Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 930: Has entered the Dao, the coercion of heaven and earth

All living beings dare not set foot in the center of the storm. They all know that since Marquis Shen Yuan dares to be so arrogant, he must have come prepared.

After all, Marquis Shen Yuan came from the Shen family in the Central Plains. It would be a bit false to say that he had no trump cards at all.

Perhaps, this time Shen Yuanhou can really turn defeat into victory.

They all sweated for Yan Chengfeng, and this time Yan Chengfeng was going to suffer.

Shen Yuanhou was serious, and the next ending was a little hard to say.

Faced with such a situation, all sentient beings did not dare to be careless. Everyone retreated to the safe area, set their sights on the center of the storm, and quietly watched the conquest of Yan Chengfeng and Shen Yuanhou.

They were all very curious as to who would be killed in the end of this expedition.

Marquis Shen Yuan stood in the air, and his whole body was surrounded by dazzling colorful clouds. With that fierce rhythm, the mountains and rivers were about to collapse, swallowing the sky, the sun and the moon lost their color.

All sentient beings were frightened when they saw such a scene. They could clearly feel the fierceness emanating from Marquis Shen Yuan, and that kind of aura was too terrifying.

No matter what, they didn't dare to approach this place. The fierceness contained in this territory was very violent. If they stepped on it rashly, they would definitely be severely injured.

If it is affected, there must be only a dead end.

Such a situation is not what they want to see.

At this point, we can only deal with it slowly.


The high-altitude drums were loud, and a tyrannical aura swept in, as if everything could be torn apart in an instant, and no one dared to mess around.

This is the coercion of heaven and earth, and the power of heaven.

Shen Yuanhou is too tyrannical. At this moment, he has almost entered the Dao. He can use the coercion of the Heavenly Dao to attack the opponent with strength, and his combat power can be improved by several grades in an instant.

Such peerless ferocity is very terrifying, as if everything needs to be annihilated.

In this territory, there are monstrous charms falling, swallowing mountains and rivers, and the sun and the moon have lost their luster in an instant.

No one dares to be careless, especially in the current situation. Once danger occurs, it may fall into a doomed situation.

Some things are like this, if you are not careful, you will fall into a doomed situation.

"Little beast, if you kneel down and be slaughtered by your neck, you might be able to die a little more happily."

Marquis Shen Yuan stood in the air and said indifferently: "If you insist on being stubborn, then waiting for your end will definitely be miserable."

"If you offend this seat, there is only one end for you, and that is a dead end."

He was really angry this time, no matter what, he had to find a way to completely kill these people, especially Yan Chengfeng.

This ant provoked him again and again, and he was already angry, no matter what, he would have to pay a painful price.

Yan Chengfeng could naturally feel clearly that this Marquis Shen Yuan's combat power had reached a mysterious and mysterious realm, and the strength that almost entered the Dao was already terrifying.

Marquis Shen Yuan can break through and stand back, and it is quite good to enter the Dao under such circumstances.

However, if he wanted to be the enemy of Yan Chengfeng, he still lacked some strength.

Now, his combat power is indeed quite terrifying, but to tell the truth, he is probably only a stepping stone for others!

Yan Chengfeng's battle strength is monstrous, possessing indelible power, he has already entered the Dao, and with the help of the coercion of heaven and earth, he will also do such a method.

It's just that beheading a Shen Yuanhou, he didn't bother to do it at all.

This time, Marquis Shen Yuan wanted to kill him, but why didn't he want to kill Marquis Shen Yuan as well.

Anyway, no matter what, he would never let Shen Yuanhou go.

It's just wishful thinking for these people to be his enemies.

He will never be merciful, and those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy.

All living beings suffer, but I am proud of the sky.

"It's just that I've just entered the Dao, what's there to be proud of? If you have the ability, then you can show it!"

Yan Chengfeng's expression was calm, and he said calmly: "With your current ability, if you want to compete with me, you are still 108,000 miles away. If you keep going, you will only have a dead end. You can't stop me."

He didn't take Shen Yuanhou in his eyes at all, even if Shen Yuanhou had already entered the Dao, it was nothing more than that.

"Ant, don't be too arrogant."

Shen Yuanhou's eyes were deep, and he said indifferently: "What ability do you have, show it as soon as possible! Today, this seat must make you pay a painful price."

His aura was getting stronger and stronger, and the wisps of ferocity rushed in, and the entire endless mountains and rivers were in ruins, and it could tear apart almost everything.

His combat power is very powerful, every move and every move seems to be using the coercion of Heavenly Dao, that kind of power is really overbearing, as if he can tear everything to pieces in an instant.

Seeing such a scene, all sentient beings are also frightened. No matter what the final outcome is, since they have come this far, they have nothing to say.

No matter what, this conquest between Yan Chengfeng and Shen Yuanhou will definitely not end so easily.


Marquis Shen Yuan took the lead, his palms were pushed out horizontally, all the stars in the sky were shifting, and the surging pressure of heaven and earth swept across the eight wastes.

It seems that everything can be destroyed in an instant. All sentient beings will have a headache when they see such a scene, especially at this moment, all sentient beings dare not be careless.

With his fierce shot, the monstrous Milky Way hung upside down, and the tyrannical pressure rolled down, almost tearing everything apart, and the majestic mountains also collapsed and shattered in an instant.

The sturdy grass and trees are turned into powder, swallowing the mountains and rivers, and the sun and the moon are dull.

"Marquis Shen Yuan's combat power is truly unparalleled in the world! This time, with the help of the coercion of the heavens and the earth, this attack that ordinary people can't do."

"As expected of the leader of the younger generation, such combat power is indeed quite tyrannical. It is estimated that there are not many existences that can compete with him in the whole world."

"Although Shen Yuanhou's combat power is quite tyrannical, this Yan Chengfeng's strength is not weak! His moves and styles have a very strange mystery. It seems that he should also enter the Dao."

"This conquest is really getting more and more interesting. I don't know, who will be the winner in the end between Yan Chengfeng and Shen Yuanhou..."

The monks who were watching the battle from a distance were talking in low voices. They all knew that many things in front of them had exceeded their expectations, and it was difficult to predict the future.

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