Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 991: strange place, strange stone monument


In this mountain, there is a layer of gray mist lingering everywhere, and the scene is a bit strange. Standing at the farthest point, you can clearly feel a very terrifying energy rhythm fluctuation.

That kind of rhythm fluctuation is very evil, giving people a very strange feeling.

Yan Chengfeng did not expect that such a place would be so strange.

However, he soon saw a familiar figure through the gray fog.

"Shen Bijun."

Yan Chengfeng did not delay, and quickly came to Shen Bijun's side.

Shen Bijun breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Yan Chengfeng, she finally felt a little more secure.

Accompanying Yan Chengfeng is the best, at least there won't be any mistakes.

"Why did you come here?"

Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, and his heart was full of doubts, and he said, "Didn't you go to explore the old site of the Shen family in the Central Plains? This place is very evil. It's not a wise move for you to stay here."

This place is too dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will fall into a doomed situation. In such a situation, they are quite helpless.

Shen Bijun also had some headaches. She brought some creatures from the Shen family in the Central Plains and came here to explore the old site of the Shen family in the Central Plains.

However, the last point was not found, but the soldiers were ruined.

Many living beings of the Shen family in the Central Plains have already perished.

Everyone died here, and she was the only one left.

For such a situation, she is also very helpless and has a headache.

However, this is also a pain that can't be helped.

The old site of the Shen family in the Central Plains must be found as soon as possible. During this period, there must be no mistakes.

If something goes wrong, the problem will become more and more complicated and serious.

There are many monks who are helpless for a while in the face of such a situation, but no matter what, since things are no longer possible to escape.

Then you can only do your best to obey the destiny, and everything will be fine.

"There should be supreme luck here, just follow me later!"

Now that he has come here, then Yan Chengfeng is not going to retreat. He must find the power of luck hidden here, as long as he can find those powers of luck.

Then, his overall strength will definitely improve, and everything is under his control.

In the current situation, we still have to be careful, and absolutely cannot make any mistakes.

"Is there a supreme power of luck hidden here?"

Shen Bijun was also a little puzzled, but in the end, she didn't ask any more questions, no matter what the situation here is, those are no longer important.

If you want to deal with these things thoroughly, you can only deal with them slowly.

Yan Chengfeng moved forward cautiously, the power fluctuations contained in this territory were still very terrifying, and the wisps of coercion swept in and could tear apart almost everything.

There is no creature that can stop it. Walking in this side of the mountains and rivers, you must be extra cautious.

Otherwise, once something goes wrong, it may cost your life.

Even though Yan Chengfeng had the means to reach the sky, he would never dare to be careless.

After all, sometimes you have to be extra careful. If there is an accident, it will be troublesome.


High in the sky, the sound of beating drums is endless, and all kinds of terrifying energy rhymes are fluctuating, and the entire vast sky seems to be torn to shreds.

No one dared to approach this place, even some creatures had already felt the fierceness of this world.

They are also very clear that if they rashly set foot here, they will definitely be affected. At that time, it is still unknown whether they can survive.

Therefore, be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years, and there will be no mistakes.

"Yan Chengfeng, look there is a stone tablet over there."

Suddenly, Shen Bijun saw a stone tablet, and she didn't dare to act rashly, and hurriedly told Yan Chengfeng.

This place is really too dangerous, and in some cases, it is absolutely not to be careless.

If something goes wrong, the whole thing will only become more and more complicated, so if you can be careful, you should be as careful as possible.

Most of the time, this is probably the case. Once there is a mistake, it will suffer.

She doesn't want to throw her life here, she still wants to do a lot of things.

Yan Chengfeng also looked in the direction of Shen Bijun's finger. There was indeed a stone tablet standing there. He didn't think much about it and walked over cautiously.

The closer you get to the stone tablet, the weird energy fluctuations seem to be more and more terrifying and tyrannical, as if they can destroy everything in an instant.

The entire endless star is about to be ruined, and the mountains and rivers are forever silent.

Yan Chengfeng felt that kind of unparalleled fierceness, and he was very frightened. He knew very well that this was definitely not a small problem, and he had to be extra careful.

"This stele has some history, and I'm not very clear about the words recorded on it."

Yan Chengfeng came to the front of the stone stele. Looking at such a scene, he was also very cautious.

In this territory, there must be supreme danger hidden, otherwise, all the creatures brought by Shen Bijun would not have all perished.

In this case, extreme caution must be exercised.

Otherwise, if you are really in danger, there will be nothing you can do at that time, and you will definitely suffer.

Under such a situation, all living beings can only take one step first, look at one step, and definitely can't mess around.

Regardless, you have to be extra cautious.


Yan Chengfeng stared at the stone tablet and watched it carefully, and vaguely heard one after another, dull thunderous voices.

Such a thunderous voice seemed to be enlightening, and it seemed that there was something, and suddenly it became clear.

He knew it had to be a secret here.

"I want to seriously observe the changes of this stele. It's a secret, be careful yourself and don't leave my side."

Yan Chengfeng reminded him that this place was too dangerous, and he was also worried that Shen Bijun would encounter some irresistible dangers by leaving hastily.

You can only stay by his side quietly, and you must not run around. If you run around in this dangerous situation, it must be very dangerous.

At that time, if something went wrong, he would have no way to ensure the safety of Shen Bijun.

On this stone tablet, there is a supreme secret, and Yan Chengfeng also wants to take this opportunity to break down this secret.

There must be no interruptions or other accidents in the middle of the journey, otherwise, it will definitely fall short.

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