Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 909: Don't want to go all out, take it slow

The terrifying expedition is still going on. The sky is densely covered with dark clouds, and lightning flashes and thunders. The scene looks very scary. There is a monstrous fierceness, and it is surging frantically, swallowing the mountains and rivers, and the sun and the moon are dull.

The cultivators of all sects are doing their best. They are chasing Zulong, wanting to kill Zulong and seize the key to open the gate of heaven.

Those terrifying attacks fell, and the entire endless mountains and rivers were about to be cracked open. Those cracks looked very scary, and they could be seen everywhere.

There is a violent ferocity surging inside, swallowing mountains and rivers, and everything in the sun and the moon has lost its color at this moment.


The ferocity of that Ancestral Dragon is also very terrifying. The monstrous killing fell, and the entire endless stars are about to burst open.

No one dared to approach it at all. Once touched by it, even if he did not die, he would be severely injured. At that time, there must be only one way to die.


The impact of the tyrannical breath wisps, and the endless mountains and rivers are also ruined.

Immortal Dao Lineage, Dragon Emperor Holy Land, Central Plains Shen Family, Alien Beast Space and other forces are all going all out to take action, and everyone has no mercy. That kind of fierceness is really overbearing, and most people are completely supportive. not live.

In the face of such a situation, everyone has nothing to say. They are very clear that if they do not go all out, then the final end will be very miserable.

This Zulong is not a fuel-efficient lamp after all.

If you want to collide with this invincible creature, you must be cautious, and you must not make any mistakes.


The screams of killing shook the heavens and the earth, and there were countless powerhouses who took action, and Yan Chengfeng was no exception.

Since he has already led this Ancestral Dragon out of the bottomless abyss, he will definitely not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

In any case, you must deal with everything carefully, otherwise, if there is a real danger, you will suffer.

He didn't want to fall short. Since there was no other choice, the only thing he could do was to do his best.

No matter what you do, you have to be careful, otherwise, the ending will definitely be miserable.


The terrifying killing was still going on, and the entire vast star was cracked open in an instant, and the scene in the sky looked very scary.

There are scenes of lightning and thunder everywhere, and the fierceness contained in it is very terrifying. If it is touched by it, it may be broken in an instant.

The endless stars are about to collapse and fall apart, and everyone must be cautious and deal with it carefully.

There can be absolutely no mistakes in this process.

When such a scene happened, everyone had no way to do anything, especially now, they couldn't be careless. In many cases, this is probably the case.

"The Thirteen Arrows of Yuan Fu!"

Yan Chengfeng used the thirteen arrows of Yuanfu. Every attack he made was very terrifying. The tyrannical pressure fell down, as if it could destroy everything.

Although it is not wrong to say that the Yuanfu Thirteen Arrows are very powerful, the defensive power of that Ancestral Dragon is also invincible.

If you want to break through Zulong's defense easily, it is simply a dream and a fantasy.

This kind of method is definitely not something that ordinary people can do, especially in the current situation, no matter what will happen in the end, since it has come this far, it is dangerous.


The screams of killing continued, and the domineering coercion burst out, which could tear apart almost everything. Facing such a situation, sentient beings are also quite a headache.

Now, they have nothing to do, no matter what happens in the end, since they have come this far, there is nothing to say.

"Yan Chengfeng, I heard that you learned how to train Ruolan's breath. If that's the case, then why don't you use it!"

Chu Huang had already come to Yan Chengfeng's side. At this moment, what Yan Chengfeng used was still the Thirteen Arrows of Yuan Fu.

Yan Chengfeng had learned how to train Ruolan's breath, and she also wanted to see how terrifying and tyrannical the method of breathing was.

So, in this case, you must be extra careful and cautious.

As for what Yan Chengfeng will do, Chu Huang is not very clear, the only thing she can do now is to do her best.

Many things seem to have exceeded her imagination.

There is nothing she can do about such a thing.

She also wanted to see how powerful Ruolan's breathing method was.

Yan Chengfeng didn't have much opinion on Chu Huang's proposal, and of course, he wouldn't really do it.

One by one, these people wanted to secretly learn Ruolan's breathing technique.

Although, even they may not be able to steal the learning successfully, but sometimes, they still can't use it directly.

After all, the method of breathing is a bit terrifying, and its power is too powerful to be used indiscriminately.

The method of breathing that he is currently practicing is somewhat similar to the Seven Injury Fist, injuring one thousand enemies and eight hundred to himself.

Therefore, when it is not at a critical moment, it is still not possible to display it indiscriminately.

He has only learned some skins about the method of breathing, and it is not of much use at all.

"The power of the breath method is too powerful, I really want to use it! But I'm also afraid of hurting innocent people."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "Now, the most important thing is to find a way to suppress this ancestral dragon and seize the key to open the gate of heaven."

"As for other issues, you don't need to think too much at all. What should come will come eventually."

He is very calm, and everything develops naturally, so that it will be more meaningful.

For these issues, he can be regarded as open, bearish.


Chu Huang frowned slightly, she didn't believe Yan Chengfeng's words at all, not a word of what this guy said was true.

Of course, she didn't bother to think too much.

Everything is just a mirror, and Yan Chengfeng will take action after all. She doesn't believe that Yan Chengfeng can hide for a lifetime.

Yan Chengfeng didn't care about Chu Huang's thoughts. Anyway, these things were not important at all.

He used the thirteen arrows of Yuanfu to deal with the Ancestral Dragon. At this moment, there were many creatures working together.

All living beings want to take this opportunity to directly kill the Ancestral Dragon.

If the delay continues, the problem will only become more and more complicated.

They don't need to think too much now, they just do their best to obey the destiny.

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