Fantasy Lord: Start with Daily Intelligence

Chapter 198 Response plan, crisis coming?

Michael's voice spoke slowly, and Thor's expression couldn't help but become solemn as he listened to this person's story.

Exactly what Michael said.

Even if he is strong enough, the heirs of these powerful nobles will inevitably make him exhausted.

And he also thought about it. When he finds a profitable situation, I am afraid that it will not only be the powerful noble heirs who were tricked by him, but also the pioneering lords around him who will not mind being a bandit a few times.

Once he can't control it well, he will become the favorite of the entire Northland Province.

As for what he considered, every place was guarded by at least one great knight. Under normal circumstances, there was indeed no problem.

But that's just a general situation, and it doesn't include this one.

"Uncle Michael, what should I do?"

Taking a deep breath to let his ups and downs in his heart gradually calm down, Thor looked at Michael again, and his words contained a solemn inquiry.

"Master Thor, if you want to avoid this, you must show your strength as soon as possible. On the one hand, you will completely defeat the confidence of those powerful nobles, and on the other hand, you will also shock other pioneering lords."

Hearing Thor's question, Michael nodded, and then spoke in a low voice.

"Show your strength?"

Thor was a little confused and asked subconsciously.

"Yes, just show your strength!"

"Those powerful nobles must have ideas at the beginning, but the possibility of alliance is not high. Master Thor, what you need to do is to quickly destroy one or more families, so that everyone will be afraid of your strength and let them Take the initiative to unite.”

"Once united, Master Thor can completely defeat them."

"As long as it's done, then none of these problems are a problem."

Michael nodded and then explained slowly.

And listening to Michael's explanation, Thor also roughly understood Michael's method.

The method is very simple.

That is to make people fear first, make people actively unite, and then destroy it with absolute strength.

As Michael said, if you can do this, 99% of your problems will disappear completely.

It was even enough to establish his position in the Northland Province in one fell swoop.

Of course, with such benefits, the risks are also great.

In the entire Northland Province, there were many heirs of powerful nobles "occupied" by him this time, and the losses exceeded millions of gold coins.

With such a huge value, those people are absolutely desperate.

Once united, their power cannot be underestimated.

At this moment, Thor couldn't help but fell into slight contemplation.

Although this was an idea proposed by Michael, it was naturally impossible for Thor to not think about it at all.

Michael and Cecil didn't bother either.

Instead, he waited quietly.

"Uncle Michael, this method is indeed feasible, but how to choose? I can't rashly attack a family."

"In the kingdom, even if this is the Northland Province, this is not a wise choice."

His right hand tapped the table gently, and it wasn't until a moment later that Thor stopped and looked at Michael, who spoke with a deep thought.

In the kingdom, even in the Northland Province, there is a basic order.

Although there is no major problem with the hasty attack at the moment, it will definitely affect the follow-up, which is not good for Thor's future development.

He also had to be a little worried.

"Master Thor, this is indeed not possible."

"But what if Master Thor discovers a large amount of fine gold in a large iron mine where you are?"

Facing Thor's question, before Michael could speak, Cecil spoke first.

Just the words he said made Thor's brows jump uncontrollably.

The price of fine gold is extremely expensive, and the conditions for its production are also extremely harsh. Under normal circumstances, it can only be produced in super-large iron mines. It is only possible, not certain.

Its role is not only as one of the main materials of golden armor, but also the main existence of various magic artifacts.

A portion of fine gold, the main material that is enough to make golden armor, even the raw materials are not inferior to a bottle of intermediate life potion.

And like mithril iron, fine gold can also be continuously produced.

Generally, if a large iron mine possesses mithril iron, its value will increase more than ten times, but if it possesses fine gold, its value will undoubtedly reach a higher level.

Even some marquis families may not be able to hold back, let alone the heirs of powerful nobles.

Little needs to be said about what happens.

As long as it happens, everything just mentioned will proceed according to the established trajectory.

The only question is whether he is really strong enough.


"I see!"

"Thank you Uncle Michael, Uncle Cecil."

Thor nodded and immediately expressed his thanks.

"Master Thor, you are serious!"

"This is what we should be doing."

Michael and Cecil quickly shook their heads and spoke.

Thor smiled and nodded, and then the three of them discussed some details again.

It wasn't until night fell that Thor allowed Michael and Cecil to be taken down to rest, while Thor remained in the study, meditating.

Over the course of a day, Michael's previous words were undoubtedly more comprehensively refined.

At this moment, he already had a relatively clear strategy. At this moment, he looked at the map that had changed a lot, and his expression could not help but bring a touch of expectation.

Because at this moment there seems to be a real chance.

And as long as he can be completely stabilized, then before reaching the Kingdom War, he will undoubtedly soar into the sky.

Night gradually passed.

Stars gradually adorn the sky.

A familiar mechanical voice sounded.

After Thor checked it carefully, he also fell asleep.

The night gradually passes and a new day arrives.

The entire Eagle Territory suddenly seemed to come to life.

Figures one after another began to get busy quickly.

Thor, who returned to his territory, also began to get busy.

Although most of the matters in the Eagle Territory have been handled by Joseph, and the Eagle Chamber of Commerce has Lajos Assad, this does not mean that he has nothing to do.

These summary matters still need to be handled by him.

For example, the merit point system, such as the Knights.

Another example is future planning arrangements.

These things add up to a lot.

