Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 899: So bloody, what a nice guy

All sentient beings are very surprised when they see ghosts, Buddhists, and monks. In the current situation, no matter what, you must be a little cautious. Otherwise, if you really encounter danger, it will be called Tian Tian should not respond, and the ground will not work. .

Yan Chengfeng looked at the ghost Buddhist monk and frowned slightly. To be honest, he was not afraid of this ghost Buddhist monk, but the aura of the ghost Buddhist monk was too terrifying and scary.

The wisps of coercion swept over, and the entire boundless mountains and rivers were in ruins, and ferocious cracks could be seen everywhere. Among the ferocious cracks, there was a terrifying aura of coercion.

That kind of breath is really scary, as if it can tear everything apart. All beings are quite helpless in the face of such a situation.

The fighting power of ghosts, Buddhists and monks is sky-high, and at the click of a finger, everything can be destroyed, turning the world upside down.

Ordinary creatures, it is not easy to say that they want to compete with such an overlord.

"Sister Ruolan, what kind of cultivation is this ghost, Buddhist monk? Although I have raised my cultivation to the realm of the Martial God, I still have some instinctive fear when facing him."

Yan Chengfeng's heart was quite helpless, especially in the current situation, no matter what, he was not very adaptable.

However, many problems need to be taken step by step, and we must not be careless.

Otherwise, if you really encounter danger, you will suffer.

There are many things that need to be dealt with cautiously now, and we must not act too hastily.

Otherwise, what awaits you in the end must be only endless perdition.

Lian Ruolan naturally understood that Yan Chengfeng was worried, especially in the current situation. No matter what the final outcome was, since he had already reached this point, the only thing he could do was to do his best.

Work hard to do everything well and you will be successful.

"The strength of that ghost, Buddhist monk, is not much different from mine."

Lian Ruolan looked calm and said calmly: "However, don't worry, the current situation is not entirely bad for us. Maybe we can find a way to break through."

She is not anxious at all, especially in this situation, she is very clear that if she is anxious now, it is just useless.

As for other issues, there is no need to be careless, what should come will come after all, everything is just a small problem.

No matter what happens in the end, she can keep Yan Chengfeng.

It would never fall in such a place. If it really fell in such a place, it would really be a joke.

Yan Chengfeng didn't say much, and he was very clear that in the current situation, it was meaningless to say anything.

Therefore, the only thing that can be done is to improve one's own cultivation as soon as possible.

It doesn't matter how far you can go in the end.

"If you people want to leave alive, then accept the enslavement of this seat!"

The ghost Buddha spoke up, his voice was calm, as if he was announcing a very trivial matter.

He also confidently believes that these ignorant ants have no ability to reject him at all.

Those ants who want to reject him will be wiped out.

In any case, he must completely control these ignorant bugs.

Only in that way can you use your fists and feet to lay the foundation for the **** of the alien space.

"You want to enslave us?"

At this time, someone will naturally stand up. Of course, this person who stands up is definitely not a group of ignorant fleas.

If a group of ignorant fleas stood up, they would surely die.

Only the supreme beings stand up, and their words have weight. As for other creatures, they are just some ignorant reptiles that can only rely on others to survive.

They want to stand on their own, it is simply wishful thinking.

How could these invincible overlords give this group of people a chance to live?

Therefore, at this moment, the people of the Shen family in the Central Plains stood up.

Marquis Shen Yuan stood in the air, his expression was indifferent, he knew that this ghost, Buddhist monk was very powerful, but he was never afraid.

Just because he came from the Shen family in the Central Plains.

He absolutely does not allow anyone to bully the Shen family in the Central Plains.

Those who want to enslave the Shen family in the Central Plains, a mere ghost, Buddhist monk, do not have this qualification yet.

When all sentient beings saw Shen Yuanhou of the Shen family in the Central Plains stand up, they were all dumbfounded, their eyes widened for a while, and they couldn't believe it.

They thought it was too exaggerated, too surprising.

They originally thought that under such circumstances, Marquis Shen Yuan would never dare to stand up.

After all, if you stand up at this time, there will only be a dead end.

Moreover, it will also put the Shen family in the Central Plains into a doomed situation.

These creatures in the alien beast space have invincible means, and they can destroy the sky and destroy the earth with every gesture. Everything wants to be broken, and no one can stop it.

All beings are quite surprised by such a scene.

This time, Marquis Shen Yuan stood up, and they all changed their views on Marquis Shen Yuan.

I never thought that Marquis Shen Yuan would be so bloody.

When they encountered such an invincible, they were all very troubled.

However, now that there are people who are willing to stand up, that is also quite good, and there is no need to think too much.

After all, what should come will come, everything is just a matter of early and late.

No one can control some of the current situations, but since they have come this far, they can only bite the bullet and deal with them.


The sound of beating drums in the sky is endless, the clouds are dense, and the lightning and thunder are thundering. Such a scene is really scary and scary, as if it can destroy everything in an instant.

Especially in the current situation, it is absolutely not to be careless.

Those monks with weak Taoism quickly retreated to a safe area. Under such circumstances, if danger really occurs, they will suffer.

For such a situation, no one can control, and they do not want to do those meaningless things.

Offending such an overlord will only lead to death.

They are also a little helpless now, and there is nothing to do.

No matter what, I can only hope that the invincible existence of these sects can traverse the world, gain life in the cool alien space, and kill them all.

No matter what happens in the end, since we have come this far, the only thing we can do is to deal with everything with all our strength.

Not only all beings were surprised, even Yan Chengfeng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this Marquis Shen Yuan's head was so iron, yet so bloody...

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