Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 862: sea ​​sun, there is hope

Yan Chengfeng had a headache when he saw Shen Bijun being so persistent. After all, the current situation seemed to be very complicated.

If you continue to stay here, it is estimated that you will really encounter trouble!

But no matter what, since you have come here, even if there are many difficulties and dangers ahead, you must go all out to explore, go forward bravely, and be fearless.

In the Land of Nine Suns, if there really is an ancient inheritance and good fortune, even if it pays some price, it is worth it, and there is no need to think about it too much.


"Since you don't want to leave, then I can only sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman."

Yan Chengfeng finally thought about it seriously. The current problem is indeed quite complicated.

However, he had no other choice.

If there is really no way to grasp this opportunity, it will suffer.

Hearing Yan Chengfeng's answer, Shen Bijun was also very happy. Although she didn't show it, the joy in her heart was indeed real and indelible.

"Then let's move on!"

Now, they are on this strange ark, and through this strange ark, Shen Bijun feels that there should be a great chance to find the land of the Nine Suns.

As long as she finds the Land of Nine Suns, she will definitely be able to find the supreme inheritance. As for other issues, she doesn't need to care too much.

With Yan Chengfeng by her side, they will definitely be invincible and kill God when they meet God.

This group of people is also delusional to compete with them, it is simply wishful thinking.

The strange ark is still moving forward. This ancient sea area has become extraordinarily calm, all sounds are silent, and the dullness is a bit terrifying.

If it is a friar with little courage to set foot here, it is estimated that it will die very ugly!

They are driving the strange ark and are slowly moving forward. In this ancient and strange sea area, some horrifying sights can be seen.

That is a side of the sun.

The sun on this side seems to be parallel to the strange sea, and it looks very attractive.

Yan Chengfeng's eyes sank, and seeing such a scene, he should have been happy, because this means that there may be clues to the land of the Nine Suns here.

However, he had a feeling of fear, which continued and spread from the deepest part of his heart.

It was eerie, scary, scalp-tingling, creepy.

He knows very well how dangerous the current situation is, but he has nothing to say now.

Now that we have come this far, the only thing we can do is to be as careful as possible and try to find the Land of Nine Suns.

As long as you find the Land of Nine Suns, the rest are small problems, and you don't need to worry about them at all.

"In legend, the Land of Nine Suns is the place closest to the sun. That round of the sun has already approached the strange sea, as if it were on a plane. Perhaps, the Land of Nine Suns is ahead."

Shen Bijun's eyes flickered with stars, this place is indeed very extraordinary, and in this ancient battlefield, there are extraordinary things everywhere.

No one can control everything, and those creatures who delusionally control everything will eventually die.

Looking at the entire heavens and stars, everything is nothing but a mirror.

Who will stay forever for whom.

"Since you've already come here, shouldn't you tell me what exactly is the Land of Nine Suns, and what kind of opportunities are hidden in this Land of Nine Suns!"

Yan Chengfeng is still very interested in this matter. Perhaps, this place is really the land of nine suns. As long as you find the land of nine suns, you can explore the supreme creation.

No one can stop it, it's all a matter of common sense.

Regarding the legend of the Land of Nine Suns, he asked three questions, and he didn't know three questions.


At this time, the strange sea suddenly began to shake again, and the fish that disappeared finally reappeared.

They appear very strange and abrupt, and if they are not careful, they will be completely destroyed.

This place is very dangerous, Yan Chengfeng is very vigilant, he always feels that in this secret, every one has a pair of eyes staring at him.

It felt so weird.

"Although these schools of fish have appeared, we still have to be careful, otherwise, if Wudaokou is really dangerous, then I have nothing to do."

Shen Bijun said in a deep voice, this place is indeed related to the Land of Nine Suns, and she is not very clear about what the relationship is.

But one thing is for sure, it is absolutely not to be careless.

In this extreme area, even those cultivators who have the means to penetrate the sky and the earth set foot here, and they will directly solve it.

No one dared to be careless, and if they encountered danger, they would probably die very ugly.

Now, Yan Chengfeng has no choice. Following this Shen Bijun, he has no freedom at all.

However, there is no way to do this, and some things are not so easy to deal with. The only thing that can be done is to deal with it slowly.

"Yan Chengfeng, I know you have a lot of thoughts, but I can tell you clearly, as long as you follow me at ease and don't play tricks with me, you can eat meat if I eat meat, and you can drink if I drink soup. soup."

Shen Bijun looked calm and said calmly, "However, if you dare to play tricks on me, then don't blame me for being ruthless."

"If you dare to sabotage my affairs, then I will definitely let you go."

She feels that some things should be made clear as soon as possible, otherwise, the problem may become more and more serious, and those things are not what she wants to see.

In order to solve future problems as soon as possible, she felt that some things should be made clear.


Yan Chengfeng shrugged helplessly, and he was too lazy to pay attention to this Shen Bijun. Anyway, some of Shen Bijun's words should not be taken to heart.

This woman's words don't need to be taken too seriously at all.

Shen Bijun didn't bother to care about Yan Chengfeng. Anyway, no matter what Yan Chengfeng thought, it had nothing to do with her. As long as all this was clarified, there would be no other troubles.

She carefully observed her surroundings. This kind of situation is indeed quite complicated. If you want to find the land of the Nine Suns, it is not that easy at all.

"I want to enter this strange sea area to investigate the situation."

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