Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 859: The black tower collapsed, the fish trail

Now, on the top floor of this black ancient pagoda, there is only this Tai Chi pattern, and there are two buttons on the Tai Chi pattern. This button must be the control switch.

No one knows what will happen when the switch button is pressed, but at this point, Shen Bijun has no choice.

This black ancient pagoda is extremely dangerous, and there may also be a supreme opportunity, good luck.

She would never allow herself to miss out on those supreme opportunities.

Especially in this case, even if she will die in the next second, she has no regrets.

Because, now she has no more choice, she can only move forward bravely and push all difficulties horizontally.


Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, and he was very clear that there was no choice at all, and this approach was the last resort.

However, he was also very worried, for fear that if he did this, terrible things would happen.

In a dilemma, he quickly made a decision.

Since there is no way to retreat, he can only move forward bravely, even if the front is a cliff, he has no regrets.

"Since this is the only button, we can only press these two buttons."

Yan Chengfeng's eyes sank, and he said, "You should press it, or let me press it."

Anyway, this thing is not dangerous. Since we have come this far, there is nothing to say, everything is just a small problem.

He didn't need to think too much at all, everything was under control anyway.

If something really happened that he couldn't control, he didn't need to worry, he naturally had a way to escape.

"I'll press it! It's not too difficult anyway."

In such a strange situation, although she must be extra cautious every time she does something, she has nothing to say now.

Now that she has chosen the path of cultivation, even if she will die in the next second, she has no regrets or regrets.

This time, we must explore the supreme opportunity, good luck, and no one should think of her as an enemy.

Yan Chengfeng didn't say much, anyway, as Shen Bijun said, it's just two buttons, anyone can press them, there is nothing special at all.

However, he also did not dare to be careless. In this case, he must be extra careful. If it is really dangerous, he will have more time to prepare.


Shen Bijun was standing on the Tai Chi pattern, she was a little excited and a little terrified at the moment, it was complicated anyway.

At this time, it seems to be much more exciting than opening a blind box.

She didn't delay for too long, and pressed the two buttons directly.

After the two buttons were pressed, the ancient black pagoda began to shake in waves, from a slight shaking at the beginning, and then became more and more violent.

Feeling the violent shaking of this black ancient pagoda, Yan Chengfeng's face sank, and he had a feeling that this black ancient pagoda was about to collapse.

He didn't know why this black ancient tower collapsed.

However, if they don't leave as soon as possible, they will definitely be buried here, which is not the ending he wants to see.

"This black ancient tower is about to collapse, let's get out of here quickly."

Yan Chengfeng didn't delay any longer. If he didn't retreat as soon as possible, he would definitely be buried here. Such an ending would not be too good.

The two did not stop halfway, and soon came to the strange ark outside. This place is too dangerous, and there are terrifying existences everywhere.

That black ancient pagoda was still collapsing, and strange scenes emerged everywhere.

"how so."

Shen Bijun's heart was full of doubts. The current situation really gave her a headache. She never thought that such a thing would happen.

Yan Chengfeng shook his head. In the current situation, he is not very clear. He is quite contradictory as to why it has become like this.

However, fortunately, none of them encountered any trouble, otherwise, they would really have to lose the wife and lose the army.

"Yan Chengfeng, look at what that is?"

Just when Shen Bijun was a little disheartened, she suddenly found that a large number of strange fish groups appeared from the place where the black ancient tower collapsed, and they quickly spread out in all directions.

That school of fish looked very strange, and her heart was full of curiosity. Anyway, the things that appeared in this sea area were definitely not ordinary things.

Now that we have come this far, we must make it clear.


Yan Chengfeng didn't delay either, he immediately took action, and by coincidence, he just caught a fish from the sea.

This fish looks very strange. Its whole body has a bright rhythm, and there are some small words engraved on the scales.

Those small words looked very complicated, giving people a wonderful feeling, and Yan Chengfeng had never seen such words before.

Such words seem to have been handed down from a long, long time ago. He is not very clear about what these words record.

Yan Chengfeng threw the fish to Shen Bijun, Shen Bijun picked up the fish and took a look, her eyes gradually darkened.

"Yan Chengfeng, why don't we part ways!"

At this time, Shen Bijun spoke up.

This time, she came here with a purpose, and naturally it was impossible to stay with Yan Chengfeng.

So, she was ready to dump Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng glanced at Shen Bijun and said with a smile, "It is said that women have small hearts, it seems that they are not wrong!"

"You discovered the secret, and you wanted to leave alone and take possession of the chance alone. Did you not consider me a friend?"

Yan Chengfeng felt that this Shen Bijun must have discovered something.

Especially in the current situation, it is impossible for him to let Shen Bijun go, and he must follow Shen Bijun.

In the current situation, only by following Shen Bijun, can we find the chance and make good fortune.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to leave this place at all.

Shen Bijun's face turned gloomy. She stared at Yan Chengfeng. At this moment, she realized that Yan Chengfeng, a nasty guy, had no gentlemanly manners.

When she met such a guy, she really had a headache.

However, she has no choice!

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