Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 849: Chu Huang proposed, but did not want to agree

After all, Lian Ruolan is also battle-hardened. She is very clear and understands the danger now.

In any case, since it has been waiting for such a long time, it is not in a hurry.

Anyway, this dead water outlet will be opened sooner or later, and they don't need to be too hasty at all.

If they are too hasty, then their fate may be the same as those before.

No one wants to die, so in this case, the only thing everyone can do is to deal with it slowly.

All of this is beyond their control. If they want to blindly deal with problems, they will definitely lose their lives.

Yan Chengfeng is of course very clear that now is not the time to take action rashly, so when he sees those people falling one after another, he is already ready to retreat.

If there is really no way to pass through this place, then he will definitely not be so impulsive, and can only choose to retreat, that is the most correct choice.

After all, people only live once, and it would not be worthwhile to lose one's life here.

At this time, although the passages of the stagnant water have been opened, no one has acted.

Those creatures who acted rashly just now have become a cloud of blood, so they all know that if they act rashly now, there is only a dead end.

All sentient beings stayed in the distance, stopped to watch, they were all waiting, waiting for a suitable opportunity.

Waiting for those invincibles to shoot, only when those invincibles set off is the safest.

These little guys just need to follow behind this group of invincibles.

When other people eat meat, they go and drink some soup!

After all, human life is the most important thing. As long as one can live, there is still hope for everything.

If it falls, there really is nothing left.

"Yan Chengfeng, why don't you go and explore the way."

Someone proposed, and the person who spoke was naturally Chu Huang.

Chu Huang felt that since Yan Chengfeng was so powerful, he should go out and explore the situation in that territory.

In the current situation, it is impossible for everyone to wait all the time.

No one knows how long it will take to wait.

No one knows what kind of creation was in that ancient battlefield.

But since they have already come here, they have no intention of retreating. They must enter this ancient battlefield, and then explore the supreme opportunity and fortune.

Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, he always felt that this Chu Huang was joking.

However, in the current situation, he really has to go out, and he doesn't know what danger will come next.

Continuing to wait here is not the best certainty. He feels that this time, he still has to take the initiative.

"Miss Chu is the descendant of the immortal Taoism, and she is also a well-known existence on the list of gods. It stands to reason that for a strong person like you, it is the safest to explore the road ahead."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "I, Yan Chengfeng, have no name or sect. If you let me go out to explore the way, is it not obvious that you are looking for a dead end?"

"So, I still don't want to do this kind of self-inflicted errand."

"It's better for Miss Chu to explore, the road ahead, after the completion of the matter, I will definitely have a reward."

Of course he would not take the initiative to take risks, especially in the current situation, he must be extra careful, and he will fall into a doomed situation if he is not careful.

However, there is no time to delay now, and the front stagnant water must be explored as soon as possible.

Chu Huang wanted to let him go out to explore, but he was naturally unwilling. As for other issues, he didn't need to care too much at all. These were all small things.

Chu Huang rolled her eyes directly, she was really speechless to Yan Chengfeng, this guy really has no manners at all, it really gave her a headache!

She came to Yan Chengfeng's side in an instant, pulled Yan Chengfeng aside, and said solemnly, "Yan Chengfeng, I think you seem to be interested in Shen Bijun's green tea."

"That's it! As long as you go out to explore the way, I will definitely help you get that green tea."

She knew that Yan Chengfeng was a suave bad guy, and she would definitely be tempted by a beautiful girl like Shen Bijun.

Using Shen Bijun to tempt Yan Chengfeng was the best choice. As for other issues, she didn't bother to think too much about it, everything would go wrong.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "What you said is quite good and very tempting. However, I think this condition should be changed."

Chu Huang frowned slightly, and asked suspiciously, "What do you want to change?"

The current situation is indeed quite troublesome, so you must be extra cautious. Once something goes wrong, it is estimated that the whole thing will become more and more complicated and troublesome.

Yan Chengfeng didn't think too much, and said directly: "Of course this matter is very simple, I can go ahead to explore the way, but you have to give me something good!"

"As for me, I never do business at a loss. Even if you are the most popular, I can't be an exception."

Hearing Yan Chengfeng's words, Chu Huang's face was a little embarrassed. She didn't expect that Yan Chengfeng was so bold that he dared to think about her.


Chu Huang frowned slightly, glared at Yan Chengfeng fiercely, and said coldly, "Don't be too deceiving."

Yan Chengfeng smiled indifferently and said, "What did you say, why did I become such a deceiver?"

"I just suggested it casually, whether you want it or not, that's your business, how can you anger me."

Yan Chengfeng is really speechless, this woman! It's really hard to understand!


Chu Huang snorted heavily, she didn't want to pay attention to Yan Chengfeng at all.

This guy is really hateful, no matter what, she won't care about Yan Chengfeng anymore.

Yan Chengfeng didn't care too much, these were all minor issues anyway.

After Chu Huang left, Yan Chengfeng calmly walked to Lian Ruolan's side.

"What did Chu Huang tell you just now?"

Lian Ruolan asked, she was very curious.

Yan Chengfeng didn't hide it, and told her: "What she can say is to ask me to take the initiative to explore the road ahead. Of course, that is impossible."

"It's just that it doesn't seem like the right thing for us to be doing now."

"Next time, it will probably be more and more troublesome!"

In the current situation, if we continue to wait, no one knows what changes will happen.

But this is the end of the matter, and there is no choice. We must be extra cautious.

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