Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 987: The King of God is worried, worried in his heart


The vast divine power swept across the heavens and the earth, and the sun and the moon shrouded it. Nangong Wudi manipulated the chaotic artifact, stationed indifferently outside the gate of the Nangong family.

There is quite a kind of peerless aura that one husband is the only one who is in charge of the other. Even if the Taikoo Shenmen used 20 peak martial arts, he was not afraid.

If these people want to step on the Nangong family, they have to step on him first.

There are countless strong people in the Nangong family. Even if the ancient gods came out of their nests, it would not be easy to push the Nangong family.

"God King, do we really have to go all out to push the Nangong family horizontally?"

In the camp of the Primordial God's Gate, someone asked, and they were also afraid of the background of the Nangong family.

If this expedition really starts, then the final outcome must be both losers.

There are still many sect powerhouses who are watching eagerly. Those invincible overlords will definitely not miss this opportunity.

As long as the Nangong family or the Primordial Divine Sect shows signs of fatigue, those invincible beings will definitely take this opportunity to go all out.

At that time, if you want to take advantage of the fisherman, it will only be a little unrealistic.

However, now that they have come this far, the King of God seems to have no choice.

Originally, I was going to test the truth of the Nangong family, but now it seems that this conquest is definitely unavoidable.

"This campaign, don't be anxious, just wait!"

After careful consideration, the King of God felt that it would be too dangerous to take action now.

The Nangong family is backed by demons from outside the realm. If they choose to take action at this moment, they will definitely lose both the Nangong family.

He also wants to be prepared for everything, and after he has completely solved his worries, he can compete with Nangong Wudi.

The souls of the ancient gods heard the words of the **** king, and did not dare to act rashly. The current situation, if rashly shot, is still very dangerous.

They had to be extra cautious. They were all in a serious line, waiting quietly, waiting for the next step of the King of God.

They will only do it when the king of gods tells them to do it.

Now, the creatures of the Nangong family don't dare to do it.

Unless, they also have invincible self-confidence, self-confidence can destroy everything.

However, looking at it now, they probably don't have the ability.

In any case, there is no need to think too much now, what should come will come after all, and there is no escape.

It's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided.

"Yan Chengfeng, why aren't the creatures of the Primordial Divine Sect ready to take action?"

After seeing the creatures of the Primordial Divine Sect choose to stay put, Chu Huang frowned slightly, and her heart was full of doubts. She was more puzzled about this matter.

Immemorial Shenmen came out in full force, it must be sure to solve the Nangong family.

Now that their eyebrows are burning, they are still so calm, Chu Huang really doesn't understand.

Yan Chengfeng glanced at the scene in the distance, and said indifferently: "You can't understand this, Zong really doesn't know what your head is made of."

"The reason why the creatures of the Primordial God's Gate choose to stay put is not that they are afraid of the Nangong family. What they are really worried about is us who are watching the show."

"As long as the lives of the Nangong family and the Primordial God's Sect are both lost, then, at that time, how many strong people do you think there will be, will take advantage of the fire to rob."

"Anyway, I don't know much about others. I will definitely take action directly, suppress everyone, and reap the benefits of the fisherman. Who doesn't want to!"

Yan Chengfeng's thoughts are very clear, and his thinking is also very clear.

He didn't have any good feelings for the creatures of the Nangong family and the monks of the ancient gods. As long as these people fell into his hands, then he would definitely suppress all the creatures.

If there are ants who don't know the time, they will kill without mercy.

"Then what do you think the creatures of the ancient gods will choose?"

Chu Huang also felt that some things had already happened, so the invincibles of the Primordial Divine Sect would definitely find a way to remedy it.

As for how to remedy it, she didn't quite know.

Yan Chengfeng is so smart, he has probably figured out all the problems!

Yan Chengfeng's eyes sank. After thinking about it seriously, he said, "Actually, the king of gods doesn't need to think too much. Even if he and the Nangong family are both lost, no one dares to do it easily."

"After all, look at these ignorant ants, some of them are bold."

"However, if the invincibles of the Primordial Divine Sect really want to find someone to help, then their only choice is to come to me."

"Why don't you think the powerhouses of the Primordial Divine Sect didn't shoot me directly, that's because they were afraid of me."

"I slaughtered all the living beings of the Liu family, uprooted the Liu family, and removed the Liu family from Fengdu City. This kind of record is enough to shock everyone."

"Even if the Taigu Shenmen used twenty peak martial gods today, I have never been afraid."

"Of course, they didn't dare to attack me directly. If they choose this step, then the fate of the Liu family will be their fate."

Yan Chengfeng is very confident, he has absolute confidence in his own strength.

Even if the ancient gods came out in full force, they have never been afraid, and those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy.


Chu Huang was speechless about Yan Chengfeng's arrogance and confidence. This guy's strength and cultivation were indeed the top, but he was not very modest.

However, she also liked Yan Chengfeng's confidence.

The confident look of this guy is quite attractive.

"Yan Chengfeng, if the catastrophe of the heavens really comes, will you choose to ascend to immortality?"

Chu Huang finally asked the answer she wanted to know the most.

Yan Chengfeng's current cultivation realm has reached the peak of the human world. As long as he is willing, he can ascend to immortality at any time and avoid the catastrophe of the heavens.


Yan Chengfeng sighed deeply and said, "It's easier said than done to become an immortal! My concern in the mountains, rivers and the world is more than one or two."

"My confidante, relatives and friends, daughters and daughters, who can give up, I will not take a step back in this catastrophe."

"Only if I fall, can I give up everything!"

"If they can live safely, then my existence is meaningful. If I can't even protect them, then what's the use of my cultivation base."

"At that time, it's better to be a waste, so you don't have to worry about it too much."

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