Fantasy Lord: Start with Daily Intelligence

Chapter 195: Unexpected Intelligence Gains

When Thor broke through to become a great knight, he was already able to compete with some earth knights who were promoted through secret methods. Later, when he broke through to the middle stage of a great knight, he was completely confident in dealing with normal earth knights.

Later, on the northern defense line, he broke through and entered the late stage of the Great Knight. His strength undoubtedly reached a higher level again, which was enough to deal with the presence of the Earth Knight in the mid stage.

At this moment, with the breakthrough to the Earth Knight, let alone the later stage of the Earth Knight, he was confident enough even when facing the peak of the Earth Knight.

Although Sage Spencer's strength has reached the middle stage of Earth Knight, he was only killed in an instant when facing Thor.

Although the two Earth Knights led by Sage Spencer have reached the late stage of the Earth Knight, none of them has reached the peak of the Earth Knight.

Just for a moment.

Of the two figures, one fell into the distance and could no longer get up. The ice completely froze his breath.

The other man's chest was also pierced, and the cold breath completely froze him in place.


Thor came to the corpse and pulled out the knight's spear.

His eyes couldn't help but look at the entire battle situation.

The whole situation has stabilized at this moment.

Not far away, Renn also killed an earth knight, while Walter and another earth knight were still resisting with difficulty.

But at this moment, they all had a burning smell permeating their bodies, and their faces couldn't help but turn pale.

When Thor looked over, both of them couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Lord Thor!"

"Lord Thor, this is a misunderstanding!"

Walter spoke in an urgent voice.

The figure was struggling to resist Ren's attack.

However, the moment the words fell, a crisis suddenly came, and he almost instinctively raised the knight's spear in his hand.

However, there is only this one action.


There was a roar, and his chest suddenly hurt. He felt a powerful force suddenly attack, and the next moment his body flew out.


‘Ahem! ’

The figure fell down, a rapid coughing sound broke out, and Walter couldn't help but blood bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

But at this moment, he couldn't care about this and quickly looked towards the distance.

At this sight, his pupils widened.

Because Ren's spear had pierced the chest of the last earth knight at this moment.

"how come?"

Walter's pupils widened, with an expression of disbelief.

This is the existence of the late Earth Knights. Even some marquis families cannot have such power, but they were solved so easily.

In the midst of disbelief, Walter's heart skipped a beat.

The words quickly spoke again.

"Sir Thor, Sir Thor, this is a misunderstanding. All of this is the behavior of Sage Spencer. I want to stop him."

"By the way, Lord Thor, my father will give you gold coins, a lot of gold coins."

"Ten thousand, no, thirty thousand."

"I can definitely afford thirty thousand."

Walter's urgent voice sounded, and he didn't care at this moment.

"grown ups!"

Renn's eyes couldn't help but look at Thor who was walking over.

"Solve it!"

After glancing at Walter, Thor pondered for a moment, then spoke softly.


Renn, without any hesitation, quickly walked over with the knight's spear in hand.

"Thor, you can't do this. I am the heir of a noble family, and my father is a marquis."

"Damn it, what are you going to do?"

"No, Lord Thor, what I said is true."

"Thor, you're crazy."

"what are you up to?"

Walter's voice accompanied Ren's approach, and he couldn't help but make a series of sounds.

But to no avail.

When Ren looked over, Thor just nodded.

Facing Thor's nod, Ren no longer hesitated.


Thunder flashed, and the knight's spear penetrated directly through his chest, nailing Walter's body to the ground.

As for this scene, the remaining people couldn't help but have a look of fear in their pupils.

Their lord was actually killed by Thor and his party.

Fear inevitably spreads.

Everyone instinctively wanted to run away, but it was too late to leave now.

Thor and Ren also joined in the occupation.

Half an hour later.

The four earth knights brought by Sage Spencer and Walter, totaling more than two hundred official knights, were all eliminated by everyone.

One after another, frightened corpses fell to the ground.

As for Thor and his party, less than ten people were injured.

This scene made Brian rise and fall violently.

"Thor, your strength!"

When he spoke, Brian couldn't help but look at Thor and then at Ren. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

Even if he has seen the strength of Thor and Ren before.

But after Thor and Renn broke through, he was deeply shocked by this improvement in strength.

Those were six earth knights, and they were dispatched so easily.

Thinking again that he was only in the middle stage of Earth Knight, Brian felt his heart pounding.

"Brother Brian, thank you very much this time!"

Thor smiled and didn't care too much, but expressed his gratitude to Brian.

This time Brian followed him to leave, on the one hand to go to the Northern Province to see his son, and on the other hand to protect Thor and others.

Thor was very grateful for this.

"It seems that I am really old!"

Brian recovered from his shock, took a deep look at Thor, then sighed and shook his head, and walked to the side.

Watching Brian walk to the side, Thor thought for a moment and came to Walter who was killed by Ryan not far away.

The figure squatted down and began to grope.

Soon, Thor touched a hard object on Walter's chest, and took it out without hesitation.

This was a strange metal pocket watch.

When he just stepped into the northern defense line, there was a piece of information in the daily intelligence he obtained.

That is Viscount Mohan from the capital, who has an unexpected pocket watch on him, which contains unknown secrets.

Originally, Thor wanted to check it out to see if he had a chance to get that pocket watch.

