisfied with this.

The alliance was formed in less than half a month. Now they are the real behemoth of the entire northern province. Everyone almost expected the huge harvest that would follow.

So what if the Dressrosa family sent more earth knights.

Even the entire Dressrosa family moved to the northern province. At this moment, they have no worries.

Forty-two earth knights are enough to deal with any earl family, even facing some marquis families, they have enough strength.

After all, these forty-two earth knights are not all beginners. There are more than six earth knights at the peak, and twelve earth knights at the late stage.

They have surpassed many marquis families.

The only difference from the powerful marquis family is a sky knight.

With such strength, they are naturally confident enough.

In the castle.

Twenty-seven pioneer lords gathered, looking at the huge map of the entire northern province, their eyes were shining.

"Everyone, it has been confirmed that the core of the entire Eagle Chamber of Commerce is the Eagle Territory, whose lord is Tor Dressrosa, the ninth son of Count Engel, the current head of the Dressrosa family."

"Its current strength has a total of five Earth Knights, including Blood Knight Michael, Shadow Knight Cecil, and three Earth Knights sent by the other three branches of the Dressrosa family. However, these three are all in the early stage of Earth Knights. In addition, there is also an Earth Knight under the jurisdiction of the two baron lords Lajos Asad and Joz Auby. Knights, a total of seven. "

"According to the information I have learned so far, the entire Eagle Chamber of Commerce currently controls twelve large iron mines, seven large copper mines, one silver mine, and seventeen Nau production, a total of thirty-seven mines. As long as we can occupy them, the value will exceed hundreds of thousands of gold coins, and may even reach millions. If we can obtain more resource points, the harvest will be even greater. "

Moravi Spencer spoke slowly, and as he spoke, the twenty-seven pioneering lords present couldn't help but breathe heavily.

There was no way, even if they just listened to this data, they felt a dry mouth.

It is impossible to imagine how much there will be in it.

"Sir Moravi, what should we do?"

A figure spoke, and his words became a little hoarse unconsciously.

There were wisps of bloodshot in his eyes, and he even licked his lips while speaking.

Of course, the other people present at the moment were not much better.

With such a huge value, even if some people have a small proportion, the harvest will be unimaginable, not to mention some powerful descendants with a large proportion.

"My plan is to start with harassing the surrounding resource points, and then concentrate our strength to directly break through the Eagle Territory. As long as we can destroy the Eagle Territory, the entire Eagle Chamber of Commerce will naturally collapse. At that time, we can rely on the alliance to swallow up all the resource points currently controlled by the Eagle Chamber of Commerce."

"Other people in the Eagle Chamber of Commerce cannot control such a large resource point, and we can even use it to destroy the lords of the entire Eagle Chamber of Commerce, and the harvest will only be greater."

Moravi spoke slowly, and the words he said made people more excited.

In the excitement, Moravi looked at the people present, pondered for a moment, and his voice came out.

"Joseph, Lapu!"

"Jiancarlo, Blanchard!"

"Enelite, Steven!"

The names were read out one by one, and when everyone in the crowd heard their names, their faces changed slightly in excitement.

Some people subconsciously wanted to speak.

At this moment, their names were suddenly called, and they almost thought of the next scene.

Such a result, they instinctively wanted to object.

However, before they could speak, Moravi Spencer spoke first.

"You seven pioneer lords, take your men and horses to harass the surrounding resource points."

"The rest of you, purge the members of the Knights within three days, and follow me to attack the Eagle Territory."

Moravi Spencer's words rang out.

"Sir Moravi!"

"Sir Moravi!"

A pioneer lord who just read his name quickly spoke.

There was some anxiety on his face.

"What, do you have any objections?"

Molavi Spencer stopped and looked at the person who spoke.



"Your Excellency Moravi, we can also attack the Eagle Territory together!"

Facing the cold gaze, the figures instinctively shrank, but some people still had the courage to speak.


Although the alliance weight is obtained based on the power of the Earth Knight and the Great Knight, it is only a weight and does not represent interests. The real dividends are based on the amount of effort and value.

Invading the Eagle Territory, although you have to face a battle.

However, dozens of earth knights could not fight against the seven earth knights of the Eagle Leader, so there was no danger at all.

The harvest is the greatest.

On the contrary, if you attack those resource points, your share will undoubtedly be much less.

"No need, just follow the alliance strategy!"

Molavi spoke calmly.


After hearing Molavi's words, the person who spoke was suddenly speechless and subconsciously wanted to speak, but was interrupted again by Molavi.

"Okay, let's do this!"

"Of course you don't have to go. I don't mind having a smaller number of people in the alliance."

Molavi spoke impatiently.

"Hahaha, Sir Moravi is indeed like this. Our strength is enough. If you have any objections, it doesn't matter if you have less."


One voice after another spoke, and many descendants of powerful nobles could not help but sneer at the figure who had just been named.

Twenty-seven people are a bit too much for such a huge benefit, and they don't mind sharing it with fewer people.

Facing these people's words, the person who spoke and others couldn't help but turn a little blue, but at this moment they could only suppress it.