As for Michael and Cecil, they took the initiative to integrate into the entire Eagle Territory.

Cecil led the Eagle Knights to eliminate the surrounding Goblins, Orcs, and Warcraft.

Michael took the initiative to take up the task of teaching the Young Eagle Knights.

It has to be said that the two of them are worthy of the fact that one is a peak Earth Knight and the other is a late-stage Earth Knight. With two people joining, whether it is the promotion of the Young Eagle Knights or the promotion of the Suppression, they have obviously reached a higher level.

Especially the clean-up, because there was no participation from very powerful people before, the speed of the clean-up was not unsatisfactory.

At this moment, it has accelerated by an unknown number of times.

The goblins that had just bred were swept away again, and not even some monsters were able to escape.

While the two were in action.

Another piece of good news reached Thor's ears.

That means Marshall is already preparing for a breakthrough.

After a few months, his preparations have come to an end. The next step is to see whether he can officially break through the Earth Knight.

As one of the three major transformations of knight practice.

The Earth Knight's breakthrough is not simple.

A person with ordinary talent may never have a chance in his lifetime.

But obviously Marshall is not. At this moment, he is only in his forties. If he can really break through, it will be extremely terrifying even for the descendants of Dressrosa. At least the entire descendants of Dressrosa except Thor. Apart from that, there are almost no one who can compare with him.

In this regard, Thor was not stingy and prepared not only three sacred tree fruits but also three bottles of medium-level life potions for Marshall.

"Thank you, Master Thor!"

Marshall couldn't help but feel grateful for Thor's generosity.

After arranging for Marshall, Thor quickly received some information from Lajos Assad about the Eagle Chamber of Commerce.

It was busy all the way, and it wasn't until a week later that it gradually stopped.

This week, the entire Eagle Territory was generally relatively stable, and nothing happened.

As for the northern defense line, there is also no new news.

It was as if the battle in the divine realm had never happened.

As for the heirs of powerful nobles, it seems that none of them have returned to the Northland Province.

Of course this is normal.

The war in the divine domain will not end so easily.

As for the heirs of powerful nobles, even though they encountered many on the northern defense line this time, some of them lost a lot in the high-intensity fighting in those days, and some were eliminated by Walter and Sage Spencer. Most of the remaining ones have returned to their families' territories.

It may take quite a while for them to enter the northern province.

And this is undoubtedly a rare development time for the territory.

In the study room.

Thor takes care of some things.

His right hand took out the pocket watch again, which didn't seem to be anything special.

"What exactly is this?"

Looking at the pocket watch in front of him, Thor couldn't help but mutter to himself.

It had been almost half a month, and he still hadn't noticed the anomaly in this pocket watch.

Not even a daily alert.

This made him very curious about this thing.

Even in the past few days, he has tried many methods.

For example, like the pile of relic items obtained that day, illuminated by moonlight.

Another example is using blood.

And the source of life.

Anna even tried magic, but unfortunately there was no big response.

This seems to be really just an ordinary pocket watch, at most a little old.

But Thor knew very well that if it could appear in the daily information and be specially marked, it couldn't be ordinary.

It's just that neither he nor Daily Intelligence has relevant information yet.

Played with it again.

Until there was a knock on the study door.

Thor then put this item away.

"Come in!"

Words speak.

Soon the door was opened.

Steve walked in immediately.

"grown ups!"

Steve spoke respectfully.

"How is the situation? Is there any new information coming from the northern defense line?"

Thor asked Steve.

During this period, he asked Steve to go and find out what the situation was like on the northern defense line, and also asked him to check whether the merits had been counted.

He had fought hard on the northern defense line for several days before.

He was not far from the merits of the viscount, and as long as the statistics were completed, he would undoubtedly have the opportunity to be canonized with a higher title.

Thor was still very concerned about this.

Not to mention that it would be difficult to get a result in the battle of the God's Domain in a short time.

But anyone who is not a fool knows that something big will happen next.

Even though the daily intelligence has the function of early notification, Thor still asked people to pay attention to it at all times.

In order not to miss any important intelligence.

And his choice was undoubtedly right.

"My lord, in the north, it is said that all the Behemoths have been dispatched. In addition, there are several sixth-level orc tribes."

"Among the three major kingdoms, the Purple Gold Flower Kingdom and the Tulip Kingdom also dispatched a large number of forces to the northern defense line."

Steve spoke solemnly.

Steve, who had just received the news, couldn't help but get nervous, so he hurried back to report.


"Are you telling the truth?"

Hearing Steve's words, Thor couldn't help but stand up.

"Yes, sir!"

"I learned this news from the west. Many pioneering lords returned yesterday."

"It should have happened about seven days ago."

"It is said that the kingdom has prepared the third wave of support."

Steve nodded, and then spoke with a hint of worry.

Such a thing is not good news for the entire northern defense line and the entire northern province, let alone for them.

Once the full-scale war with the orcs begins, the northern province will inevitably bear the brunt.

Although their current strength is very strong, who can compare with them? In the entire northern province, even compared with Marquis Lehman, they may not be much inferior.

But if it is placed in the orc war, such a little power will not be able to make a splash.

Once the orc war falls into full swing, the northern province may even be completely caught in the flames of war, and then all the current construction will be in vain.

Of course Steve thought of it, and Thor naturally thought of it too.

At this moment, his brows could not help but slightly frown.

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