Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 982: Jiuxiao sun and moon, the scene is weird


The domineering power swept across the world, and the entire boundless Fengdu city, mountains and rivers, collapsed inch by inch. The invincible combat power of that Nangong was really terrifying.

The violent qi and blood rushed out, and it was simply not something that Hattori ghosts and gods could compete with. Under such terrifying and fierce power, Hattori ghosts and gods were directly shaken out.


He gushed blood in the air, his face was pale as paper, he couldn't see any blood, and the breath in his body was also disordered.

He and Nangong Wudi are not on the same level at all. If he wants to compete with Nangong Wudi, it is simply wishful thinking. Shou Xing Gong hanged himself, and he thinks his life is too long.

For such a situation, sentient beings are also quite a headache. They originally thought that the cannon fodder launched by this ancient divine gate could have such a little effect.

Now it seems that Hattori Ghosts have really become cannon fodder, and they don't even have the qualifications to challenge Nangong Invincible.

They all knew very well that after this expedition was over, Nangong Wudi would definitely destroy Hattori ghosts and gods.

If Hattori ghosts and gods want to live, don't think about it, there is no such ending at all.

The armor of Nangong Wudi is a very terrifying weapon that can affect the minds of practitioners, and the sword must see blood.

Therefore, Hattori ghosts and gods are sure to die.

If there is no blood, then the host will also be attacked.

Such armor is the most troublesome, but its power is indeed very overbearing.

"An ant like you also delusionally wants to compete with the Nangong family and become an enemy. Who gave you the courage?"

Nangong Invincible stood in the air, his whole body was full of radiant radiance, rhythm, exuding a terrifying might, that wisps of coercion impacted almost everything could be torn apart.

Looking at the whole world, it is difficult to find an existence that can be compared with him.

Such an invincible overlord is an absolute existence and can control everything.

"The Nangong family will definitely be destroyed today, you can't escape."

Hattori Ghost's face was gloomy and became more and more hideous, and the killing light in his eyes became more and more fiery.

All living beings can clearly see that his whole body is covered with a black aura, and that kind of aura seems to be quite terrifying.

Corrupting everything around, seeing such a scene, cultivators of all sects dare not stay in the vicinity, this place is very dangerous, if you are not careful, you will fall into a doomed situation.

The current situation is probably like this!

If something really difficult to change happens, then they can only resign themselves to fate.

For such a situation, there is nothing they can do. If they want to deal with everything thoroughly, they must be stable and there must be no mistakes.

"Uncle, what's the situation! Why does this Hattori ghost seem to have suddenly changed, completely different from the previous one."

Seeing such a scene, Narcissus was also quite surprised, her beautiful big eyes flickered, and her heart was full of curiosity.

This is too weird, Hattori Ghost God at this moment, the strength of the whole person has been greatly improved, like a ghost, swallowing the luck of the whole world.

That kind of energy rhythm fluctuation is simply not something that ordinary people can contend with. If you choose to be the enemy, there will only be a dead end.

"That should be the so-called extraterritorial demon! I exchanged the soul with the extraterritorial demon, and this was exchanged for a period of power. Such a move is undoubtedly self-defeating."

Yan Chengfeng was very calm. He knew that the demons outside the realm would definitely be ready to move before the catastrophe of the heavens came.

These ants in the world of mountains and rivers will also take this opportunity to exchange souls with these creatures, sell their souls, and exchange for a moment of power, which is really meaningless.

In any case, he wouldn't do such a meaningless thing.

This is not a good thing at all, and if there is really trouble, there is only a dead end.

In such a situation, sentient beings can only deal with it slowly, and absolutely cannot be careless.

There are a lot of problems, probably all of them are like this. If there is trouble, there must be a dead end.


The voice of Hattori's ghosts and gods tore apart, he made a fierce shot, and quickly killed Nangong Wudi. He wanted to take this opportunity to destroy Nangong Wudi.

His idea is quite good, but even if he has exhausted all his cards, the gap between him and Nangong Invincible is still huge.

If he wants to turn defeat into victory under such circumstances, it is basically impossible to succeed. This time, he will surely die.

For such a situation, sentient beings also have a splitting headache.

But there is no other way but to take one step at a time.

"The ignorant ants have already faced disaster, and they dare to be so arrogant. Today, this seat will definitely smash your corpse into thousands of pieces and smash your bones into ashes."

Nangong Wudi didn't intend to show mercy. This time, he must go all out to kill this ignorant Hattori ghost.

Just a mere clown jumping on the beam, he will not take it to heart, and those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy.


Nangong Wudi also started his attack. His attacking methods were unparalleled in the world. When such a fierce attack came out, he could tear apart almost everything.

This piece of stars is about to collapse, and the hideous scene can be seen everywhere. The world is quite surprised when faced with such a situation.

However, they could only quietly retreat to the safest area to observe this expedition.

There are a lot of things like this, and it may not be easy to figure it out completely.


The high-altitude conquest is very fierce, with endless fluctuations in energy rhythm, and waves of shocks come, the vast mountains and rivers are about to collapse and shatter, and the evolution of the beacon fire can be seen everywhere.

Some monks with weak Taoism were also annihilated in this expedition because it was too late to retreat, and they could not stop the invincible expedition.

The creatures with these means of reaching the sky can destroy everything at the click of a finger. If you want to contend with such bed bugs, it must be a dead end.

No one can survive at this time. Most of the monks who watched the lively were affected. The place was full of corpses and blood, and the scene looked scary.


The screams of killing came out in waves, swallowing the sun and the moon, and there were strange scenes everywhere, extremely terrifying and scary.

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