After all, the daily intelligence has been proposed, maybe it is really important, but the subsequent battles, the ruins of the gods, the holy land, the divine domain, and a series of changes have left him no time to think about these.

But he didn't expect that this pocket watch would appear again in the daily intelligence a few days ago.

It's just different from before. It's no longer on Viscount Mohan in the capital, but on Walter.

And Walter will carry this pocket watch to kill him.

Facing someone who wants to take action and carrying a "treasure", it goes without saying how to choose.

After a slight look, Thor didn't notice the abnormality of this pocket watch.

Obviously, like the previous Silver Moon Breathing Method, a specific environment is required to detect its abnormality.

After a slight hesitation, Thor did not continue to explore, but immediately put it in his arms.

With the daily intelligence system, Thor believes that even if he can't find it, there will be a result, so there is no need to figure it out at the first time.

Looking at Walter, Thor immediately explored it again.

Unfortunately, this time is different from the last time. The last time we killed Steen Campbell, we got a huge reward because Steen Campbell had just evacuated from the territory and naturally brought a lot of gold coins.

This time, Walter and Sage only came to participate in the Ruins of God, so they naturally couldn't bring too many gold coins.

Thor fumbled for a while and only found a dozen silver cards, which were worth more than a thousand gold coins.

On the other side, Steve and Perros cleaned up the war and didn't get much either.

In summary, the gold coins added up to less than three thousand.

Three thousand gold coins are really nothing to Thor at this moment.

But fortunately, this time he didn't do it for gold coins, and three thousand gold coins are not a small amount.

Of course, Thor was going to give half of the gold coins to Brian.

But Brian refused to take it, so Thor had to give up.

Then everyone began to deal with the entire battlefield quickly.

The bodies were poured with the juice of thorns.

As everyone set off, a moment later, scarlet pupils appeared in the jungle, and a large number of monsters gathered.

Today, they will undoubtedly have a good meal.

And no one knows that the knights of two powerful noble descendants disappeared silently in the northern defense line.

But this time, many powerful noble descendants fell in the northern defense line.

Two more does not seem so surprising.

Of course, if someone wants to check, they can still find some clues.

But Thor doesn't care about this.

Whether it's behind Walter or the Spencer family behind Sage Spencer, he really doesn't have much to worry about at this moment.

Just two marquis families.

At this moment, his father has broken through to the Sky Knight, and Neil Morton is also a Sky Knight.

In addition, although he and Ryan are not as good as the Sky Knight, it is almost impossible for the Sky Knight to get rid of him.

In this case, he doesn't have much to worry about.

It can be predicted that as he returns to the Northland Province, the news that the Ruins of God have not descended will spread, and the descendants of the powerful nobles will inevitably return. Due to the previous events, conflicts between them are almost inevitable.

Then there is no need to worry.

The cold moonlight gradually falls.

Time slowly passes.

After dealing with Walter and Sage Spencer, the next journey is undoubtedly much smoother.

Although some monsters were encountered along the way.

But it was also very simple to deal with.

Even before Thor took action, Ryan had already solved it alone.

In this case.

Ten days passed quickly.

Everyone finally returned to the Eagle Territory again.

At this moment, it has been nearly a month since they left.

The changes in the entire Eagle Territory are also extremely huge.

Golden ears of wheat are dotted in the fields.

The opening of the Eagle River has turned the entire surrounding area into farmland.

And the seeds improved by Avella make every ear of wheat full. It can be expected that this year will be a huge harvest.

In the farmland, there were busy figures with smiles on their faces.

"Thor, this, is this your territory?"

Looking at this scene, Brian couldn't help but be shocked.

"Brother Brian, this is naturally my territory."

Thor nodded with a smile.


Hearing Thor's affirmative words, Brian couldn't help but open his mouth wide and couldn't speak for a while.

Thor could naturally understand this person's shock.

Anyone who enters the Eagle Territory will be surprised.

Because the entire Eagle Territory has only been built for less than two years, such a scale is simply unimaginable.

Thor led Brian into the Eagle Town with a chuckle.

No, it may not be called a town at this moment.

Because compared to the previous scale, the scale of the Eagle Town has almost tripled, and it is still expanding rapidly.

Busy slaves and goblins with heavy shackles can be seen everywhere.

And the population of the Eagle Town has expanded several times more than when he left.

In the previous actions, everyone captured many slaves of the major lords, and Thor got a lot of these slaves.

Although only a part of them stayed in the Eagle Town, the population of the Eagle Town has also increased dramatically.

This shocked Brian, who was entering for the first time.

Everyone returned to the castle.

It was still early, so Thor arranged Brian's accommodation.

Then he called Joseph.

He needed to know the current situation of Eagle Territory after he left for nearly a month.

He also wanted to know whether the support from his father had arrived.

Soon Joseph hurried back.

In the study.

Thor quietly flipped through the Eagle Territory's affairs during this period, while Joseph stood beside him with a touch of trepidation and nervousness, not daring to make any sound.

This was his first time as the general affairs officer, and this month was also the time when Thor was completely away.

He could make decisions on many things, and at this moment when the inspection began, he had to be nervous.

"Hua La!"

That was the sound of documents being flipped, and Joseph's heart seemed to beat with the flipping of the documents.

He couldn't help but hold his breath.

I don't know how long it took, and I don't know how long it lasted.

Thor's flipping action slowly stopped, his thoughts were slightly pondered, and his right hand skillfully tapped the desk.

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