Compared to these people, their strength is indeed too weak.

And as these people said, facing the power of the Dressrosa family, even without them, there seems to be no impact.

"Okay, since I don't have any objections!"

"Everyone, take action!"

Morave Spencer's voice spoke.

The final decision was made.

And soon, these newly powerful heirs of nobles quickly began to take action.

Groups of knights gathered.

Naturally, such a big movement could not be hidden, and the news was soon conveyed.

The Eagle Chamber of Commerce quickly received the information.

This suddenly made every lord in the entire Eagle Chamber of Commerce nervous.

Tuono territory.

"It's not determined yet, what exactly do they want to do?"

Tuono's eyes were bloodshot and he spoke in a deep voice.

"It's not certain yet, their forces are still gathering."

A knight next to him spoke respectfully.

"Damn, how could these guys?"

Thor couldn't help but curse secretly, and couldn't help but feel even more anxious.

Of course Tuono was anxious, and the other Eagle Chamber of Commerce lords were also extremely anxious.

The alliance of twenty-seven powerful noble heirs was a blockbuster for the entire Northland Province.

In fact, after they got the news a few days ago, they had already started paying attention.

Originally, everyone thought that it would be almost impossible for these people to truly unite.

Unexpectedly, these twenty-odd pioneering lords actually united.

These are more than twenty pioneer lords, each of them is the heir of a powerful noble in the kingdom, and their power is almost terrifying.

In the Northland Province, they didn't even know what force could stop them.

Even Marquis Lehman might not be able to do it.

And in their anxiety.

Three days later, a piece of even more shocking news was quickly conveyed to them.

The alliance formed by twenty-seven pioneer lords headed directly to the east.

This result surprised most of the lords.

However, amidst the surprise, there was also a pioneer lord who suddenly reacted.


"Damn, no, they're targeting Thor."

"Quick, quick, summon the knights immediately."

In the territory, Tuono's urgent voice sounded. The next moment Tuono couldn't hold himself back at all, and he hurriedly ran out of the castle.

Soon the knights gathered one after another, and his figure began to head towards the Eagle Territory urgently.

Of course, it was not just Tuono who responded to this, but also the pioneering lords of the Eagle Chamber of Commerce.

After they reacted, almost none of the pioneering lords chose to neglect, and urgently began to mobilize troops to support Thor.

Even most of them led the team in person. Even though they knew that this matter might not be solved by them, at this moment these beings still rushed over with the knights without hesitation.

For a time, the entire west became a little lively.

First, twenty-seven pioneering lords headed east, followed closely by pioneering lords from everywhere.

And this excitement undoubtedly attracted the pioneering lords from the entire Northland Province.

Either nervous, curious, or worried.

Or gloating.

For a time, each of the pioneering lords had their thoughts.

Of course, there are people who are thoughtful, but no one dares to follow.

It can be predicted that a war will break out between the two sides next. No matter what the result is, if they are involved, they will really die without knowing how.

Time slowly passed.

The excitement continued to rise.

Even the news began to spread to Loren City.

The Knights of the Northern Alliance quickly moved towards the Eagle Territory as the heat continued to rise.

At the current speed, it would take at most ten days to reach the Eagle Territory.

Everyone seemed to have seen the dawn of victory.

But no one knew that what was waiting for them was not victory, but the devil.

In the Eagle Territory.

Thor naturally knew the situation long ago, and even the intelligence had appeared a month ago.

Even the subsequent actions of the Northern Alliance were reflected in his daily intelligence updates in the past few days.

He was already prepared for this.

The power of the entire Eagle Chamber of Commerce had been mobilized, and he had even chosen the battlefield.

The morning sun was shining.

The place where the Maine Alliance fought against the Minotaur Tribe in the past. At this moment, the traces left by the Minotaur on that day have receded, but the traces of the floods in the past can still be seen on the ground.

Thor arrived here yesterday with a large group of knights.

This is also the only way from the west to the east. If the Northern Alliance wants to reach the east, it must cross here.

In such a good environment, Thor undoubtedly regards it as the best choice for the battlefield.

On the one hand, it is open enough here, and on the other hand, even if there is an accident here, there is a chance with the dam.

Another more critical thing is that in the external war, the damage to the Eagle Territory is the smallest.

Otherwise, once a large number of earth knights fight, the entire Eagle Territory will inevitably suffer a lot of trauma.

These are not what Thor wants to see.

"My lord, they are less than 300 miles away from here."

"It only takes five days at most to reach here."

The figure rode over, Steve came to his side, and then a respectful voice sounded.

This plot may not be very popular with everyone because it has been laid out for a long time. I will end it as soon as possible and start a new chapter. In addition, I just came back from visiting the graves today and am extremely tired, but there will be no less updates in the evening. Please continue to support me and ask for monthly tickets. Currently, there are close to 3,900 monthly tickets, and there are only about 100 tickets away from 4,000. I beg for support and strive to collect 4,000 tickets this month, so that the author can draw four prizes, at least I can earn an extra 100 yuan, and I can add more meals, please

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