Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 851: Into the stagnant water, the coercion disappears

Lian Ruolan was too powerful, even Yan Chengfeng had to admit that Lian Ruolan was the most terrifying existence he had ever seen for many years.

Granny Chu's eyes sank slightly and she said, "Perhaps, she can slaughter gods now."

"Slaughter God!"

Chu Huang frowned slightly and looked at Granny Chu in surprise, always feeling that this was too scary.

"Mother Chu, are you holding her up too high?"

Chu Huang couldn't believe it, this was really unbelievable.

Slaughter God!

It was a legend from a long, long time ago, so that there are not many people in this world who can remember those legends.

Grandma Chu reminded indifferently: "Don't reveal half of this matter, and don't let anyone know that God exists, understand?"

God, that was a long time ago.

Slaughter God, that was also a long time ago.

If the existence of the slaughtering **** really appeared in this world, it would definitely cause shocking waves.

Of course, it will also bring endless disasters to the world.



"Don't worry, I know the seriousness of this matter, and I will promise not to mention it."

Chu Huang also understands the seriousness of this matter, so she will never reveal half of it.

Grandma Chu didn't say much. After calming her mind, she continued to observe Ruolan's breathing method.

As for the others, they all moved their eyes to the center of the storm, clenched their hands into fists, and they were all very nervous.

After all, this time Lian Ruolan's shot is directly related to whether they can enter the stagnant water and explore those supreme opportunities and make good fortune.

Therefore, the success or failure of refining Ruolan really had a big impact. All living beings hope that she can lead all living beings through that dead water mouth.

Let everyone enter the ancient battlefield, stir up the nine days of wind and cloud, and kill it to turn the world upside down.


In that territory, a terrifying thunderbolt fell, and the entire boundless mountains and rivers were about to collapse.

The fierceness contained in this territory is really terrifying. If a monk with weak Taoism sets foot here, there must be only one dead end.

No one dares to be careless, and if one is not careful, it will be irreversible.

The mountains and rivers are broken, the sun and the moon are vertical and horizontal.

Lian Ruolan's attack is very terrifying. Her methods are unparalleled in the world. Looking at the whole world, there are very few creatures who can compete with her.

No one dared to provoke Lian Ruolan, they all knew very well that if they offended Lian Ruolan, there would only be a dead end.

No one dares to be careless, especially in the current situation. If you make a rash move, there will only be a dead end.

Lian Ruolan was in control of Xing Tian, ​​and her speed was so terrifying that the entire vast mountains and rivers were about to collapse and collapse.

Everyone dared not get close to this place, they could only watch the battle from a distance, and the current situation was too tense.

If you can enter the stagnant water, then you can explore the supreme creation, which is an excellent opportunity that everyone does not want to miss.


Lian Ruolan and Xing Tian were walking forward step by step, and she was almost approaching the stagnant water.

Such peerless ferocity is definitely not something that ordinary people can contend with. With the impact of the monstrous pressure, under the continuous improvement, the entire mountains and rivers will collapse and collapse, and hideous cracks can be seen everywhere.

No one dares to be careless, especially in the current situation, if you are not careful, you will fall into a doomed situation.

"Lian Ruolan's attack is really terrifying! Looking at the entire boundless world, there are probably not many who can compete with her."

"This time, if I can really enter the stagnant water, it must be thanks to Lian Ruolan."

"Before entering the stagnant water, the fierceness outside is already so terrifying. If you enter the stagnant water, the terror will be even more dangerous!"

"The current situation is indeed quite complicated. No matter what, you must be cautious."

"I think there should be a strange danger hidden here. If you set foot rashly, I'm afraid there is only a dead end..."

There are so many monks watching, and no one dares to be careless, especially in the current situation, one slip will become eternal hatred.

No matter what the final outcome is, since it has already come here, it is quite dangerous.


One after another terrifying attack fell, and the thunder was rolling, appearing to be very domineering. Such a peerless divine might can be called unparalleled in the world, and there is no daring to be careless, especially in the current situation.

Lian Ruolan didn't flinch either. He was always moving forward. The current situation was very strict. She knew that if something went wrong, she would suffer.

"That is……"

Lian Ruolan had already arrived at the entrance of the Dead Water Mouth, where she entered the ancient battlefield. From this direction, she could clearly see the situation inside.

The fierce rhythm in there is very terrifying, there is a monstrous energy rhythm bursting out, and the coercion shocks out, as if it can tear everything. It is a very dangerous place. A frightening breath of coercion.

She can be sure that it is very dangerous inside, and the coercion emanating from that place is so terrifying, she is a little frightened, and she does not dare to move forward rashly for a while.

However, since she has come this far, she has nothing to say and must enter.

After hesitating for a while, she immediately entered.

Although that kind of ferocity is very terrifying, but now she has no choice, she can only make a move as soon as possible.


After Lian Ruolan entered it, the rhythmic might of this territory disappeared in an instant.

Seeing such a scene, everyone was ecstatic and very happy. They all knew that there would be no danger in entering the stagnant water now.

At this time, there is no need for them to retreat, and they must go all out to enter the stagnant water and explore the supreme creation.

They definitely don't want to miss out on such a peerless creation and opportunity.

As long as they can **** the good fortune here, as for other issues, they will not take it to heart at all.

Anyone who tried to stand in their way would die.

Some people have already entered that stagnant water outlet. In the current situation, if they don't enter as soon as possible, they are also worried that they will have more dreams at night.

Yan Chengfeng will naturally not be delayed, especially in the current situation, there is absolutely no delay. He must enter the stagnant water as soon as possible to explore the supreme creation.

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