Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 973: So suffocated, falling to the dust

The great ancestor of the Liu family, he wanted to blow himself up in front of Yan Chengfeng, hoping to use such a method to make Yan Chengfeng feel a sense of crisis. Such an approach seems a bit stupid no matter how you look at it.

However, there is no other way for the Liu family's supreme ancestor at present. He used the Liu family's supreme air power, and there is no way to kill Yan Chengfeng, which is not a good thing.

Now, he still wants to die with Yan Chengfeng in a self-destructing way. It will be even more difficult to achieve this step.

"Little beast, this seat must let you die without a corpse."

The Liu family's grand patriarch was gnashing his teeth and roaring furiously, the eyes in his eyes were piercing, and the wisps of killing light came rhythmically, as if it could destroy everything, and no one could stop it.

He has gone completely crazy, and now he has only one idea, that is to slaughter Yan Chengfeng.

However, his idea is obviously difficult to achieve.

But no matter what, since some things have already happened, there is no way to do it. You can only find a way as soon as possible to deal with it all.

"Old man, you are really too naive."

Yan Chengfeng was very calm. He didn't take the actions of the Liu Family Taishang Patriarch to heart at all. Such ignorant fleas could suppress him, it was simply wishful thinking.

For this kind of ants who have no self-knowledge at all, then he only has one idea, and he will destroy it directly.

This time, the great ancestor of the Liu family will surely die, and no one can save him.


The sound of beating drums in the sky resounded in bursts, and such terrifying and ominous power swept in, as if it could tear apart the starry sky in an instant. Above the vast stars, there were lightning and thunder.

There is an endless coercion everywhere, and no one dares to approach this place, especially in the current situation, it is not easy to completely deal with everything.

"The years are long!"

The great ancestor of the Liu family frantically used his own strength, trying to arouse the irritability of the heaven and earth, but the road was one foot high and the demon was one foot high.

He wanted to blow himself up and then die with Yan Chengfeng, that was just wishful thinking.

Yan Chengfeng would never allow such a thing to happen. He directly used the power of endless years. Such a long river of time is very terrifying.

Almost everything can be torn apart. Even if the Liu family's grandfather made his best shot, it would be difficult for him to compete with Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng's combat power is too terrifying, looking at the whole world, it is estimated that there are not many people who can compete with him.


The entire endless starry sky is filled with an extremely domineering ferocity, and that kind of power is constantly impacting, and it can destroy almost everything.

It seems that in an instant, you can have the power to devour the world, and no one can stop that kind of power.


The great ancestor of the Liu family is vomiting blood frantically. His lifespan has passed by a lot, and his whole person is described as withered. He can't stop Yan Chengfeng's attack methods at all.

The power of those years is really terrifying.

In the realm of Yan Chengfeng's long river of years, Yan Chengfeng can be called invincible in the world.

If you want to kill Yan Chengfeng, there is only one way, that is to take action in advance and not give Yan Chengfeng any chance to breathe.

However, looking at the whole world, how many people can directly kill Yan Chengfeng in one go.

There should be none!

After all, Yan Chengfeng was definitely not weak.

Those humble and weak people did not even have the courage to raise their heads in front of Yan Chengfeng.


The high-altitude conquest is still going on, and sentient beings are quite helpless to the current situation, but no matter what, since there are some things that can no longer be dealt with, they can only follow the will of God.

Maybe this is life!

The world is in a hurry, how many people can compete with it.

No one dares to be careless. In this situation, if you are not careful, you will fall into a doomed situation, and no one can escape that catastrophe.


With the continuous compression of the long river domain, the Liu family's great ancestor finally couldn't hold on any longer, and was swallowed directly, and his bones also fell into the dust.

Finally, the Liu family was uprooted.

All sentient beings in the world are quite surprised when they see such a scene. They never imagined that Yan Chengfeng is just a fledgling brat, and he has such a violent and tyrannical means, which is really not to be underestimated. what!

Yan Chengfeng's years and rivers domain has opened, looking at the whole world, basically no one can stop it, and no one dares to take action at this time.

If you want to suppress Yan Chengfeng, that's easier said than done!

Yan Chengfeng's methods are sky-high, and with every gesture, he can destroy everything, and no one can stop him.

"Yi, you dare to be the enemy of the world like this, do you really, don't want to live at all?"

Fairy Poison stood in the air, his expression was as ugly as possible, and at this moment, he was already angry.

No matter what happens next, since there is no way to deal with the situation, we can only take one step and look at it.

After all, the Immortal Gates are now closed.

In such a situation, all beings have nothing to do.

Of course, the most anger in the heart is naturally those creatures who want to soar into immortals.

No matter what the next situation is, since there is no way to change the ending, the only thing that can be done is to do my best and make the process more perfect.

Yan Chengfeng was very calm, and said calmly and calmly: "If you want to be enemies with me, then I will definitely welcome you at any time. If you have any means, just use it!"

"There's no need to keep clamoring everywhere, and I really didn't take you guys seriously."

He is not afraid of these creatures at all, these ignorant bugs, if he wants to compete with him, it is a dead end.

No matter how it ends, he won't make it easier for these people.


There were still lightning and thunder, and all kinds of terrifying gunpowder smoke did not dissipate, and all sentient beings were frightened. For the current situation, they really had a headache and were helpless.

However, this is also something that can't be helped, and we can only deal with it slowly, taking a step by step.

"I don't know about the ants, you are too wild."

His face was extremely gloomy, and Fairy Poison had never felt so aggrieved before.

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