Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 869: The matter of Wuyi, the strangeness of the South China Sea

It was not only the monks who were onlookers who were puzzled, but Yan Chengfeng was also full of curiosity. He wanted to know why these people started the expedition. There was no reason at all.

Besides, it was too weird to be fighting in the Undead Mountain.

"You people! It's all in the world for nothing. Haven't you heard of such exciting news?"

"Breaking news, all the breaking news, I've told you all, don't sell anything, just say it straight, don't hang your appetite any more."

"I'm really curious, what secrets do the Sword God of White Emperor City and Chu Yue of this Tianyi Pavilion have to start their expedition in the Undead Mountain, there is really no reason for this! "

"You should all know that Chu Yue in Tianyi Pavilion is a unique existence. Looking at the whole world, who are the most powerful people with swords, and those people can be called super gods in swordsmanship."

"Super **** of swordsmanship, in today's world, the only super gods of swordsmanship should be the sword **** of Baidicheng and Chu Yue of Tianyi Pavilion."

"As for that Bai Wuyi, although her swordsmanship is quite powerful, there is still a big gap between her and Chu Yue."

"I heard it! The swordsmanship that Chu Yue and Bai Wuyi have cultivated is already superb. I don't know if Bai Wuyi will appear this time."

"Chu Yue and the sword **** of Baidicheng started a campaign. This should have nothing to do with Bai Wuyi!"

"You don't understand this. Haven't you heard of it before? Bai Wuyi is the number one beauty in the world. Even after so long, she is still on the list of beauties."

"Just that white martial arts man, can you still be called a beauty? She's already so old, I guess she's already turned into a bad old woman!"

"You don't understand this! There is a saying that the years never defeat the beauty..."

There are many monks watching, and their discussion direction is gradually deviating.

Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, and she said with doubts: "Eldest Sister Ruolan, what's going on with this Bai Wuyi and this Chu Yue, it seems that these people understand very well!"

His heart was full of doubts, and he didn't understand at all. In the current situation, it seems that there are really many things that have gone beyond his cognition.

Lian Ruolan did not delay, and said directly: "Bai Wuyi is also a very powerful existence. She is famous for her two-handed sword."

"It doesn't matter whether the sword **** of Baidicheng is still this Chu Yue. If you really want to talk about talent and swordsmanship, then I think this Bai Wuyi is the first person who deserves it."

"It's a pity, she can only be stepped on by others now, and she can't be called swordsmanship at all."

She is quite familiar with those ancient secrets, but some things are really hard to say.


Yan Chengfeng's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he said doubtfully, "Why do you say it's a pity, what else is there, a secret that I don't even know about, Mrs. Ruolan, just finish what you have said! Don't say a little, don't say anything. a little."

He also had a really bad headache when he met someone like Lian Ruolan.

Lian Ruolan didn't hide it either, and said solemnly, "I have already said that Bai Wuyi is famous for his two-handed swordsmanship, but it's a pity..."

"About 30,000 years ago, at that time, she could be regarded as a peerless generation, the leader of the younger generation!"

"With her two-handed swordsmanship, in the whole world, no one can stop her sword. Just in her most powerful period, she began to cross the South China Sea without knowing what she was crazy about."

"It was only a month before she came back from the South China Sea. At that time, she had already lost her former style, with scars all over her body, and she was in a state of embarrassment."

"Moreover, she also broke an arm, and even her Wuyi sword fell in the South China Sea."

Hearing this, Yan Chengfeng was a little surprised, and said, "According to what you said, the Bai Wuyi at that time was already an invincible overlord, after all, there is no one in this world who can compete with her. "

"But when she crossed the South China Sea, not only did she lose an arm, she even lost her matching sword and black clothes."

"It seems that she must have encountered a powerful existence. At that time, didn't you go to the South China Sea to explore?"

"Who the **** was that Bai Wuyi injured by!"

Yan Chengfeng was also a little surprised. The first person of the younger generation at that time could end up in such a tragic end. It was really amazing.

Lian Ruolan said calmly and calmly, "The South China Sea is a forbidden area. For many years, no one has dared to set foot in the South China Sea."

"It is said that the South China Sea is the passage to the upper realm, but some people say that it is the place where the strong live in seclusion."

"After countless powerhouses retired, they all went to the South China Sea. Anyway, after Bai Wuyi was defeated and fled back from the South China Sea, no one knew who had injured her."

"Later, I heard from the people in Tianyi Pavilion! Bai Wuyi goes crazy every fifteenth of every month. As for other things, he is in a daze."

When Yan Chengfeng heard this, he was quite helpless, this world! There are indeed many invincible existences, and not everyone can compete.

"Sister Ruolan, based on your experience in the arena, who do you think can hurt Bai Wuyi and make Bai Wuyi flee back in a panic."

Yan Chengfeng was very curious, she felt that Lian Ruolan should know some secrets.

After thinking about it seriously, Lian Ruolan said, "Although I have never seen Bai Wuyi's wound, and I have never seen her insane, at that time Bai Wuyi was indeed quite powerful."

"If there is really such a person, you can cut off one of her arms, and throw the Wuyi sword in the South China Sea, and finally flee back in a panic."

"The one who can force Bai Wuyi to this level should be the only one, Sword Demon."

"Of course, this is just my speculation. Maybe it wasn't the sword demon who made the shot, or it may be the master of the sin."

"I'm just guessing. If you really want to know, then go take a look at Bai Wuyi, let her take off her clothes, and show you what caused the wound on her broken arm."

"Perhaps, then there will be an answer."

Hearing Lian Ruolan's words, Yan Chengfeng was very speechless, that broken arm must be the pain in Bai Wuyi's heart.

Let her take off her clothes even if she wants to open her scar, how is that possible.

"Forget it, I'm not going to the South China Sea anyway, so I don't need to inquire about these issues."

Yan Chengfeng felt that these things had nothing to do with him, and there was absolutely no need to find out.

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